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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. If Sprint wants to gain spectrum, then they need to lobby the FCC to bring back the Cellular regulations where a single company can't own both the A and B sides of the 850 license. Pry some of the Cellular spectrum from VZW and at&t and use that in addition to the SMR spectrum to increase coverage where available.

  2. It will increase their subscribers to 86M, at least in the neighborhood of the big 2. No it will not give them lower frequency spectrum, but it will give them plenty of AWS and PCS spectrum.


    I never liked the Sprint Nextel merger. I thought they should have merged with Alltel, USCC and some of the other regionals to give them great coverage, if only for bragging rights. I also wanted them to pick up some PCS spectrum from Nextwave and other PCS spectrum sales. I wanted them to participate in the 700Mhz auction. But it is what it is and I think that T-Mobile and Sprint should combine to compete with the big two.


    Wouldn't a Sprint/T-Mobile merger force a spectrum divestiture, probably AWS?

  3. I couldnt help but laughing a little bit when sprint said some of their network vision/LTE deployment was being slowed down by, and i quote "Birds".... Although, its more complicated than that. Red birds are angry at the faster yellow birds for taking up the tower space. The red birds want their space on the tower. So what happens? Birds are flung at each other. Towers are destroyed, and the precious LTE equipment has been shat appon by the "Angry LTE hungry birds" who, once again, slow down the completion of tower upgrades..... Now if sprint told a story like this, then id definetely be more entertained.. None of this makes sense, i have not a clue why i spent 15 minutes in programming class typing up this insane made-up story. But it sure makes my life more entertaining thinking about something funny sprint could of said besides just "birds" :rofl:


    Don't forget about the Pink and Blue birds that are putting up LTE and fighting it out too...

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  4. Have no money ��


    That is a problem, if you become an active, contributing member, then I'm sure someone would sponsor you. This site is 100% funded by the admin S4GRU and it's member donations, without those, the lights would go out pretty quickly.


    Skip your next beer at the bar or latte and throw $10 here, well worth the investment.

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  5. I'm no longer connected to eHRPD in the Albuquerque area. I checked numerous other Sprint phones and none of them were connected either.


    I kept getting VSNCP Error 3:No P-GW Available which prompted me to check my network state. It's probably a separate issue but I just started getting that error this morning.


    Mobile network type EvDo-rev.A:8


    I've been a longtime lurker of the site. Just thought I'd post about it to see if anyone else was seeing the same thing.


    Do you have a Photon LTE? There is a known issue with the device registering the Sprint account. Contact support and they can assist.


    eHPRD and EvDo bounce back and forth all the time even where LTE is deployed.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Forum Runner

  6. I'm no longer connected to eHRPD in the Albuquerque area. I checked numerous other Sprint phones and none of them were connected either.


    I kept getting VSNCP Error 3:No P-GW Available which prompted me to check my network state. It's probably a separate issue but I just started getting that error this morning.


    Mobile network type EvDo-rev.A:8


    I've been a longtime lurker of the site. Just thought I'd post about it to see if anyone else was seeing the same thing.


    Do you have a Photon LTE? There is a known issue with the device registering the Sprint account. Contact support and they can assist.


    eHPRD and EvDo bounce back and forth all the time even where LTE is deployed.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Forum Runner

  7. Just a reminder to all of you that I will be very busy the next few weeks. My availability will be quite limited at times. Today will be an exceptionally busy day for me. I am really behind on personal messages. Thank you for your understanding.


    Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk



    Family, health, work, personal happiness, then S4GRU, sometimes I think you put in too much time to this place.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Forum Runner

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