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Everything posted by IsaiahL

  1. You must be jailbroken cause ur phone says NaNaCh!ll instead of Sprint . Lmao nice
  2. LTE is amazing , I had it all day yesterday I was so disappointed when I got home bc I was out of Signal Range & I didn't have it anymore .
  3. Speedtest from yesterday's LTE adventure . https://www.dropbox.com/s/648xhedwenn3o39/2013-02-24%2018.19.03.png I have more but there weird , ill post them when im in a area of better service .
  4. SPEEDTEST Coming soon , I currently have LTE amazing loving it .
  5. Trip ending tomorrow , gonna be passing through the Bronx & White Plains , I hope my phone don't act stupid & not connect to LTE even tho i'll be directly past the purple blotches on Sensorly .
  6. DAMNN , 18GB sheesh lucky you living in the Bronx ,
  7. So idk care if Sensorly knows my location , damn Apple is so Paranoid . If I ain't worried about Sensorly having my location then they shouldn't either .
  8. The struggle for us Apple folk hopefully in the next iOS update that will change , but for all ur Android folk yall need to head out to Queen's & Map .
  9. When I connected to LTE in White Plains the dBm was between 100-115 & it kept on disconnecting & reconnecting the single wasn't very stable but the speeds were fast which is weird .
  10. The samething happened to me when I was in the Bronx & White Plains I had to keep putting my phone in & out of Airplane Mode just for it to connect .
  11. Nope probably not , It took me a full month to get to 1 full GB , I was trying so hard to get to 1GB & it took me a full month .
  12. Sprint Did this sooo backwards , idk why they would start LTE in a city like Chicage instead of coming to the big Apple first ,
  13. Lmao , true , cause my friend has the AT&T iPhone 5 & his average LTE speeds are 15-20mbps down & 5-10 up im cool with that . I'd go back to AT&T but I don't like that fact that after using 5GB of LTE data they slow ur speeds down , my friends who have Unlimited deal with this problem , & i'd go to Verizon but to get unlimited you have to pay full price for the phone & phones now in days can range from 500-900 unsubsized & ain't nobody got time to be breaking that kinda money just to get unlimited .
  14. It's probably Sprint , they often messing with the network to test it , it happens to me quite a bit when im in class my service will be good in one class & when I go to the next my service will drop to Extended O really annoying .
  15. AT&T & Verizon usually gets 40-60mbps down & 15-25mbps up , tbh i'd be fine if I could get speeds like my wifi , my wifi speeds is between 40-45mbps down & 35-40mbps up I'd only dream to get those speeds , & HD streaming is the one thing that i'd like to have i've tried to use 3G to stream but the quality is way to crappy to watch the video . -_-
  16. YASSS in love with Sprint , TeamSprint For life , can't wait till LTE is all over the place gonna be using maaaaaad Data .
  17. What is 878 ? I live in Elmont Long Island New York , Elmont is like the boarder line between Queens & Long Island , im like 5-10mins away from the Cross Island
  18. Yeah I noticed that & its great I can't wait until my Market (Long Island) has it .
  19. Sprint is really expanding , I just found out that Sprint LTE is available in New Orleans (excuse me if im late on that news) & San Francisco , I know the San Francisco Market has just been launched im not sure about New Orleans tho .
  20. Still there , went Snowboarding , fell a couple of times lmao , my butt hurts , the service up here is nothing but 3G & 2G more 2G than expected but when i connect to the 3G it's faster than what I get at home , I'd say Sprint service up here is good when you have it , so basically they just need to add more towers & improve the calling quality .
  21. Yupp , thats why im waiting if they disappoint with iOS 7 then im definitely gonna Jailbreak & that's my plan .
  22. I know that much , but I don't want to Jailbreak , I lose my warranty for one , & im waiting for iOS 7 which is set for a summer release with the iPhone 5S
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