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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. I think that the article is missing one key component of the whole BB10 picture which is the enterprise support. True' date=' a typical consumer might not see a benefit compared to a similar device, but I know that if my work was issuing Blackberrys I'd be a much happier person knowing that the Z10 exists. And corporations might find their users much happier overall with something like the Z10 than the current models, which may increase productivity. (These are all grand assumptions, feel free to shoot me down ;) .) To me, the most exciting part of enterprise support is the touted separation of enterprise and personal services. Enterprise managers can restrict what can be done on the enterprise end of the phone, such as the inability to forward e-mails to personal accounts should they have attachments, etc.


    So, while some might not be impressed, I think for corporate end users who have to have a Blackberry, this will come as a huge sigh of relief and may even retain some companies that otherwise were about to leave.[/quote']


    Most enterprises have moved on from BES to newer solutions that support iPhones and Android devices.


    I work for the state of Michigan and we dumped all BES about a year ago in favor of iOS (so glad I have my personal Android).


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Forum Runner

  2. The only downside: Touchwiz. Its still as crappy as the older version on the T-Mobile Vibrant. But I'll learn to put up with it and shut up, and be happy with such a nice device. :)


    I switched over to CM10.1 Nightlies yesterday and damn, I forgot how much I missed AOSP and disliked TouchWiz. Well worth the effort. Only bugs I've found are voice recording/voice command don't work and Bluetooth calling is scratchy in the audio. Bluetooth media streaming is fine.


    Back pocket? I don't of many people who put a phone in their back pocket. Maybe if you are a chick or a dude that wears skinny jeans then I could see the front pockets being a bit tight.


    Many of my dress button down shirts for work don't have a breast pocket and I carry my wallet in a front pocket due to back issues. So there are many times that I'm walking between meetings or between offices that I will put my Note 2 in my back pocket as it just fits in my dress pants.


    I don't recall that. I just remember them agreeing that they will work it out. How much of their Mexican border spectrum are they going to be able to use? You make it sound like they can use all of it. That would be highly unusual. Because that would mean the Mexican license holder couldn't use any its border region.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


    {In my best MLB star before a congressional steroid hearing voice} After going back and rereading the news, it was just an agreement to figure it out. I mis-remembered it as a final agreement.


    Sent from my Galaxy Note 2 using Forum Runner

  4. Thanks for the info!


    As a matter of, well, size, I can certainly understand that it's quite a leap for the OP from a BB to a Note2, but is it significantly bigger from a GNex where its no longer back pocketable? I did check on pics from sites who did comparisons but nothing like the real deal from an owner of a Note2.


    I carry my Note 2 in all my pockets, it works just fine. Also, it is heavy enough that I know what pocket it is in and I won't sit on it.

  5. I just noticed that more area is mapped in that Chesterfield/ New Baltimore area. That's cool. It seemed like a really this band when I passes thru the other day.


    I browsed a little bit but didn't really see a good description of the buildout. Should we expect to see a nearby towers also come online soon? Or could it be kinda sporadic? I don't travel that way very often but I work all over St. Clair County. Curious to notice a crew doing upgrades.


    When it comes more this way I should be able to do a crap ton of mapping as long as it's in our county while I work. Can't wait!


    Sprint is doing a "shotgun" deployment, then going back and filling in the gaps.

  6. I concur on the GNex hate, except its more like hate and love...love everything about my GNex, except for the darned VIA baseband modem/radio.


    Hate to break the topic flow here a bit, but would it be worth it going to the Note2 from a GNex? I know I'll be geting a bigger device and will need to embrace a non-Nexus environment for TouchWiz (my nightmares with the Samsung Vibrant), not to mention the MSRP penalty since my GNex is the contract.


    I promise not to sell my GNex to another poor soul...I'll use it as a Galaxy Nexus touch if I have to :)




    CM10.1 just went into official nightly status for the L900 yesterday, so you can get your AOSP on the Note II. I'll be giving it a whirl very soon.

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