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Everything posted by clbowens

  1. Android 10 beta coming soon: https://www.phonearena.com/news/Samsung-Galaxy-S10-Android-10-One-UI-2-beta-coming-soon_id119503
  2. Anybody else having data issues in the Mayfield Heights area today? I'm having troubles getting any data connection currently. And with SCP running, I can see my phone is bouncing around from B41 to B26 a lot. I usually get a solid B41 connection where I am currently.
  3. So, everybody still liking their S10's? I am still liking mine!
  4. I just got a notification that my phone downloaded new time zone definitions. And they'll be applied after my phone restarts. Anybody else get that?
  5. Question: If you have a phone on Sprint that VoLTE enabled, and you call another Sprint person and the call is in HD, does that mean that person also has VoLTE enabled (since the call was in HD)?
  6. I've never had good voice quality on CDMA. With every CDMA phone i've had, voice calls have been a little muffled and/or choppy. VoLTE has not been choppy. But it is still muffled, if it's not HD.
  7. Those are great 5G speeds! Why can't they have those speeds in all their 5G markets?!
  8. My 3x3 B26 works fine for me, when I'm on it. Usually in my basement.
  9. Not sure if that was there before under the ##3282# menu, but say VoLTE is disabled, even though i have the VoLTE icon at the top
  10. They need to put more small cells in my area. :-)
  11. They haven't announced anything about a national VoLTE launch yet.
  12. Also one thing I don't understand, is why TMobile would want to lease Dish's 600Mhz spectrum? Or why would they need to? It will go back to Dish eventually.
  13. Have you guys heard about the S10 update issue on Verizon? Maybe that's why we haven't seen an update for our S10's lately.
  14. Mine does that every so often if I drop to 3G.
  15. What's also funny about this is that VoLTE is required to be enabled on the phone to use 5G. (according to their website FAQ: https://www.sprint.com/en/landings/5g.html?INTNAV=TopNav:Shop:5G#faq-09)
  16. After the TMobile/Sprint merger is approved, and TMobile transfers B41 to 5G only, will Magic Boxes become useless?
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