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Everything posted by miguell2

  1. So far I have not noted much improvement. Signal has always been solid downtown (Outdoors - Indoors I roam on Verizon) but speeds not so much...
  2. I still don't get why they simply don't allow people to have access to the SIM card.
  3. Sometimes that emails just needs to get there 100ms faster...
  4. I was actually referring to the SIM situation. But I agree with you regarding MicroSD. However it seems that google is going doing away with expandable memory (http://www.phonearena.com/news/Why-Google-wants-to-kill-SD-cards-and-whats-holding-them-back_id23986), only time will tell.
  5. So what's the deal with the LTE SIM being embedded in the device rather than easily removable like other carrier LTE devices?
  6. I would have guessed that if your goal is to shoot HD video you would want the fastest card you can afford however if they data rate that the phone is writing to the card does not exceed the class speed then you should be good. I am guessing that the question is what class will meet the requirements of the HD recording. I would check my phone's manual for their recommendation or call Sprint (don't go to the store, many times they don't know) and see what they say, they might just pull up the manual anyway.
  7. I just had family with Sprint phone pass through Raleigh and they didn't report any issues. They apparently got lost and were able to call for assistance and everything while downtown. Perhaps its fixed now or it is just affecting a few specific areas? They are in Charlotte now and they have no issues there either.
  8. Also a more expensive mic from what I understand. Working on Pro video I know how expensive mics can get but you are glad when you listen to those recordings that you spent the extra cash. Software should be able to also adjust the levels on the fly to compensate for "too loud" sound but if the mic is just over modulating there is nothing software can do. As an aside, there are bluetooth mics that let you record to a phone, but the mics are very nice so they should be able to records a loud concern even better than an iphone.
  9. I found this review for the HTC EVO 4G LTE on Engadget http://www.engadget.com/2012/05/10/htc-evo-4g-lte-for-sprint-review/ One thing that they pointed out that kinda left me thinking is that Sprint has apparently chosen to embed the SIM card, making impossible to remove without taking apart the phone. I was really hoping their phones would become more like GSM phone where I can simply take a phone from carrier to carrier. Does anyone know why Sprint chose to lock up the phone like this?
  10. Could very well just be a leaked proof of concept prototype or a network test phone for NV...
  11. That is more an issue of the microphone over-modulating rather than a flaw with the phone. Microphones will over-modulate if you make too much noise, there is no way around that electrical limitation.
  12. This should be some sort of milestone... u know you have made it if spammers start showing up.
  13. From my understanding Shentel has always been very responsive to trends in the industry and from what I hear their relationship with Sprint has been very lucrative, they paid the upfront cost of installing the towers in their service area (Shenandoah Valley, WV, MD) mostly rural areas with their own already existing fiber and in return they get to be the only guys selling Sprint products. I believe they have roaming agreements with VZW as well and their coverage is top notch. It only makes sense for them to keep investing on that network.
  14. They should have a color shade for "dead zone"
  15. I think many of the old Nextel users that left after the merger might give this one a try, specially if they know that they can talk with old iDEN phones (for as long as they are around) and ever international iDEN phones.
  16. I still have my old Overdrive and my contract is still not up but I would be willing to get it out right if the price is not ridiculous. Anyone know price without the subsidy?
  17. I know AT&T still offers the service but they don't seem to advertise it openly. You have to have a business account to even get it. But yes it is there. I believe it is the same with VZW.
  18. It doesn't take a great leap of the imagination to see that happening. I would imagine Sprint even going as far as allowing other carrier's phones to install the app provided they pay the monthly fee. It could be a good revenue generator if it takes off in that way.
  19. Who's buying the me a ticket for LA?
  20. I don't know... It hasn't worked for as of yesterday, it always asks me to turn off WIFI... I know I have the latest software available it just came out 90 days ago. :/
  21. Are there any CDMA 800 sites to be found anyway???
  22. There are some services that require CDMA such as Sprint TV which will not run through WIFI no matter how fast.
  23. It seems like a good idea for Sprint to cultivate multiple options for consumers. NV will reduce their need for Fem to Cell solutions but the reality is that some places still require something like that and having it available makes life easier for their customers and ultimately that is what you want to do in order to keep them.
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