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Everything posted by IsaiahL

  1. When do u guys think those WHOLE upgrade not just NV , will be complete ? I hear Late 2013 early 2014 but thats a doubt , at this point , I think everything for Sprint will be complete by 2014's end .
  2. West Nyack near the Palisades mall is the first place I ever got LTE it was amazing , I check sensorly every now & then to see if the coverage over their is getting better & I see a lot more purple . Sprint FTW .
  3. That makes sense . Sprint is probably gonna start farther out in L.I first because it isn't as dense as where I live which is borderline Queens . 3G upgrades i'll be happy with that most definitely I don't mind 3G as long as its fast & I don't have wait long for a webpage to load ya know . Yeahh , I think you guys are right about the whole 10mbps thing working out for pretty much anything , cause I remember when I went to Brooklyn I had LTE it was 3mbps up & down , I was able to go on Y'T & watch a video it wasn't 1080p but it did load pretty snappy.
  4. Well , if it is Sprint/Clear LTE thats amazinf & i'd love to get me some of dat never in my life will I complain about anything if I could get those speeds . You said that a LTE tower go acceped to Long Island right ? Do you know the location & how long it takes for them to activate the tower after acceptance ? Im definitely gonna have to invest in becoming a Sponsor
  5. You just brighten my day you have no idea. You said 60-80mbps right well check this speedtest out it was on IG. http://tinypic.com/r/33be0zt/5 This definitely has to be Clear because regular Sprint LTE doesn't go over 40mbps I know that much.
  6. So basically LTE speeds will improve when that time comes ?
  7. Wait so will we be on that network or is it like Mobile Wifi Hotspots like Optimum has all over the place ?
  8. I just wanted to Apologize to everyone for my attitude , I know have a "know it all attitude" it just cause I don't like to be wrong , so yeah sorry. but uhh Whats Sprint doing with Clearwire ? My friend just asked me & I honestly didn't know the answer , I felt a little stupid lol .
  9. I think ur right because the Sprint Forum is actually where I found out that Sprint LTE was supposed to be fully launched by March ???? that was obviously incorrect lol , I like take ur advice thanks .
  10. Tbh , I don't care just saying moving on now . Just to back up my point , I found this on the Sprint Community Forum eugenesprintfremont Oct 5, 2012 5:13 PM (in response to GoldenStateWarrior510) I was at Intel (Mission College Blvd) at 2pm and saw "Extended LTE" on my iPhone. Speedtest was: 6.27Mbps download, 3.38 upload You guys keep saying you can't get Extended LTE on Sprint thats clearly not true . But onto the next subject . Heres more to back up my point eugenesprintfremont Oct 5, 2012 5:29 PM (in response to mak_tech) Thanks. My setting was on "off" for data roaming at the time and I still got "Extended LTE". So this guy wasn't even roaming on Verizons LTE network & he still got Extended .
  11. Whatever im not arguing anymore , you guys are clearly "right".
  12. It is POSSIBLE cause she sent me the screen cap & it said Extended . Accept it
  13. Yeahh , not true , my sister was in the city & had extended LTE .
  14. That was a lot of reading but thanks for the explanation I get it now .
  15. Extended LTE ? I've seen this on my phone before .
  16. Sprints maximum is like 30-35mbps down & 10-15up I want that to be regular consistently . I like to strea video & people say you only 5-10mbps well yeah you need 5-10mbps go stream the video but for it to be clear & not stop & constantly buffer ur gonna need something more than 10mbps , & tbh I expected better from Sprint with the whole upgrade speed wise . I understand the NYC market is VERY crowded but other carriers such as AT&T & Verizon (mainly ATT) manage to pull off high speeds ATT average 20mbps , their peak is something like 55-60 (thats overkill in my opinion) , T-Mobile is similar , Verizon is just overly packed so every once in a while they'll reach that otherwise their LTE is slower than Sprint's -_- .
  17. Sad face but as long as it's useable & i always have service I guess i'll be okay , I wonder what the next generation of service is gonna be called. 5G LTE lol ?
  18. Anyways , you guys have been finding new towers how are the speeds ? On average for me i've gotten 10-15mbps not consistent either , I was hoping that would improve . Question do you guys think that once the market is fully rolled out & completed that the speeds will improve ?
  19. Okay , lml I didn't think it was that serious but *Patience* if it makes you guys feel better . Crazy how you guys totally ignored what I was saying & went straight to the spelling error -___-
  20. Godbless my patients & the fact that im not 18 yet so I can't get my own plan -_- , i know as soon as I turn 18 if Sprint's network is still the slowest , DUECE ✌
  21. Uhmm , what happened the forum the other day , I came to check the conversations & stuff & it said Internal Internet Error or something like that. Anyways , the rain has definitely been inferfering with my serivce , it has been TERRIBLE , golly I hate Sprint's no upgraded sites their so SLOW!
  22. Why app is that ? Is it available for no jailbroken iPhones ?
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