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Silver Lining for Phoenix and Tucson/Yuma Markets...the schedule appears to be moving up for the Grand Canyon State




by Robert Herron

Sprint 4G Rollout Updates

Friday, March 30, 2012 - 1:46 AM MDT


What about Phoenix? What about Phoenix? What about Phoenix???


I get asked that every day. Sometimes several times per day! On social media, our forum pages and our chat rooms are filled with Phoenicians and Arizonans who feel they have been more than patient with Sprint awaiting for first 4G WiMax and now just even to hear an announcement on 4G LTE.


And here we are, S4GRU.com has announced all of the markets that Sprint has planned for the First Two rounds of Network Vision/LTE deployment. There was no mention of Phoenix in any of those continual announcements. What gives?


Officially, Phoenix and its market neighbor Tucson/Yuma are in the Third Round. However, S4GRU.com can reveal to you that the dates for RF Design and backhaul dates for these two markets are significantly earlier than other 3rd Round markets. Additionally, in a Network Vision schedule update S4GRU obtained a few weeks ago, both the Phoenix and Tucson/Yuma markets engineering schedules moved up from previous schedules.


Now with the latest schedule updates, the Phoenix and Tucson/Yuma markets engineering and design are only 30 days later than what is shown for the last 2nd Round markets. Whereas 3rd Round markets are typically 4 to 5 months later. However, even with the improved dates, Alcatel/Lucent still shows these two markets being in the 3rd Round.



Photo of Downtown Phoenix provided courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.


Are these markets being moved up to the Second Round? Will they be in a no man's land schedule wise between the 2nd and 3rd round? Did someone realize that it would be crazy to do this work in Arizona at the hottest part of the year in 2013, so it should be moved up to Winter? We cannot say with certainty at this time.


It appears that something is a foot. We will continue to monitor schedule progress and let all of you in Arizona know if there are any more changes. I am now cautiously optimistic for you Phoenicians. If I were a betting man, I would wager that you will start seeing sites come live before the end of the 2nd Round.



Photo of Tucson provided courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.


We will also be announcing two more markets in the same boat in an article on Monday morning. Then, the market announcements will stop for awhile. I can't think of why we would announce 3rd Round markets so early. There is way too much variability to what can happen with their schedules. We may repeat this exercise again with 3rd and 4th Round markets later in the year.


Source: Undisclosed internal source

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It’s been just around the corner or within weeks for many years now and still NO LTE IN PHOENIX...  Again and Again we have been told it's coming just wait a little longer.  When Sprint finally completed their buy out of Clearwire we were going to get it moved up... then when they merged with Softbank everything was going to be fast tracked...  Then we were told that since we waited so long we were going to get the new "advanced LTE" but still NOTHING.  AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile all have great LTE networks up and running in Phoenix... Guess it really is time to quit believing in fairy tales...  All 5 of my business phones are out of here when the contract is up next month...

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It’s been just around the corner or within weeks for many years now and still NO LTE IN PHOENIX...  Again and Again we have been told it's coming just wait a little longer.  When Sprint finally completed their buy out of Clearwire we were going to get it moved up... then when they merged with Softbank everything was going to be fast tracked...  Then we were told that since we waited so long we were going to get the new "advanced LTE" but still NOTHING.  AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile all have great LTE networks up and running in Phoenix... Guess it really is time to quit believing in fairy tales...  All 5 of my business phones are out of here when the contract is up next month...


You are free to go.  We won't stop you.  But there are already a dozen Sprint LTE sites live in Phoenix and more going live every day or two.






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