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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. How do I give a donation and how much does it have to be to become a sponsor!


    Almost ever tower in the Sprint network is being upgraded to LTE, it's coming and it will be awesome. There are only a few towers on the east side of the state currently upgraded, but that number will grow. As stated in this thread, in Flint, Howell, and New Baltimore, there is live LTE. Keeping an eye on Sensorly is a great way to see what is going on if you can't afford to donate to S4GRU. However, most of the Sprint Sensorly users probably get their data from S4GRU to know where to try and map/look for signals.

  2. This can happen a lot, and it is happening a lot with the lte development. U can be connected to one tower for voice/3g and different tower for lte. Also this will even change more and more with lte 10 advance, that technology can change you to a different tower if that one your on is starting to get overloaded or close to threshold they set. Oh and when 800 comes into play more(if u have a phone with 800). U could connect to one tower for 800 voice, one for 3g and different one for 4g. It is crazy how it works. Some may say this is crazy, overall though. I think it is going to be great for network management to make sure u have the best network experience possible.


    I knew the possibility existed between LTE and CDMA, but I wasn't aware that the two parts of CDMA could be connected to different sites at the same time.

  3. I started using mikejeep's Signal Check Pro this week and noticed an oddity driving yesterday. I was right next to a Sprint tower and my 1xRTT was -52dBm, an incredibly strong signal, while my EV-DO was -103, an incredibly weak signal. Is it possible for a single CDMA chipset to be attached to different towers for 1xRTT vs. EV-DO?


    It seems that the 1xRTT was hooked to the tower I was next to and the EVDO was hooked to a tower a couple of miles away.

  4. The only thing I liked about BlackBerries was their SMS notification tones and ringtones. I found a tone pack on bittorrent and installed it on my iphone and my BlackBerry envy was fulfilled.


    I loved BlackBerry messenger, but it wasn't enough to keep me from moving to android for the OG EVO.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Forum Runner

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