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Everything posted by IsaiahL

  1. I can't wait till every tower is covered with LTE no more slow 3G speeds, Sprint will actually be competition for the other carriers . Everyone goes to Verizon just because they have LTE everywhere & their coverage is amazing but there speeds aren't the best . AT&T hands down has the best LTE speeds with an average of 17mbps down & 5-10mbps up thats amazing . I can't wait to see what Sprint's average will be for our market I hope it's higher than Verizon's lmao .
  2. Found this article on carriers LTE coverage & Speeds you guys should check it out http://m.technobuffalo.com/2013/03/12/att-fastest-4g-lte-verizon-largest-us-rootmetrics/
  3. Yeah , I just wanted to express my feelings . I guess , I just wanted to say how I felt & yeah Im feeling some type of way about being "Temporarily Suspended" , I don't even know what I did . No no no it was more than enough . -_- Okay .
  4. Hello , after being banned for a week for no apparent reason I've learned something ignore the jerks who like to start drama with me . Anywaysss back on topic . I've noticed something , the tower that im closest to might be upgraded 3G wise I mean but the speed is only good when im a certain distance away from it . When im to close the signals excellent but the service is unusable its really confusing just making a assumption .
  5. Okay you dont have to be a smart aleck about it .
  6. Yeah that the purple I was talking about ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah that the purple I was talking about . Is that not near Port Chester ?
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh well ……… you basically called me stupid . Thats not cool at all . So no im not gonna translate bc theres really nothing to be translated . Yeah , theres a small little splotch of dark purple over by there .
  8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Are you trying to be funny cause thats not funny . Once again someones starting a problem with me im not even gonna acknowledge that post . Okay …… just forget the map .
  9. The only time I can get over 0.10mbps 4:00am in the morning . http://tinypic.com/r/o6wx8k/6 The struggle for good service is real . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question Guys , whats up with this long strip of Gray-ness that should be purple http://tinypic.com/r/9pv1bn/6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Found this on Google btw I'm not completely sure what it is anyone care to put there 2¢ in . http://3.bp.blogspot...te_partners.jpg
  10. Lol why do I feel like these first to are being said directly to me . If you guy don't like my slang then sorry its just the way I type , its only for Convenience tho , and if you guys don't understand something *which most of the time im sure you do* the just ask .
  11. Yeah I definitely know what you mean , the other day when I was on the bus I had passed this building it had a bunch of panels on it . i checked my phone & my rsrp jumped from -79 to -49 but that didnt improve the speed sadly lol .
  12. I definitely do not & if I do I apologize I don't mean it that way . I already know im not always correct & yeah I know sometimes I do get defensive like on the last topic , I was pretty sure what I had heard was a solid fact & then to come here & be told im wrong , yeah im gonna get a little defensive , but I apologize .
  13. I officially give up . Pretty obvious im that donkey around here so I won't be making any post about info i've heard around the web . K
  14. Oh , I didn't know that , I assumed there were more from all the purple on Sensorly , but we will see if what I read will true .
  15. Im just stating something I heard omg what happen to freedom of Speech im not combatting anything anyone is saying im just restating something I heard a while ago . It was never that serious .
  16. Not true , because before Sprint LTE was in NYC I read from a very reliable source that Sprint was going for a End of March completion for NYC the latest for us would probably be late April early May if they don't complete in time but I doubt that because Sprint is overhauling LTE for us .
  17. Just heard from Technobuffalo , Sprint LTE is now live in 9 more Markets I think that makes it 67 official live markets that have Sprint LTE , we should be in the next group of markets that gets released . Yayy im so excited .
  18. Ohhhh that makes sense that probably means official 3G upgrades probably won't be avaliable until after LTE is launched im just speculating tho .
  19. Yeah I don't get it , I was in Queens the other day & I had full blown LTE but when I switched over to 3G & did a speedtest the speeds were average 3G , with NV 3G im expecting 1mbps down & 0.50-1.00mbps up i don't get it but at least LTE is around
  20. So you guys are pretty much good with anything that is over 1mbps understood , im cool with it too
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