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Everything posted by IsaiahL

  1. Yeah I don't really get why Staten Island hasn't gotten LTE yet , ohhh wait Hurricane Sandy , there probably still doing clean up & stuff like that over in that area .
  2. Yeah thats one I give to the Android software FREEDOM , but imma stick with Apple , imma ride or die fanboy , but when iOS 7 well see what happens hopefully developers will have some freedom . & thanks for the complement I appreciate that
  3. Lmao thanks for thinking that , but idk bout forcing LTE , if I knew how to do that then I'd be connecting to the LTE tower that is a mile & a half from my home . If only .
  4. That happens sometimes cause when im outside my front door I get almost a full 5 bars as soon as i step inside it drops to 2-3bars & connections , where as when im outside the connect is better than usual . Sometimes it'll just be ur house the walls & stuff like that .
  5. Lol it probably has that Grade A+ bc of the Ping speeds .
  6. Yeahh , the topic was i couldn't connect to LTE & you guys were trying to assist me then some random douche comes & here & brings up the iPhone vs Android topic but he was being hostile about it & I didn't like that so I cursed him out , but being the douche that he was he kept on going & it irritated me so i got a lil bit angry & didn't rationalize my thoughts which was out of order & I apologized & even changed my comments then the thread randomly gets locked when we (excluding that guy) were actually talkin about LTE .
  7. Yeah it really was he punished all of you guys just for an arguement & I apologize to you guys for my language .
  8. I love how as soon as I get to 20% LTE comes on im donee . But speedtest https://www.dropbox.com/s/iisodpm9eparwld/2013-02-14%2014.07.22.png
  9. YASSSSSS I GOT IT , Signals weak tho imma see how long it stays for speedtest soon
  10. Just did that i honestly don't know wtf is going on Im confused & its pissin me off that im stuck on this 3G network https://www.dropbox.com/s/307nnkt1c2h8e5u/2013-02-14%2013.57.44.png
  11. Tried that & it almost went on imma do it again
  12. Im so annoyed just passed through the Bronx with a bunch of heavy purple blotches on it & not once did my phone connect to LTE , im confused , is the Network to crowded .
  13. Im going to have LTE VERY SOON , Speedtest coming up in about 10mins
  14. One of ur links don't work but those speeds are okay .
  15. I don't know exactly which way im going bc im taking the USA Coach Bus , & I do believe they take the way you guys are saying .
  16. Okay no problem I understand the strictness of these forums .
  17. Yupp yup , im going Skiing for the weekend , lmao im more excited to get LTE than to go Skiing lmaoo
  18. Lmaoo , we just got a little side wined , its fun to talk about something beside LTE at all times , only if you guys want to tho , & im bouta have that LTE today , im going upstate & the route that I take there is covered in PURPLE on sensorly im gonna be lovin it , I'll post speedtest .
  20. I GUESSSSSSSSSS , Andriod isn't even all that , I honestly don't like Android to laggy , the only thing you guys have over us as of right now is certain software aspects , Apple's phones are still the bomb & beat out the comp by far even Samsung i mean who wants a cheap piece of plastic phone , & if iOS7 wows us like expected then Apple will be back on top simple as that .
  21. iPhone definitely does have a lot of potential , & I love iOS its just gettin stail & old like some bread thats been left out for a week , Apple better wow the crowd with iOS7 .
  22. Hopefully that will change with iOS7 considering that Scott Forstall has been removed from office . We'll see if Jony Ive's changes up the locked down software that iOS is .
  23. Mmhmm , hopefully Apple will allow a little bit more freedom in iOS7 & all my Android friends get to mapping lol .
  24. Yaaas , join the party , i think if my mom gets her own plan i'll definitely be gettin the 5S .
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