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Everything posted by IsaiahL

  1. Isn't Sprint set to be done with the deployment by that tie .
  2. This just made my day http://wirelessandmobilenews.com/2013/04/sprint-ltes-la-fast-13mbps-hollywood.html
  3. Ohhhhhh I didn't see that , thats weird , I thought It was LTE .
  4. Yeah , He was 17-18 looking athletic build . I have pretty big hands says everyone so one punch probably would've stun him enough for me to take my phone & go
  5. You know its funny the whole time I was running after him I was thinking the samething . But I most likely would've fought him for it , I mean if he had some sorta weapon then he wouldn't have ran he would've stabbed me took my phone & left me there to die .
  6. Weird , when I was at the Sprint I noticed 2 Galaxy S2's that had 4G but all the other phones didn't have it at all it was weird because I was at Green Acres Mall , I know for a fact that LTE hasn't reached that far . I ran some speedtest but anyone care to explain why these to phones has LTe . http://tinypic.com/r/34tblzl/6
  7. Lml so true , I did have my headphones in but I usually carry my phone in my pocket but this time I had , had my metro card in my case & I was taking it out & the dude snatched it .
  8. Yeah I tried that , but I didn't have a code at the moment so he took the phone & restored it right away . The guy got me when I was getting on the bus , I had my phone out cause my metro card was in the case so I had it in my hand then WOOP its gone , I chased him for a couple blocks but he was faster (probably did it before) & I lost him , called the cops & there currently tracking it through GPS . If they find it then ill just give it to my mom & keep the new one that shes about to buy me . Nothing for the next half hour im getting another one , I LOVE MY MOMMY Thanks , unfortunately I wasn't Jailbroken , they should make that an official App in the App Store it would sell exceptionally. Used iCloud , & Sprint was useless in the situation, I didn't have Equiptment Protection so even though i've been with them for 10+ years they wouldn't give me a new one, the only reason im getting another one is because someone else on my plan has an upgrade available . Sprint said I could use that & pay 200$ for a new one , better than nothing right Sikeee lmaoo TeamiPhone even when I don't have one .
  9. Wahhhh I hate thieves , Someone stole my phone , my poor iPhone 5 come back to me :'(
  10. 3G all the time , unless I pass into Queens or Brooklyn to my dads .
  11. Lmaoo only in my school , its brick foundation cause my service to drop off 3G to 2G unless im near some sorta door or window
  12. No LTE yet but improved 3G way better than before . I think this will hold me over just until LTE is over in my area .
  13. I know that feeling , I remember when I first got LTE , it was amazing super fast & reliable loved it. My 3G experience has been getting better I must say. Speeds are consistant & usable to some extent , im enjoying it .
  14. So then go to T-Mobile , Sprint is working hard on there LTE as well , if you can't wait then go to T-Mobile , I hear they have unlimited service too .
  15. Lmao well since were talking about T-Mobile check this out http://m.technobuffalo.com/videos/t-mobile-iphone-with-4g-lte-hands-on-2/
  16. Questions guys , not trying to start any problems but why you guys keep talking about T-Mobiles launch & stuff .
  17. Never the lowest i've gotten is likes between 60-80
  18. Love NV , I think one of the towers near me have been upgraded . I now get 1.50mbps down & like 1mbps up .
  19. Well , We'll see but Sprint already has a head start it should take a while for T-Mobile to catch up .
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