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Everything posted by IsaiahL

  1. Lmaoo I guess. Today I got LTE & I didn't do a thousand Speedtest ever since you guys told me about wasting it .
  2. I don't think i've met that person yet lmao , but why do you think that .
  3. Spotted some NV Tower Panels & I ran a speedtest of when I was in Queens Earlier http://tinypic.com/r/2dkh35e/6 http://tinypic.com/r/2a8nkw4/6
  4. I turned on 3G & ran a speedtest , the average speedtest takes up about 3-5mb I checked .
  5. All that ur saying i've experience besides college but i've delt with Love ones passing away , losing friends who I thought were gonna be there for an eternity but they stab me in the back . Besides what you guys may think about me & what i've misleadingly presented to you guys none of you actually know me you know my name not my back story , everyone I know says im a nice , humble , sweet , caring , smart , kinda guy & i am , no i don't everything which is a cold hard fact but I never said that i did but anywayssss lmao I change what I said about those 3G speedtest when I took those speedtest I was close to Queens (remember I said I live on the borderline between Queens & Nassau County yeah) so it maybe a Tower that being tested on , im hoping & praying for that .
  6. 3G Speedtest , took this one further in Long Island , more like Suffolk County . I was really surprised by the upload & download haven't had these kind of speeds in a while . I don't think this is a NV tower tho , its probably just one of the older ones that don't have a lot people using it . http://tinypic.com/r/29cntq0/6
  7. I understand where your coming from & thank you for the advice . I know he wasn't trying to offend but he did , & your right actions speak louder than words I won't say im intelligent ill prove it. Onto the next topic. I've also experienced better speeds at shopping centers , up in the West Nyack area at the Palisades Mall the LTE speeds that I get there are faster than average LTE speeds i've gotten in other places .
  8. Thats b's , this isn't English class , I type in slang only because its more convenient for me & you just called me stupid with out calling me stupid. I really don't know who you think you are. Im ending this convo before the forum gets locked or one of us gets ban , but ur wrong your calling me stupid just because I said I think 20-30mbps might be an average after the Sprint rollout is complete you have no right . And opposite to ur knowledge I do have a lot to offer to what ever I put my mind to. No need for a public response if you want to continue this convo inbox me so everyone else doesn't have to read this or the forum doesn't get locked down.
  9. Your only saying that as you don't know me , everyone one I know thinks im a very intelligent person just cause I don't everything about NV or Carriers & bars doesn't mean im not smart . Yeah someone whose twice my age will obviously be smarter but not in this department there is where I excel, i know a lot about Technology & I feel like ur trying to down play me just bc you know im a teenager .
  10. Okay I understand & you mispelled my name lmao its IsaiahL
  11. Im making assumtions off of Speedtest that i've seen from fully launched markets like the Atlanta Market in which my friend lives in & he gets a consistent 30mbps down almost everytime thats what I was going off of plus other speedtest that i've seen on this forum of people gettin 20-30mbps & thats why I say it may be an average bc its an average for Atlanta but after hearing all the facts & being called stupid , maybe im wrong but as I said before we will see ....
  12. That makes a lot more sense for "simpletons" like me to understand .
  13. I feel like you just called me stupid idk if that what ur saying or what , me & my friend aren't stupid , im 15 btw , & so what if im 15 i know a lot for my young age im a very smart kid & . As you said "Nothing that I stated is that obscure for anyone who follows the wireless industry" i don't follow the wireless industry this is actually the first time i've ever followed any carriers progress . Maybe im wrong maybe im right as of right now we don't know bc Sprint LTE isn't fully deployed yet . Well see .
  14. I know its a city , & he lives in the rural parts , but he said when he travels to the city his speeds are still consistent ,
  15. Lmao I didn't really understand half the stuff you just , what is a "For a 5 MHz FDD LTE carrier with 2x2 MIMO" im a nerd but thats some real techy type stuffs ,, i mean I know about the signals but I've never heard anything like that , I get whatchur implying tho , the onlu reason I say 20-30mbps might be average is because my friend in Atlanta has an average of 30/31mbps but i must be incorrect , Atlanta isn't as big nor as crowded as the city so my friend probably has peak speeds at all times , thats what I was hoping for , for us you know .
  16. You guys keep saying that but Doubt that , you guys are saying that bc of AT&T & Verizon's slow down but I think ours will stay right at 20-30mbps
  17. Yeah , I think 20-30mbps is going to be an average on Sprints LTE Network , A lot of people have been post speedtest of 20-30 sometimes even higher , this is great can't wait for them to start working on LTE for my town .
  18. Thats amazing for 3G definitely a NV site , you should have LTE very soon lucky you , & the Upload should improve .
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