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Gs3 ban


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Possible, but I sure hope the courts would have more sense than to continue this idiocy...


Yeah I hope they do have some sense and tell apple to stop. Isnt what they are doing starting a monopoly? Trying to stop something similar to siri. Called competition, which you cant have if all others is banned.


I just hope if they do get the injunction on the gs3, that i have enough money to get me one b4 it happens

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Nope, Lucy Koh, the clueless judge who made the Galaxy Nexus injunction, will probably rule on the GS3 as well.


It's a shame you can't get Federal Judges expelled like Members of Congress or impeached like Presidents.

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I thought crApple already tried to block the SGSIII... and the Judge threw it out. Wouldn't surprise me if the scum bags tried it again, though.


nope judge just said she was too busy

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nope judge just said she was too busy


Oh, I see. I didn't realize that. Thanks!


Edit: However, "I'm too busy," is exactly what every Judge should say when crApple brings this to court.

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Nope' date=' Lucy Koh, the clueless judge who made the Galaxy Nexus injunction, will probably rule on the GS3 as well.


It's a shame you can't get Federal Judges expelled like Members of Congress or impeached like Presidents.[/quote']


Actually, federal judges can be impeached. Congress has to do it though.


Sent from my Acer A200 using Forum Runner

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Possible, but I sure hope the courts would have more sense than to continue this idiocy...


Courts don't create law.


I think the collective group of members on S4GRU who are tired of the lawsuits should really focus on the patent laws, which are created by congress.


There are lots of laws people could write to change how the process of ruling on IP is done.


I think a lot of members are barking up the wrong tree.


When someone creates something, patents it, and feels someone infringes on it, I don't see the problem with having a court rule on if that IP was infringed upon. My issue revolves around the complete and total chaos that results.


This is not a judges fault. The laws that say what to do are simply out-dated and don't/can't apply to this new world of technology that's changing so quickly.



Cliff notes:


Bad, outdated patent laws are a giant problem in the quickly changing tech industry.

People are allowed to sue, you can't take that away.

Judges just work with law someone else created, they don't create law.

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I have had the opportunity to sue about a half dozen times in my life. And refused to every time. Most people attribute that to character. Having the right to sue and exercising it are very different things.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner

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Courts don't create law.


I think the collective group of members on S4GRU who are tired of the lawsuits should really focus on the patent laws, which are created by congress.



Courts interpret laws and establish precedent. When one judge rules that some bull-stuff that Apple was awarded a patent is infringed upon, they are establishing precedent and therefore are changing the way the laws are interpreted in the future.

Edited by pyroscott
"rant" removed
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I have had the opportunity to sue about a half dozen times in my life. And refused to every time. Most people attribute that to character. Having the right to sue and exercising it are very different things.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner


Yes, a nice google search on "Monster" (maker of Monster Cable) or "Rambus" will show some real treasures.


That being said, you have always had the choice - and that's what matters.



Courts interpret laws and establish precedent. When one judge rules that some bull-stuff that Apple was awarded a patent is infringed upon, they are establishing precedent and therefore are changing the way the laws are interpreted in the future.


And as far as congress creating patent laws... You actually think that corrupt group of pork loving, self important, bribe taking, worthless abominations are going to do anything other than accept all of Apple's bribes and let them hold their money offshore evading taxes, while using their status as an "American company" to manipulate the United States legal system like a puppet?


If they interpret the law incorrectly that's A) what the appeals process is for B - because they are trying to interpret poorly crafted laws.


The second part is more of a rant than a real response... not sure what to say to that.


Again, this comes down to if you feel that a company doesn't operate in a matter that you are comfortable with, don't do business with them. Like I said in the other post - I don't buy any Apple products.



The most ironic part is - I see no news articles on corruption within apple... however Samsung has been plagued with corruption.


Samsung Slush funds scandal


On January 14, 2008, Lee's home and office were raided by the Korean police for an ongoing probe into accusations that Samsung is responsible for a slush fund used to bribe influential prosecutors, judges, and political figures in South Korea.[3] After the second round of questioning by the South Korean prosecutors which occurred on April 11, 2008, Lee was quoted by reporters saying "I am responsible for everything. I will assume full moral and legal responsibility.” This is unlike his statement during his first summon on April 4, 2008 in which he bluntly denied allegations against him for his role in the Samsung Slush Funds scandal.[4] It is believed that Lee is looking for resignation as the CEO of Samsung. On April 21, he officially resigned, and stated: "We, including myself, have caused troubles to the nation with the special probe; I deeply apologise for that, and I'll take full responsibility for everything, both legally and morally."[5]

On July 16, 2008, The New York Times reported that the Seoul Central District Court found him guilty on charges of financial wrongdoing and tax evasion. Prosecutors requested that Lee be sentenced to seven years in prison and fined $347 million. The court fined him $109 million and sentenced him to 3 years suspended jail time. Lee has not responded to the verdict.[6]

On December 29, 2009, the South Korean government moved to pardon Lee Kun-hee to help Pyeongchang's bid for hosting the 2018 Winter Olympics.[7] However, IOC decided to suspend his right to participate any IOC commission meeting for five years.[8]

On March 24, 2010, he announced his return to Samsung Group as its chairman.[9]

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The second part is more of a rant than a real response... not sure what to say to that.



You are correct that the second part was more rant than response and it has been removed.


The problem with trying to change the patent laws, is that congress doesn't feel a "need" to change them. The laws loosely carry out the purpose for which they were enacted. Even though the laws allow companies to manipulate them, members of congress lack the technical knowledge to identify the need or write new laws. Furthermore, reason would lead me to believe that Apple is investing a considerable abount of money in lobbying against any change so they can continue to do business the way they have.


