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Posts posted by twospirits

  1. I really HATE the placement of that fingerprint scanner. Think I'll wait for the note 8 also. Hopefully that will have better camera, larger battery, in screen Fingerprint scanner, 6gigs of ram. They will have to make it great to make up for the note 7


    Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

    Actually the placement of the fingerprint scanner shouldn't be that much of an issue since Retina scan and face scan seems better and faster. But even if it didn't have those two security log ons, having it in the back sort of feels natural (at least to me) since my fingers are back there anyway. 

  2. To be perfectly honest, I am not feeling the force with this one as much as I did with the S7 Edge or the Note 7. So I am not jumping the gun to pre-order like I usually do. I just may wait out a bit to see what the Note 8 has in store for us.Then I'll decide which to get. Although the S8 Plus would be my favorite of the two currently for pre-order. Now if someone can confirm that adoptable storage is working on the US version then yes, I;'ll take the leap to buy it now.


    Personally I would really want a developers version, but I think only Verizon gets those (aarrgghh) and I really don't think I can wait that long either since developers version come out months later. 

  3. As of now, the Galaxy S8 event is 0 days, 13 hours and 45 minutes away.

    This Sprint something amazing is coming is 1 day, 2 hours and 48 min away.

    Now if we go back to last year...

    The S7 an S7 Edge were launched on Sunday Feb 21 and the Sprint Galaxy Forever program launched 1 day later. 


    And as Mr. Nuke pointed out about the infinity clue being an 8 on its side, I would tend to believe it just may be the program coming back. Especially since Samsung wants to grab as many folks back to the brand after the Note issue.


    But (there is always a but) the clue that throws me off is the ""5 out of 4 dentists will like this". That is a reference to "Trident sugarless gum".


    Knowing Sprint, they love to hype things to a point that it may not be a major thing. Probably having the S8 available for sale that day (or for preorder).

    • Like 1
  4. If you plan on using the device for more than a year, the removable battery aspect is very important. Battery life has improved somewhat, but I am already seeing a decrease in total battery capacity on my LG G5 and I haven't owned it for a year yet. I'll likely be replacing the battery soon because the current one is slowly but surely losing capacity. 

    Beside that very important point ^, I truly believe having a removable battery would have lessen the issue with battery problems. For example, the Galaxy Note 7. By Samsungs' own admission, the cause were due to two separate battery flaws and not the device itself. Having a removable battery would have made it easier to send back the battery back instead of the whole device. Having a metal back, totally fused instead of a removable plastic back is mute especially since the majority put their device in a protective cover. The same for LG or any other manufacturer.



    • Like 2
  5. I recently read that T-Mobile would rather merge with a cable company (like Dish), thus possibly ending any Sprint-T-Mobile merge, I wonder if a merge with Charter Communications/Spectrum/Time Warner would be a better mix. I'm curious of the pros and cons.


    On a side note, I always thought a while back that if Sprint were to rename itself, that Spectrum would be a perfect name, butl TWC took it.  


    Either way, I'm curious, if not T-Mobile, then who would be a good merge fit for Sprint if Masa indeed wants to unload the company or merge it with someone else.



    • Like 2
  6. So 2 days ago I tried to upgrade online and couldn't because the final continue button was not showing up, so I started a chat and they said they could do it. Going from the 60GB Family shared plan of $130 with add on and fees totaling $180 down to the Unlimited plan advertised of $100. The rep advise me that I can do it at that moment or wait until the 26th when my new cycle starts. If I wait I won't get prorated charges, so I said okay, set it up for that date. She also said that if I wait, the free streaming video add-on would be included. I rechecked with chat yesterday and today to see if it is still scheduled and they said yes.


    So I sit and wait, and if anything goes wrong before that date (as in folks having issues or the terms as shown in that Reddit screenshot posted by member Paynefanbro a while back not being the same) then I can just cancel the change before the 26th.


    Either way I'll stay with Sprint. I've seen a few folks leave for other carriers this past year to only find out the service isn't that great or the price was not as expected.




    Verizon has burned too many folks in the past and I am not one to be another statistic on that list.


    TS out



    • Like 7
  7. Jeez, 10 GB is absolutely nowhere near enough for us to use a month. Lol. I can blow through that by myself in one day on our home internet. We use upwards of 600-700 GB's per month. I can't believe there are people who use that little data a month on their home internet.



    It is because most folks use an internet service provider for their home internet, not their cell phone carrier. Judas Freaking Priest, 700GB per month.  

    • Like 4
  8. I'm curious about a few things also, so if anyone has gone through the steps or know first hand, I wouldn't mind some help.

    1-specifically on that employee discount question as well. I'm still a bit confused on that. So its only $5 for each device and employee discounts will no longer be applied?


    2-Also as I go through the plan change steps on a test run, it also shows an additional $20 for Premium Streaming. But it doesn't specify if that is for each device on the account or for the total account regardless of how many devices you have on the account. 


    3-I can't for the life of me figure out my hotspot usage on the new website, so I really do not know if I'll go over the allocated 5GB in a month. What happens when you do?


