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Everything posted by IsaiahL

  1. Get use to it , soon you won't be seeing 3G anymore
  2. Lmaoo I was bouta say that in my next post WOOHOO page 100 thumbs up
  3. Lmaoo , its okay I was just confused thought something might've glitched .
  4. Yeah probably when LTE is fully deployed you'll have a better signal .
  5. Lmaoo I didn't peep that , why'd you double quote
  6. I was being Sarcastic thats why I put the laughing face ,
  7. Ooops thats horrible then , lmao I thought it was 3G it seemed like 3G
  8. Yup sir you are correct the more purple the better , as of right now there is not a lot of dark purple on the Sensorly Map for NYC , I think that will change once Sprint officially finishes deploying LTE for the market .
  9. Loving that Upload , the download is a little confusing but overall good speeds .
  10. Yeah Airplane Mode is a life saver sometimes , I remember I couldn't connect to LTE , used Airplane Mode flipped it back on WOOP LTE , lmao, I think Smartphones remember your location when you connect to LTE bc in places i've never been were LTE is , my phone won't automatically connect I have to use Airplane mode but if its a location that i've been to before & LTE is there my phone will jump straight onto the network .
  11. Those speeds are gonna be consistent , I have a friend who lives in Atlanta & his average download is 30-35mbps down & 10-15mbps , he sent me a speedtest heres one https://www.dropbox.com/s/hro0p1l9edtygjc/Screenshot_2013-02-25-21-40-02.png Heres a 3G speedtest 2-3mbps down average , 1-2mbps up https://www.dropbox.com/s/qtsmm9owvk3dwza/Screenshot_2013-02-25-17-21-56.png I hope that our Market is like this after full completion .
  12. Agreed , When I get home I don't use Cellular Data even if its going fast , my wifi is there & my wifi is blazing , (40-45mbps down 35-40mbps up , I have Verizon Fios) I love my Wifi , the only time I go on Cellular is when im traveling , even when im at my friends house I ask them for the password to their wifi , the only exception is my fathers house because hes a wifi hog & turned it off to keep it all for himself -_- selfish bastard .
  13. Thumbs up for this guys Motivational Speech , lol but yeah i know ur totally right , one good thing tho , I get LTE at my Dads definitely gonna be heading over there more & more .
  14. Its sooo agonizing thoo , every time I get LTE i urn for more & then it disconnects & im suck with sucky speeds
  15. Incorrect mr, I don't go into NYC that often actually at most ill go to Brooklyn to see my father & try to fix our estranged relationship but other that I spend my time in L.I. & thats why my patience is starting to wear thin , I wouldn't mind if my Cell Tower was 3G upgraded but its not , its old Sprint .5 to .10mbps down & 0.0 up its that Sprint & im not rooting for that Sprint , & yeah I have Wifi but I have a cellular device & i'd like to be able to go outside & load a simple webpage . Lmao but its all good Summer soon come thats when im expecting them to start activating some L.I sites ,
  16. They really need to get it together , if they were working on Rural cities first then they should've done Long Island first then the NYC market bc of the fact that Long Island is more rural especially further inland , its like there saving the L.I & NYC Markets for last like dont they know that a good portion of carrier users are in the big cities .
  17. For those you who live in NYC yall are so lucky im really hating live on the borderline of Queens bc non of my towers have been upgraded . I feel like Long Island isn't gonna get the full LTE experience until the NYC market is officially unlocked I don't understand why they can't just do it all together you know , .
  18. Check out Sprint's amazing progress in just a month & a half amazing isn't it . http://tinypic.com/r/2i9jvk0/6
  19. I didn't know that , & the only reason I ran so many is because my bars kept going up & down & i just wanted to see if the speeds would increase by the amount of bars I had .
  20. Heres my weird speedtests , i don't really understand why the download of the bottom one which is 3 bars of Sprint LTE is faster than the top 5 which is 5 Bars of Sprint LTE , i thought it might be because I was moving but the bus I was on had come to a hault many times & the speedtest never changed I was the slightest bit confused by it , anyone have an idea why it was like this ? http://tinypic.com/r/289g5kj/6
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