As far as non-support of companies that I disagree with their business practices. I am on a personal boycott of both Apple and Walmart.

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You are correct that the second part was more rant than response and it has been removed.


The problem with trying to change the patent laws, is that congress doesn't feel a "need" to change them. The laws loosely carry out the purpose for which they were enacted. Even though the laws allow companies to manipulate them, members of congress lack the technical knowledge to identify the need or write new laws. Furthermore, reason would lead me to believe that Apple is investing a considerable abount of money in lobbying against any change so they can continue to do business the way they have.


As far as non-support of companies that I disagree with their business practices. I am on a personal boycott of both Apple and Walmart.


I agree, congress needs to do more - but we can't blame judges and our current justice system for that. We have a patent system that can't keep up with how quickly technology changes.


I personally think apple should put their money where their mouth is - they should stop doing business with Samsung all together. If Apple feels like Samsung is knocking off their products - why would you have Samsung build them? It's pretty ironic.


I am guessing this should slow down soon. Everyone has been bulking up their IP portfolio under the "if you hit me, I'll hit you back" theory. Hence why google is suing apple now.

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I agree, congress needs to do more - but we can't blame judges and our current justice system for that. We have a patent system that can't keep up with how quickly technology changes.


I personally think apple should put their money where their mouth is - they should stop doing business with Samsung all together. If Apple feels like Samsung is knocking off their products - why would you have Samsung build them? It's pretty ironic.


I am guessing this should slow down soon. Everyone has been bulking up their IP portfolio under the "if you hit me, I'll hit you back" theory. Hence why google is suing apple now.


Yeah, hopefully it slows down. I would hate to see the tech sites turned into an unending soap opera of A is suing B for this and B is suing C for that and D is suing A and C for this. Ugh... drama.

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Yeah, hopefully it slows down. I would hate to see the tech sites turned into an unending soap opera of A is suing B for this and B is suing C for that and D is suing A and C for this. Ugh... drama.


Yeah, the drama never seems to end... hopefully the smartphone battles will simmer down though. After all, that's why google bought moto.



Rambus puts Apple Vs. Sammy to shame. Nice little "brief" synopsis on wikipedia:





Read the monster ones too... those are just downright horrible.


I will NEVER EVER EVER buy a monster product. I really start to take issue when a company tries to sue another entity solely based on the other entities inability to pay. It's so bad that Engadget put a moratorium on Monster products.


Absolutely downright horrible.


Another one is MagicJack:



Just wrong.

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Can't wait. I'm going Windows Phone... LOL


No doubt Apple will go after them eventually, IF Windows Phone ever starts claiming significant market share.

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No doubt Apple will go after them eventually, IF Windows Phone ever starts claiming significant market share.


Lets hope it doesn't 'cause it's a really horrible platform. I really hope that Apple can f off and stop stifling innovation it's really sad when Apple tries to go after every company that uses Android in their products. Regardless if the reason for going after them is justified they try to kill any company that supposedly infringes on their overly vague and broad patents. I love how they go specifically after the Galaxy Nexus, which is likely to get Jelly Bean first and have a extremely superior competitive feature to their beloved Siri which his been shown to only get things right 62% of the time and responds slowly to every possible query. Google's Voice assistant seems to respond quickly and accurately every time (from the videos I've seen of it being used.) I really look forward to using it as long as Apple doesn't get to it and f it up first.

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Lets hope it doesn't 'cause it's a really horrible platform. I really hope that Apple can f off and stop stifling innovation it's really sad when Apple tries to go after every company that uses Android in their products. Regardless if the reason for going after them is justified they try to kill any company that supposedly infringes on their overly vague and broad patents. I love how they go specifically after the Galaxy Nexus' date=' which is likely to get Jelly Bean first and have a extremely superior competitive feature to their beloved Siri which his been shown to only get things right 62% of the time and responds slowly to every possible query. Google's Voice assistant seems to respond quickly and accurately every time (from the videos I've seen of it being used.) I really look forward to using it as long as Apple doesn't get to it and f it up first.[/quote']


Are you saying that the windows phone platform is horrible? I have studied WP OS extensively and my findings are that it is an efficient, solid platform that is ready to start taking some thunder from ios and android. The only things lacking for it are that the app market is not as full and rich as apple or android and that it is not getting any support from CDMA carriers. The windows phones that were offered on sprint and verizon have higher user reviews than the Jesus phone. So either you are basing your opinion on the defunct windows mobile OS, or you are looking at different data than I have found.


Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner

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Arhh..I'm so paranoid with the thought of this happening, lol. I have a couple of week left until my upgrade, hopefully I'll be able to pick one up.

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As expected, Samsung has appealed the injunction against the Galaxy Tab and the Nexus. They've filed a motion to stay the injunction with the current court until the appeal is heard. It'll probably be granted so, everything is business as usual until the appeal is heard and decided.



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Samsung Slush funds scandal


On January 14, 2008, Lee's home and office were raided by the Korean police for an ongoing probe into accusations that Samsung is responsible for a slush fund used to bribe influential prosecutors, judges, and political figures in South Korea.[3]

This guy is just living in the wrong country, that's all. Not so much with judges and prosecutors, but giving money to politicians to get what you want is totally legal in the US. Some call it campaign contributions, others call it legal bribery. Maybe Samsung needs to step up and "contribute" more.

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This guy is just living in the wrong country, that's all. Not so much with judges and prosecutors, but giving money to politicians to get what you want is totally legal in the US. Some call it campaign contributions, others call it legal bribery. Maybe Samsung needs to step up and "contribute" more.


That's why all of these people recently went to jail?









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