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Everything posted by IsaiahL

  1. Nope . Someone released the IPSW File for iOS 7 & I updated to it Free .
  2. I would've taken better pictures but as soon as I snapped this one my phone died . I'm on iOS 7 beta so my battery goes just the slightest bit faster . Next time im in that area i'll retake some pictures.
  3. Spotted some LTE panels on W 125th Street https://www.dropbox.com/s/bkmqxvfzar2b4ks/2013-06-15%2011.42.11.jpg Sprint's?
  4. Fast LTE speeds in Jamaica Queens , right around 179th . Speeds peaked at 15mbps the leveled out at like 12mbps
  5. 3G upgrades is prob the last thing were going to see . LTE is first : 3G is launched in clusters .
  6. Galaxy Battery's aren't the best tho. All my friends who have Galaxy's their phones are dead with in the hour .
  7. iOS 7 FINALLY . Can't wait Apple.com/ios/ios7/
  8. How'd you get ur phone to say LTE , shouldn't it say 4G .
  9. Thats nothing . I check everytime I pass through there . Signal is to weak to connect to if there is even any signal at all .
  10. Good News http://m.technobuffalo.com/2013/06/09/justice-department-softbank-sprint/
  11. Turn off LTE & Wifi then , keeping on the wifi all day even when ur not connected drains battery more than you know , don't have Wifi on unless u have a good stable connection . The same goes LTE . My iPhone 5 when im connected to LTE will generally stay in the 3-5 bar range its only when i get really far away from the tower that it drops
  12. I don't get it , it seems as though Sprint has been moving a lot slower than before. When they first started the roll out of LTE in the NYC Market they seemed to be moving at a wayyy faster rate than now .
  13. Over LTE ? The lowest i've gotten is in the 55-65 range
  14. ..... Anyways back to what I had asked before.
  15. Thanks , Im gonna wait for someone to post a speedtest so I can see if the hack is worth my time .
  16. Can someone post a speedtest , I want to see if this is worth me doing .
  17. http://www.iphonehacks.com/2013/06/apple-allegedly-throttling-data-speeds-on-iphones-ipads.html#.UbAfwKa9LCQ Idk if this is true but if it is I need to get that hacked carrier update .
  18. Wait Miami has bad service ? On Sensorly Miami is pretty purple . I figured service in FL was good hmm .
  19. Woahh derr (Big Sean Voice) lml 10 is just enough took me a while to figure it out but I get it now.
  20. http://www.kansascity.com/2013/05/24/4254360/sprints-wireless-network-fares.html This is disappointing :'(
  21. 3G thats amazing , I don't even get half that .
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