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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by Luuminator

  1. I've done it with my cell, and chrome on my wife's laptop.
  2. After being upgraded to premier sponsor the recent topics on the right side of the screen on the index screen has gone blank for two days now
  3. Ok donation made now hopefully it can help and hopefully my wife doesn't kill me
  4. Ill see how much I can donate today when I put the baby down for a nap
  5. Ill find out when I go back to work on thrusday but I know that the software upgrade was done on them months ago and we have nothing but problems
  6. Is the update still being pushed cause the phones I use ay work mot admiral won't work on 1x/roaming or if it doesn't have an evdo connection
  7. So I now have joined the rooted community. I put twrp, the peoples rom and did digublur's prl.akp
  8. Khammondnm or anyone else would you suggest clockwork or something else when I'm rootin?
  9. So im going to finally root my gs3, but I have never rooted. I have been researching how to root since I got this phone. Im looking for opinions on roms for my first time getting a rom. I was thinking about the peoples rom.
  10. Im having the same problem with my gs3 and its killing my battery
  11. Nope let him/her figure it out..apparently im a little slow right now
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