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Everything posted by Boosted20V

  1. Well for one, once you initiate a call or data session, you cannot flip between carriers. Also, the billing would be problematic to say the least.
  2. Great pics. I would say either they aren't done, or due to the changes in equipment and signal strength, there was no need for the other sector of the tower any longer. Also, just as with many sites up here in Harrisburg, there is the large 800mhz capable panel on the right, and a smaller panel which looks like it is sized for 1900mhz only on the left. I haven't seen this configuration outside of Shentel markets.
  3. The Sprint brand is still adding subs, as long as that's the case, I'd have to agree. This shows why it was so hard for them to shutter Nextel. Even though it was sucking up money and had a low ARPU, selling investors on the fact of losing subs never sits well. I applaud Hesse for having the balls to do it.
  4. Good pics, there should be one RRU for 800mhz, another for 1900mhz LTE and another for 1900mhz 1x/EVDO I believe per sector depending on the number of carriers.
  5. Just posted an update in the Shentel thread in the Markets section with pictures.
  6. Update concerning the suburbs of Harrisburg to follow.... First, Shentel site just off of RT39, directly across from Lake Wildwood on Industrial Rd: Just upgraded, antennas installed: http://imageshack.us...imag0241an.jpg/ http://imageshack.us.../imag0242u.jpg/ Second, tower just across from State Police HQ on Elmterton Ave: Just upgraded, still has lines attached to raise the antennas and the boxes from the antennas were laying on the outskirts of the site: http://imageshack.us...imag0245tc.jpg/ Third, Shentel site located on Crooked Hill Road, directly next to I81 near the post office. This has been upgraded for a few weeks: http://imageshack.us...imag0247ad.jpg/ Lastly, Shentel site on Commerce Drive, just behind the I81/Progress Ave exit. PPL was moving high tension lines on this pole. I find it hard to believe with all the otehr activity in neighboring sites, this isn't due to Shentel upgrades. No other high tension poles were being touched: http://imageshack.us.../imag0239y.jpg/ Overall I have a few thoughts... #1 I'm surpirsed at their site density. These sites are all located relatively near to each other. #2, they will be launching this area with from what I can see, most sites upgraded, definitely a higher percentage than Sprint's initial markets and lastly, Shentel is making very good time considering they only appeared to start towards the end of August with a true roll out.
  7. I feel like I'm taking over this thread but they are working directly through my area. Shentel has a tower directly off the I-81/Progress Ave. exit back on Commerce Drive. The tower is located on top of a PPL high tension line pole. There are ~7 PPL trucks there unhooking the high tension lines from the pole. It appears they are replacing the entire structure with a new one. A crane is in place as well. I suppose it would make sense that if PPL were planning on replacing these poles anyway, while Shentel's work is being done they might as well place a new one. A similar situation occurred a few poles down from this one where Verizon has antennas on top of another one of the poles. I'll post pictures later when I get a chance to swing by after work.
  8. More like 3+ quarters in. Also, if you were going to fall behind, it would be at the start due to getting equipment, logistics, bugs worked out, etc.
  9. This tower is now 3G live. I connect to it when I'm at work. Shentel had stated they weren't adding carrier capacity prior to NV and I can see the impact. I've gone from pulling ~700k/s to 2.5mb/s now that the new antennas are live. Clearly Shentel had backhaul in place for quite a while here as in off hours I would pull near 2 mb/s since sometime early in 2012. Also, in the building I work in I went from having ~-85db EVDO connections to -79/-80db readings.
  10. Given that they said there were no major changes to their timelines, they would HAVE to be picking up the pace.
  11. I wonder if they included Shentel numbers in that total as well? I would imagine not but it's possible.I never really noticed if Sprint includes Shentel tower counts in their totals?
  12. Another thing which stood out to me is how mum they were on making any statements regarding future plans. I realize companies never like to divulge this information but they were especially close to the cuff I thought. They wouldn't even comment on future advertising plans outside of Q4.
  13. Got it, my misunderstanding. Do you think when Sprint awarded these contracts to vendors there was logic to more important markets(as in more lucrative for Sprint regarding current customer base) going to vendors they had more faith in? Do you think it was a coincidence that Alca-Lu got the northeast where Sprint has many core markets?
  14. I was under the impression they were alluding to Samsung having to turn it on in clusters due to the conflict with legacy hardware?
  15. Obviously this isnt Alcatel-Lucent since they've been sped up. Samsung is doing OK as well. Ericcson is the one doggin it.
  16. I guess we're all just Sprint fanboys but what could you possibly need 50mb/s for on your phone? My home connection is 20mb and I have no use for it?
  17. 800mhz 1X support has been built in to Sprint devices for quite some time. The original EVO supported it.
  18. Shentel has a tower directly across from Lake Wildwood near HACC in Susquehanna Township which has been getting NV'd the past few days. All the new panels were up today and they were hooking up the RRU's.
  19. I would think they will use this to retire debt initially.
  20. I do wonder what the FCC will have to say about this. I guess it would become more interesting if they try to pick up another carrier like Metro, T-Mo, etc.
  21. The corporate structure of Clearwire is one of the strangest things I've seen. I can't blame CLWR executives seeing as how Sprint dangled them out there, not really sure what they wanted to do with the company.
  22. Looks like they're picking up shares from Intel and Comcast.
  23. http://online.wsj.co...1759878238.html No real details, I'm assuming Sprint will pick up a majority share in CLWR again in the near future, but not a full buyout. UPDATE - Sprint Nextel Corp. (S), the company that has agreed to sell 70 percent of itself to Softbank Corp. (9984), acquired Eagle River Holdings LLC’s stake in Clearwire Corp. (CLWR), a move that gives it control over the wireless company’s board, according to people with knowledge of the matter. The transaction could be announced in a regulatory filing as soon as tomorrow, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the deal is private. Eagle River held a 4.5 percent stake in Clearwire, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Sprint, which already held 48 percent of Clearwire, sought the majority stake to give it added sway over the fate of the company’s wireless-networking capabilities, including lucrative airwaves needed to deliver mobile calling and data.
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