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Boston Network Vision/LTE Deployment is charging full steam ahead with 20 sites now confirmed complete




by Robert Herron

Sprint 4G Rollout Updates

Friday, March 16, 2012 - 2:58 PM MDT


Exciting breaking news from the S4GRU.com News Desk! Since our Central Jersey story broke on March 6th, we have received information from three separate sources about Network Vision upgrades that have been complete in the Boston market.


Now S4GRU.com can confirm that 20 sites have been upgraded in the Sprint Boston market (see map below) to Network Vision. What is really exciting about this, is it is further confirmation of the validity of our inside sourced material. If you recall, Sprint hasn't even announced the Boston market yet. But we announced it as a First Round market back on February 20th! And now work is coming to pass as we said.


The initial tip was for four sites complete out on Cape Cod. That expanded to a dozen all over the outer parts of the market, and now it's up to 20. All in 10 days time. I am not certain whether that this deployment in Boston is showing that sites are being deployed outside of the cluster sequence here, or if we are looking at work appearing in several scattered clusters (which is the most likely explanation).


This is an exciting update for our Bay Staters! 20 sites down, 920 more sites to go. Network Vision is rolling out steadily now. If you live in any of these areas or want to travel to one of these sites to check things out, send me a PM. I will send you a zoomed in map of any one of these sites. You can then drive over, run some performance tests and take some photos for us. You can be featured right here at Sprint 4G Rollout Updates.



Sites Complete in Boston market. Just over 2% of all Boston Network Vision sites have been overhauled. 20 of 940 down. Click on map to enlarge.

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Anyone know where that tower is in the Westboro/Shrewsbury area?


It's right behind Bay State Commons off Brigham Street.



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It's right behind Bay State Commons off Brigham Street.Robert

Oh wow great, is that tower slated for a 4G upgrade. Are there any towers scheduled soon for an upgrade in the area as I do not see much of the sprint site?

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Does anyone know where the tower is in the Gardner, Templeton area?


There are actually four completed NV sites in the area now:





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