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Everything posted by IsaiahL

  1. Awh , you said the summer right , well thats when I expected to have LTE in my area anyways , I really don't care cause I spend most of time in the City so ill have it or get a taste of it , still have something to look forward too . ????
  2. Im in Elmont , if I drive 10-20 The Cross Island Parkway is right there ill attach an image. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xt5sujizm3ncfrz/2013-01-31%2003.36.50.png
  3. Yeah , I heard that rumor too of LTE for NYC being launched in March , if thats the case I hope that Long Island gets it too. Do you think i'd get it , I live on the border of Queens past the belt .
  4. Yupp Sprint is definitely picking up on the LTE in Queen's . But theres definitely something wrong with the 3G towers near me , the download & upload speeds have gone back to old Sprint 3G speeds (0.15mbps down & 0.00mbps up) & the ping is between 500-700 its ridiculous idk whats going on , I think it might be the fog , i've noticed that when ever the weather is bad my service is too.
  5. Woahh , Sprint LTE is definitely speading across Queens just the slightest , bc there definitely wasn't that much there last time I checked , i think very soon I'll be able to access the LTE network in my house look how close I am . https://www.dropbox.com/s/wj6otsam6ylkurn/2013-01-30%2001.03.35.png
  6. Peep Sprint wooping Verizon & AT&T's ass in this video
  7. Thats probably why when I had Optimum, it was 20-25mbps down .
  8. My 3G , LTE & WIFI Speeds https://www.dropbox.com/s/czrciwpw3jkdyhd/2013-01-29%2019.55.21.jpg
  9. Yupp , love Verizon , urs was nice too . I just wish Sprint LTE was that fast lml
  10. http://www.speedtest.net/iphone/446930626.png
  11. Must be your location cause when I had Cable Vision I got 20-25mbps down & 10-15mbps up I wasn't wit it so I switched back.
  12. Yeah I think so . You should get it if you don't already have it , its amazing .
  13. I have Verizon Fios Home Internet , the best thing ever , I get 40-45mbps Down & Up Verizon did a good job with their Home Internet.
  14. 3G Speeds in my house & there pretty consistant, the bottom ones are my wifi speeds lml pretty fast , I have Verizon Fios TV, WIFI, & Phone. Try This Link . https://www.dropbox.com/s/hwdnqt6njqe6sd4/2013-01-29%2001.56.15.png
  15. 3G Speeds in my house & there pretty consistant, the bottom ones are my wifi speeds lml pretty fast , I have Verizon Fios TV, WIFI, & Phone https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Camera%20Uploads/2013-01-29%2001.56.15.png?w=AABKrt1ZZO9SQhj9AWq0JmpTmmnwyIBY564k1HwC7u_aqw
  16. Yeahh the worst ping i've ever had on Long Island was 500 , & I haven't seen that in a good minute .
  17. Thats great , in my area I get around 0.50mbps to 1.00mbps now use to be 0.10 lmao. Sprint is really steping up can't wait till they finish the full Network Vision 3G/4G plan.
  18. Yeah I can't wait to be able to unlock my iPhone & see those 3 letters LTE <3 love it , when I see it in my area im gonna jump up & down. So glad Sprint has unlimited , otherwise I run through my data every month lol.
  19. Yeah thanks , I like Dropbox better anyways , ill just post the links to the pictures from now on.
  20. Looks like theres LTE in Jamaica Queens https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Camera%20Uploads/Photo%20Jan%2023%2C%204%2038%2027%20PM.jpg?w=AAD2G919OhUNzexnMPziWAoFVDylNYlBrDa4Z7eDxo0Krw
  21. Ohh okay sounds like a good idea , ill do that .
  22. I have a dropbox & im talkin about posting pictures to the website , it says I reached my global upload quota , im asking if it resets ?
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