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Everything posted by HTCandroid

  1. Some who pretty much backs up your claim. What about the initial crack before the fire test? The crack from the scratch test?
  2. I'm in the same boat in Southern California. Pay for 100 get anywhere from 100 - 120. My wifi speed tests are usually done with my N6 and occasionally with my laptop which I had to upgrade the wireless card to access 5ghz.
  3. Text my friend the deal who got herself a 6P and her sister the 5X. She text me back right away that she ordered one for each of them. The BOGO deal still works if you mix and match.
  4. You could slap that option in the developer options and when you turn it on it can say something like, "this feature is experimental for development purposes." From that point on any developer should know and normal customers become aware they are playing with things they don't understand.
  5. I appreciate your explanation and understand your viewpoint.
  6. Careful with SERO questions here, it's a sensitive subject. When I used to work at Sprint people would swap phones all the time while in contract. Will be able to swap phones with no issue and it should not change your plan since you already have an iPhone 5s on it. You don't have to sign up for a new 2-year contract (I'm on SERO Premium from being an ex-employee and I have been eligible for an upgrade for months with no changes. In this case, doing away with contracts most likely means you will not be able to buy a phone at a subsidized price in exchange for a 2-year contract. Changing devices is best done either calling Sprint or using the chat system. It should be pretty easy, however, doing swaps by logging in doesn't work because your plan is different and depending on how new reps are in the store they may not know what they are doing. Also, only corporate stores can handle SERO customers. Hope this helps!
  7. Tried doing that with a hotmail account and two different gmail accounts (one with a school domain). I remember the hold messaging through pcs, I tried about a year ago to login in and it wouldn't let me. I assumed Sprint shut all of that down, I could be wrong.
  8. Something weird happened today. I got a text message and when I looked at it it was spam message. I looked at the details and it was from an email address. The messaged said "it had a proposition for me for the less fortunate..." blah blah blah and asked for my email for more information. How could my phone number receive a text from an email? I am using Google's stock Messenger app and my N6 is completely stock, no root or unlocking. I responded "unsubscribe" and deleted it. There was no link and I wouldn't have clicked it if there was. Should I be concerned with some sort of hack? I shouldn't have responded and just deleted it. P.S. it was from "davadavid899@gmail.com."
  9. I'm sure their advertising department is gonna love your search and browsing history haha. I've gotten 110 mbps....on my WiFi! haha Was that speed on CA? I've gotten 75mpbs on B41 no CA in Orange County.
  10. If i recall correctly, the HTC Evo 4G LTE and Galaxy SIII both supported voice and data simultaneously. I had the Evo for a year and only used both at the same time once, and that was to just to see if it did. I've never needed both at the same time.
  11. Let's give him some credit for even giving feedback in the first place, even if there were a some mistakes. It also takes a lot of character from a man or a woman to come back on to an internet forum no less and admit fault and clear the situation. When I first joined years ago this site was widely open to communication and sharing experiences regardless if there was user error involved. Over the years I've noticed a tone from many members, sponsors of all levels, and administrative staff becoming more and more harsh and less forgiving with a sense of entitlement. This is part of the reason I have greatly reduced my participation in topics and threads. Don't get me wrong, there are still a lot of great and helpful members here of all levels and I appreciate all of their help and given input. This is just something I wanted to point out and if anyone thinks I am out of line and feels the need to correct me, please do so in a respectable manner.
  12. haha I totally agree. I just graduated with a business degree but I'm kicking myself in the ass for not sticking to a STEM discipline.
  13. That's what I thought. I thought that function always been there. Thanks for the input.
  14. Hey guys, I just noticed something a little strange after the 6.0 update with the calculator app. In the top left corner it says "RAD." I can't figure out what it means and it doesn't seem to do anything. Wondering if anyone knows anything about this or if it's just something that's just there now.
  15. You win...I was a child when LaserDiscs were making their way out...
  16. I was introduced to Star Wars in 1993 in the theaters. Before all the extra CGI add-ins. I guess I'm old too?
  17. If you also received Star Wars tickets for the marathon in the movie theaters!
  18. I've personally been a fan of Cruzerlite and Diztronic. Check them out if you like TPU styles cases. Diztronic has been my favorite as they offer a more plain design. Cruzerlite: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B014QTDZI4/ref=twister_B014QTDVLA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Diztronic: (unfortunately currently on preorder) http://www.amazon.com/Nexus-Diztronic-Matte-Slim-Fit-Flexible/dp/B015YRPUGW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1445471613&sr=8-1&keywords=lg+nexus+5x+case
  19. What I got from the updated article on the front page here is that the new "sim" cards are used to activate both LTE and CDMA now. If that's the case wouldn't adding the imei and the whitelisting process be irrelevant now? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  20. I would glance at Signal Check Pro but didn't base any of my experiences on it as the developer said he hasn't updated it and others reported it not working correctly on 6.0. I've been running the same route for a while now and I can't remember a skip once until last night where it happened multiple times at different locations. My route is approximately 5 miles and I know I come really close to at least two different sites that boardcast B41. I noticed the skips happen when I'm pretty much in the middle of the two sites (where B41 would theoretically be at its weakest). I'm thinking the new radio drops back to B25 quicker which I know is congested in my area based on previous tests. Again, I wasn't factoring in what Signal Check was currently reporting. Just sharing my real world experience and assumptions based on previous tests a few months ago. I'm in northern Orange County, CA area for those interested.
  21. I got my OTA yesterday. Appears to not like to hold on to B41 as much. Before I was holding on to it much longer and getting good speeds. Now I'm on B25 a lot more. On my normal running route I would be able to stream music perfectly, now it skips in certain spots where it's on B25 instead of B41.
  22. As an ex-employee at a Sprint corporate store, I know the activation fees were only generated when a 2-year contract was renewed or made such as an upgrade or new line. Now sure how it is now with the new financing pricing. Activation fees become an issue when families like to switch everyone at once to Sprint or upgrade all the lines on the account. If you're married with two teenagers, that's an extra $144 that just added up quickly.
  23. It's a standard usb without the metal frame around it. If you look at a usb you have laying around, you'll see the plastic part in the inside. A lot of thumb drives are coming out like that to reduce size, weight, and I'd assume building materials. Here's one for an example: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RT546SQ?keywords=thin%20usb%20thumb%20drive&qid=1444167169&ref_=sr_1_2&sr=8-2
  24. I forgot which nexus device it was but smashing the "CHECK FOR UPDATE" didn't work so I did a hard reset and it sparked to download the update. I think hard resetting it makes it appear to be a new device so it updates immediately. I'm constantly backing up my phone so hard resets aren't a big deal, others may not want to bother. P.S. I did the hard reset because my device was also acting up. Wasn't solely to get the update.
  25. What's the max speed on 2xCA? I've hit 70 Mbps before when I was at school at CSUF. I was on the south side of campus and using my nexus 6.
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