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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by Luuminator

  1. I feel you have no need to feel sorry Mike. You have a huge group of supporters that are not upset with you we just let you know when something happens and the steps we have taken. Doug Ps if some of this doesn't make sense I am sorry I took my meds a little while ago and I do get a little loopy
  2. If I wipe the cache it will work but the minute you enable to show 1x in the notification bar it force closes
  3. Ok so currently I do not need back surgery. They are going to try physical therapy and rehabilitation
  4. In the city of Detroit the police do not respond to b&e alarms. The company I work for does and it is in our policy that we wear a bullet resistant vest and carry a firearm. Some guys I work with don't wear one but if I get in a fire fight I'd rather have it. My goal was and always (when I do go back to work) to go home to my family. I don't know how long om going to be out on medical tho. I do have a question for premier sponsors but I will post that in the correct thread.
  5. If anyone is interested when I said I was in an accident here is a picture of my car. I'm currently in stable condition but I might need back surgery. The police and medics stated my bullet resistant vest helped me or I would of been in worse condition http://i.imgur.com/0UgOqK6.jpg http://i.imgur.com/40CK3ke.jpg
  6. Omg now I'm really hungry now. Hospital food blows compared to how that sounds.
  7. I love how there are so many conflicting reports of there is a fee and then there isn't. They nees to make up their fing mind
  8. Opps I was kinda driving while typing. Yes it made some very good points, but were it got me was all the bought by dish congressman.
  9. Somebody's mind is in the gutter
  10. Major nelson from xbox live posted this about used games Xbox One and used games Over the past few days, we have been reading comments and message boards following the Xbox One announcement. There are a few questions regarding used games. I wanted to clarify and provide this official statement:The ability to trade in and resell games is important to gamers and to Xbox. Xbox One is designed to support the trade in and resale of games. Reports about our policies for trade in and resale are inaccurate and incomplete. We will disclose more information in the near future. Source. http://majornelson.com/2013/05/24/xbox-one-and-used-games-2/
  11. Is it me or did anyone else yell at their phone/tablet/computer/or any other internet device while reading the story and then again and want to punch the people who commented or am I just too stressed out right now
  12. Update: My father in law's surgery went well. Thank you for your prayers/thoughts/positive energy. He now has a lengthy healing process to go. Thank you, Doug and family
  13. Ok sorry to ask for thoughts/prayers/good energy for today my father in law is having a high risk liver transplant today. The surgery is going to take 6 to 12 hours. I will update when I have info Thanks Doug and family
  14. I don't think that worked it only shows characters that are unreadable
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