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Posts posted by Terrell352

  1. The s9 is good at receiving Band 41, but not transmitting to the cell site.  My question is --- why don't they fix this?  Kick the s9 off band 41 when it struggles to upload to band 41 and can't do it.    Or better yet, get band 25 upload going with band 41 download.   Do something.  Just fix it and yesterday.
    Band 25 primary with b41 secondary is called interband CA. That's what I was saying. Sprint is the only carrier not using it. Hell the other 3 carriers also use intraband CA just like Sprint. John Saw let's go get it right.

    Sent from my SM-G977P using Tapatalk

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  2. The September update for the unlocked version is available today if you manually check for it.
    I have it installed.  No option to turn on VOLTE.   No new carrier aggregation options.  This is getting old. Reporting this same news month after month.  I have had about 8 or 9 monthly updates to this UNLOCKED S9 since it was new and I am not seeing any improvements to it.     Why would a S9 be getting ignored? 
    My CDMA 1x service works fine and I really am not suffering because I lack VOLTE.  But it just is the bungling and fumbling on getting VOLTE active and it is for no apparent reason. 
      Then they allow band 41 to take over about everything and keep me on it almost everywhere when upload does not work well on band 41.  This upload issue was known before they even launched B-41. Being connected to B-41 on LTE+ at levels of -110 to -130 is a disaster.  And it just continues and continues. No upload at all and the phone stays on the unusable B-41.

    This is why interband CA is so important. How the Sprint executive network doesn’t know that is beyond me. It’s software and doesn’t cost them much to get this rolling. I just don’t understand. Also the S9 radio is just really good at b41 it’s not the network. As soon as I switched to the S10 5G I thought it was a worse network performer but in reality it was just switching bands better even if the bands it switched to was congested and slow but that’s really Sprints fault for not using interband CA.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  3. Calling+ is not a good proxy for VoLTE. It's night and day difference. VoLTE will never suffer from congestion. Calling+ is impacted severely by it. If you're moving (such as in a car), I've noticed the network will move you to B26 to minimize handoffs and cutouts while on a VoLTE call (remember, congestion doesn't affect VoLTE. It's as though B26 is unloaded). The network doesn't know you're on a Calling+ call, so you'll get stuck with B41 unusual upload, etc, and the call will cut out.

    As an example, I was in a subway station waiting for a train. There was a DAS with B25 and B26 only. Data was literally unusable. I couldn't even send a message in a chat. 0 throughput. Yet a VoLTE call I did was crystal clear.

    Read my wall post if you want a technical breakdown of the difference https://s4gru.com/entry/439-sprints-casting-call-of-voice-over-actors-an-in-depth-analysis-of-volte-calling-and-vowifi/

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

    I remember when every carrier had VoLTE but Sprint everyone was saying how it wasnt needed, then after calling plus came they raved about how great it was and later when VoLTE came now calling plus is crap.

    What's weird is I had calling plus and watched the quality degrade to the point where Sprint stopped offering it with the Note 9. Point is VoLTE I hope is not being over hyped. At least in my area VoLTE clarity and reliability is better than Calling plus but honestly not by much. Especially if it's a VoLTE to Non VoLTE call.

    Sent from my SM-G977P using Tapatalk

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  4. Yeah, the worst I have seen the 3x3 perform was 2-3Mbps, and that was in early deployment when sites were islands.  Now that there is good density with 3x3, it's typically 5-15Mbps in most places.  Whereas Tmo's 5x5 L700 is 0-5Mbps in most places I travel (especially in Mason and Thurston counties). 
    The South Mountain site in Mason County (my home site) is worthless from Tmo.  Speed tests time out most of the time.  If I can get any throughput, it's like 200-300kbps.  From a -95dBm signal.  Also from home, I can get Sprint on 3x3 with Sprint on a -115dBm signal and get about 5Mbps.  But I also get a 10x10 on a -118dBm signal that pushes 20Mbps.  I can't get the Tmo 10x10 on B4 at all from my house.  Unless I go outside.  And then it still performs slightly worse than the Sprint 3x3.
    To all you doubters about 3x3, RAvirani and I can attest to Sprint being a great network in Western Washington.  Even with 3x3 on Band 26.  And it's probably because they feel they have to manage it aggressively.  And they should.  They probably should do the same nationwide.
    I feel the pain of being on 5x5 b26 and having a bad experience. Granted it did get better for uploads now that b25 and b41 are the more primary bands. B26, B25, B41. The difference is so drastic and B25 slows down even worse in peak hours to levels of b26. Making b41 the only usable solution. Why don't they start using interband CA nationwide quickly?50d45a5db27334a23d4221321977bc31.jpg8fc945ccdff284e674a7e6b11d72bd21.jpg4cf48c5df4236a1377c04650f8ce2793.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G977P using Tapatalk

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  5. Looks like the 3 B41 carriers shifted to a different EARFCN today in Louisville, anybody else notice this in other areas? It was 40978, 41176, 41374. Now it's 41094, 41292, and 41490. I wonder what the reason for the shift was?

    This happened in Orlando 4 months ago. From the looks of it they are using different b41 carriers.


    Sent from my SM-G977P using Tapatalk




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  6. I have Verizon on my phone and the congestion is terrible if you aren’t on a mini macro or small cell. T-Mobile is congestion city. AT&T, just no. The thing is band 25 actually does alright. What irritates me is that even though there is good band 25 available my devices want to grab on to band 26 and I don’t know why.
    You could turn off b26 if you know your MSL Code.

    Sent from my SM-G977P using Tapatalk

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