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Everything posted by IsaiahL

  1. NV Towers in Suffolk County https://www.dropbox.com/s/kvyopvcsv3gynsu/2013-02-08%2023.26.03.png
  2. Woaahh look at Sprint's progress so proud . https://www.dropbox.com/s/5nbzoaa1c6wxav1/2013-02-08%2012.23.16.jpg
  3. Nvm guys I figured it out . Thanks for the assistance though,
  4. How do you get an iPhone to show the dBm , i've always wonder . On certain pictures i've seen on here instead of having the bars in the corner they have the dBm showed in the corner. Like this http://m.lifehacker.com/5929546/see-the-actual-signal-strength-on-your-iphone-with-this-quick-tweak
  5. So happy to see LTE spreading across BK & Queen's even during a storm lmao .
  6. Those are great speeds & people say Sprint sucks once the NV plan is complete Sprint will be one of the top dogs,
  7. & I have some service improvements , YAY I think Sprint finally fixed the towers closest to me , bc service as of today has been great loving it . https://www.dropbox.com/s/piq9l4g952ovt6m/2013-02-08%2005.47.51.png & I got this speed IN MY HOUSE
  8. Yeah I noticed that , in Downtown Manhattan a new blob of purple recently appeared & in like a day, im just Baffled by the speed of Sprint .
  9. Yup Sprint is definitely trying to meet there deadline which from the rumors i've heard , they NYC to have Sprint LTE by the end of March I think they could make it happen at the speed their moving at.
  10. This weekend , really bad snow storm , hopefully it just turns to rain like it always does .
  11. Yup as always , were supposed to be getting a nor-easter .
  12. I'm assuming you were somewhere around this general area? https://www.dropbox.com/s/vmmxh6mu6q9jrep/2013-02-05%2016.01.03.png
  13. See thats the thing I don't like the whole teaser thing yeah it gets me excited when I get LTE for that moment but once im out of the zone its back to the old 3G service & it sucks knowing I have a 4G LTE capable phone & I can't access that side of the network YET.
  14. Keyword MONTHS , I wish it was weeks lml , but I guess i'll just have to wait , I wonder if its gonna be like this when 5G comes out Lol jumping a couple years into the future.
  15. I understand that but Sprint needs to hurry up d.a. there moving mad slow.
  16. I cant wait for LTE my 3G has been disappointing as of today , & my phone keeps flip flopping from 3G to 2G & then the 2G is working better than 3G IDK if that makes sense but its what im getting weird huh ,
  17. Just learned something today thank you for the lesson . Im still hoping for a summer release of LTE in my town idc bout the rest of L.I lol .
  18. Oh well , im directly near the end of Queens like im on the borderline , so my town Elmont will probably get LTE around the time Queens does hopefully. I don't understand why Sprint has NYC & Long Island marked as 2 different Markets I mean its still NY State, it should be one Market.
  19. I read some where that the NYC & Long Island counts as one Market & im going with that . I don't think bleed over bc the tower closest to me has been acting weird like its being tested on , so im probably gonna be able to access tester LTE sometime around this month.
  20. *GASP* looks like Sprint LTE has officially crossed over into Nassau County , looks like im gonna have LTE very very soon https://www.dropbox.com/s/55jyn7qfs91c8gi/2013-02-04%2003.36.46.png
  21. Looks like LTE in the NYC market is spreading i've noticed that on Sensorly I see a lot more purple covering areas of Brooklyn , Queens & Harlem. Sprint is definitely preparing to launch LTE in the market very soon. Im excited.
  22. Yeah , some of the towers around me have already or seem like they've been upgrade , I notice the 3G speeds are much faster , & I see O less on my iPhone 5. I just can't wait to have LTE everywhere. I've noticed that Sprint is like turbo speeding the release of LTE , just last week they said 28 new markets to be released in the coming months & in a week they launched it , its awesome . Its likely that NYC & the Long Island Market will have LTE before the summer
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