    4-Speaking of the 5GB Hotspot, is that for each line or for all devices in total.


    Either way for two lines, what used to cost me $180 on the 60GB Shared line for two phones would probably cost me now $139 a month if my calculations are correct or less with the discounts. This might be worth switching to after all. 







    • Like 1
  9. My observations always seem to come off as complaining somehow. I'm definitely not complaining. There is more competition and options now. I'm just stating the obvious that Sprint very well could be and probably is in hot water after these moves.

    but.. but.. you're now complaining about someone that was complaining about your complaints.  :P


    anyway, on a side note, and this is not to you but for all. This week has been a bit stressful on everyone in regards to these plan changes from all the carriers and many want to voice their opinions on the matter, myself included. But we should also adhere to the negative comments policy and not make some of these posts leaning as borderline Sprint complaints. 

    • Like 4
  10. Has anybody tried to sign up for the new plan today?

    I did this morning. I got a big fat no go


    Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

    Yep, same here I tried yesterday and figured I would try again today I'm 0-2...


    Sorry couldn't resist.

    Read the responses of Sprint and it's CMO, Roger Solé, in this article:




    There is a section in that article that bugs me and it's this...

    The $90 pricing requires you sign up for Sprint's automatic payment system (or AutoPay) and is only temporary, going from now until March 31, 2018. After that date, the price will jump to $60 for one line, $100 for two lines, $160 for four lines and $190 for five lines, though given the competition, it’s likely there will be newer plans when that date comes.


    First it bugs me when any carrier states a certain promotion is temporary and gives a date. Like if the date actually means anything. The second part really irks me, it implies that even if the price does goes up at the end of the promotion (date), that there are newer plans one can change to, But in reality once you become a customer, new promotional plans do not apply to existing customers.

    I get the math and I appreciate the analysis but I think at this point with this price war going on from all the carriers, maintaining customers should just be as important as attracting new ones for damage control. ...


    Once you lose that loyal customer, it will be hard to grab them back which we all know there is a cost for customer acquisition. A paying customer is always better than not having a customer and of course the word that gets spread around from former customers about Sprint service reputation can have a negative effect as well.

    It's like a love hate relationship, I too understand the math and the reasons why Sprint may not offer these plans to existing customers, but as a loyal customer of Sprint for years, it surely sucks to see existing (and very loyal) customers are always giving the "No you can't have it" when it comes with some of these plans.


    Oh well, it is what it is. No need to complain about it.

    • Like 4

    Marcelo is talking Pokémon...




    I don't know what it's going to take for him to take action. I can't believe what I'm seeing.



    Its like soccer and his love of Bolivar. Its nice to have hobbies and love your nationality, but what about your job, Marcelo? What about your pride in the fact your being paid millions to do a job your clearly not doing very well, when there are hundreds of customers posting on Facebook, Reddit, etc., saying they are leaving Sprint, which has become a daily ritual among Sprint customers.



    Don't get me wrong Marcelo is cool, but I feel he's Masa's lap dog.


    Could it possibly be that his hands are being tied by Masa and told not to do anything yet, or on the flip side, already has a plan but is running it through Masa for approval. Granted, either way, if he waits too long or doesn't do anything, certain customers won't wait.





    From the Sprint Subreddit:




    Hopefully something comes out for current customers.

    Well look at that, I spoke too soon, seems the Resistance does have some pull. lol


    TS out

    • Like 3
  12. I patronize Sprint in large part because it is a local business.  The day that changes is the day that I close my 17+ year account and check out of any further interest in this industry.


    Anybody who thinks that the Sprint headquarters should be ripped from the Kansas City metro can kiss my ass.




    History is not on our side. There have been numerous companies that have been ripped from their original home towns when a merger or takeover was done. Even Bell Atlantic which was headquartered in Philadelphia in the early 90's, merged with NYNEX and moved to NYC and renamed itself as Verizon. As much as I hate to think about it, with T-Mobile doing well and situated in the west coast, closer to Son's homeland of Japan, it would seem very likely that if Sprint and T-Mobile were to merge, that the newly formed company will be headquartered on the west coast. That's not to say that everything in KS will be moved or eliminated but overall, it will have a massive effect on the city, the population and the workers there.  


    Kansas City HQ can't be fixed unless there's a purge. But purges aren't popular or cheap. John Legere (the most hated man on this board) has turned around T-Mobile in an unprecedent fashion. If the time ever does come, it's clear Bellevue should take the reigns. Anyone thinking otherwise is, as you've admitted, a fanboy or a fatuous individual.


    Southern Pacific Railroad Internal Network Telecommunications has enjoyed a long history. But if we are honest to each other, Son doesn't give a flying turd about history. It's all about the money, and he will do whatever is necessary to make as much of it. Even if it means leaving the Midwest high and dry.


    I can't speak for others only myself, but IMHO, I do not hate John Legere, I just dislike his unprofessional style, his cockyness etc. Granted, wanting an unprofessional loudmouth seems to be the norm now a days but the facts are the facts, he has turned around the company by adding more customers and forced the industry to change their status quo view of how carriers do things. Whether that is better or worse (for the consumer), only time will tell. 



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