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Everything posted by IsaiahL

  1. Yeahh , my friend has the same phone & has the same issue .
  2. Ohhh , that makes sense , thanks , & I never really did like the GNEX .
  3. I have a quick question a little off topic but why does AT&T have all of this no coverage spots on Sensorly ? http://tinypic.com/r/2r7ty05/5 Its like that on T-Mobile too & Sprint has a little bit at the start of Long Island , I honestly don't understand it can someone explain ,
  4. They need to expand coverage , I think if Sprint added more towers speeds would be better too .
  5. Maybe Apple will change that in the iPhone 5S , its said to have some serious upgrades .
  6. The iPhone 5 is compatible with Sprint's 800 idk I had researched it & the information that i found said that the iPhone wasn't compatible .
  7. Do you think Cell signal strength will improve for example , remember I said when I was in between towns Upstate my phone would drop to the extended network will that continue to happen.
  8. So EVERY single cell site that Sprint has is going to upgraded with 3G & 4G is going to be added ? Are they going to build up more towers as well or are they just going to upgrade & leave it at that .
  9. Yeahh , Sprint's service in the less urbanized areas is good , when I went Upstate NY , I had service most of the time except in between towns , when im not in town service drops to the extended network , the coverage needs to be improved but otherwise speeds were good i mean for legacy towers .
  10. Sprint ftw , Verizon is over rated , im pretty sure once Sprint has coverage like Verizon , Verizon will start losing customers .
  11. Got these speeds in borderline Hempstead , Franklin Square , http://tinypic.com/r/1ht8ip/5
  12. AGHHHH , theres been LTE mapped on Sensorly in Port Jeff & around East Meadow , I should have LTE very very soon YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS lol , im hyped lol goodnight yall.
  13. & It happened -_______- http://tinypic.com/r/1zf08s9/5 Very Ticked off with Sprint right now.
  14. Throttling sucks , & you said 3G speeds , 3G speeds are nothing special , NV 3G goes from 1.50 to 2.30 from what i've seen I wouldn't want to go from 10 (Providers Varies) to 1.50-2mbps pshh ain't nobody got time fo dat lol .
  15. If unlimited goes away on all carries then im going to AT&T hands down , as long as their network is still as good as it is now then i'll definitely go back to them .
  16. True , my friend on Verizon assumes just because she always has LTE that Verizon is better than Sprint . Coverage is always a good thing but it doesn't mean that ur speeds will be fast , Verizon's speeds absolutely suck as a matter of fact on average Sprint LTE will surpass Verizon. From the speedtest i've ran on Verizon their speeds vary from 3-5up & down .
  17. Im gonna be extra angry if T-Mobile LTE is in my location before Sprint , thats gonna be a real disappointment . http://tinypic.com/r/k14bs/5 -_-
  18. 5G LTE http://m.technobuffalo.com/2013/05/14/what-5g-could-really-mean-for-the-masses/
  19. #CheersToThat even tho im not of legal drinking age lol .
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