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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. You need to do whatever is best for your family. Sprint is in the process of upgrading almost every tower in its entire network and will be done sometime in the next year. No one can guarantee when the towers you connect to are going to be upgraded, but there are maps of sites in progress for the S4GRU sponsors who donate money to help keep the site going. You might see some towers already in progress in the area or you might not.


    Sprint shutting down the old Nextel Network in June and reusing that spectrum for voice calling will make a huge difference in coverage for sites that are ready. Chicago is already reusing a section of Nextel spectrum for voice calls because they are spectrum constrained.


    This is a forum for maintaining information about the Network Vision upgrade, not complaining about Sprint's coverage, please remember that when posting. If you have specific towers or areas of concern, you need to contact Sprint support and open a trouble ticket.

    • Like 4
  2. It's it a high traffic area?


    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2


    It's Lansing, not the biggest population and there are other towers around it. Back in the day I would say yes to high traffic due to the old GM plants, but those got tore down years ago. It is fairly close to the freeway that bisects town. I'm going to try and get some pics with my DSLR in the next few days.


    The techs were installing RRUs yesterday.

    • Like 1
  3. I retract my earlier post, driving home from work and saw a tower being upgraded. NV panels are freaking huge.


    Talked to a worker, said two other crews were working on Lansing towers and they had done six in Grand Rapids.








    Sent from my Galaxy Note 2 using Forum Runner


    I swung back by this site yesterday and they were working again. I need to get my camera over there, but this site appears to have two NV panels per sector. Is this normal?

  4. Except at my house... where they are too lazy to get out of the truck. Watch the truck zoom by the house on the cameras and the guy never stops since he assumes no one is home with no cars there, track the package and it says delivery attempt or whatever. Then I end up having to go an hour round trip to their office on the other side of town. No thanks. As long as they have the same lazy driver that throws packages at your door for my area, I'm not ordering from a company that ships FedEx.


    I had something similar, but got a bit of karmic revenge. I was home one day waiting for a delivery (needed memory for a PC I was building for a client). I was refreshing FedEx every half hour when magically it changed to unsuccessful delivery attempt. After a half an hour on the phone with FedEx and 3 managers, I got the address of the distro center. Not a standard office, but the warehouse at the airport and went over there. Happened to run into a poker buddy who worked there, not only did he help me get the package, but I got to question the driver in front of his peers/management. He had no answers as to why it was listed as a delivery attempt when I was home all day and there was no door hanger, etc. I still run into that poker buddy occasionally and that guy still gets harassed around the office :)

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