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Everything posted by Luuminator

  1. Oo ok its changed I apologize. Back when I was a police explorer about 9 years it was only that trs. Again I stand corrected.
  2. I couldn't use data with my phone in michigan and I kept thinking it was sprint, but ever since I got my gs3 I was proven wrong. I would love to get an idea of when we are getting NV and LTE but ive now come to the conclusion that it will happen when it happens. I'm not holding my breath for anytime soon. Plus I'm currently happy with my 3g service now with the new phone.
  3. The one at 75 and 696 is a mspc tower for the state. I believe it is part of the state radio system. There are also to mdot cameras on it. The way the antennas look its for the 800 mhz P25 radios. Everytime I drive by it I get a very strong signal on my scanner. But do not quote me about the antennas. I know more about piblic safety radios and scanners then cell phones.
  4. Are you talking about the tower between westland pd and the court building? If so last I knew that tower was only for the western wayne county trs system. There is a tower close to that area ive just never have known who's tower it was. I could always be wrong but I havnt driven by westland pd for months now.
  5. Here is the picture of the antennas and the base of the T-Mobile site from yesterday Robert http://i1231.photobucket.com/albums/ee512/Luuminator/20121204_091701.jpg http://i1231.photobucket.com/albums/ee512/Luuminator/20121204_091559.jpg http://i1231.photobucket.com/albums/ee512/Luuminator/20121204_091705.jpg Sorry the base picture is a little blurry the rain started to really come down. Ill keep a lookout for sprint work and try to get a better shot of the tmobile antennas when they are on the ground at a different place. I run into T-Mobile sites being worked on about once a week. Doug
  6. I can run by the tower they were working on today tomorrow and take one with my phone for ya if u would like. I didnt see the antenna s on the ground today everything was boxed
  7. So I get kinda bored at work driving around Detroit all day. So when I see a tower being worked on and the guys doing it are having a union smoke I ask who the work is for and all of them that I have spoke to say LTE for T-Mobile. Which from what they tel me is being deployed start of 2013. I will still be keeping an eye out, and I know it hasnt been announced by sprint and idk if its been announced here I'm kinda new
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