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Everything posted by Duffman

  1. Yes. Because I pay nothing for phone service.
  2. So it has nothing to do with the G channels? How would I tell? Channel Number in Debug? I am using CDMA Field Test. Is there a better app? Sure wish someone would set up a primer on this stuff. I would like to be able to tell when they update towers in DFW.
  3. I can check the tower at work and it will normally tell me the number of carriers. I do not remember if I can see the backhaul info. I will take a look this week.
  4. I buy a phone based upon just playing with it. True. This guy knows one of the project or implementations managers or whatever. He is usually pretty accurate but could definitely be given incorrect information. We won't know until we know.
  5. How do I tell if my phone supports band class 14? (Evo 4G) I loaded the latest PRL. Let me know what I should look for, other than my phone being unable to connect to anything.
  6. Talked to someone with knowledge of the new devices. There is nothing in the docs about SIM cards. Looks like it will use MAC address like Clear did with Wimax.
  7. m2m.sprint.com This is a big part of Sprint's strategy and looks like a good idea. These devices use very little data and the service has very little ongoing support costs.
  8. What happened to "openness"? I will just wait for XDA to hack it.
  9. Although I welcome anyone with indoor coverage to call, please do not just get one for grins. If your indoor coverage is good, you will see no benefit and may actually see problems. Just an FYI. (Though I am impressed with Robert's sources! Very timely as I just heard about this today. lol)
  10. I was to try out Inglorious Basterds that Google offered for a quarter.
  11. The culture of a community is set by its leaders. Robert has always been civil even on other hostile sites. I suspect we will have no issues here. My own behavior is tempered by his leadership.
  12. What is interesting to me is that Google growth seems to be at the expense of BB, MS, and Palm, but not Apple. Check out how everyone declines other than Apple. I do not think Apple is losing any more customers to Google than Google is losing to Apple. Anyone else have info?
  13. I definitely will not be posting any newsworthy items to other sites. I like the civility and intelligence here. Now, if Robert could have just chosen a better name for the site...
  14. I am loving the maps! Of course, I cannot tell customers anything that is not officially released by Sprint. But I sure love the information you are providing. I hope that it is accurate. I cannot wait to see the actual deployment maps for "Dallas" to find out whether or not it includes Fort Worth. I would love to dump AT&T DSL if LTE works out since I get a good deal on unlimited data as an employee.
  15. Imagine how it feels to work for Sprint with such a spotty network...
  16. Kind of old here so this would probably be wasted on me
  17. 3G data traffic has doubled every year, even with Clear entering the picture. Jan 2010 saw about 6,000 TB of daily 3G traffic. By Jan 2011, it hit 12,000 TB/day. I have not checked this year, but I bet it is close to 24,000 TB/day. Reducing tower strain will take creativity in addition to increasing capacity. The strain is good in that it forces innovation.
  18. That could not be more wrong. Unfettered capitalism has historically always resulted in the unfair concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few unless the goverment intervenes.
  19. A whole different team DID manage it. Sprint switched ad agencies.
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