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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. Finally experienced LTE in Byron Center yesterday and holy crap is it fast. I mapped into BC and back to the freeway after our meeting with the builder.


    I was interesting that my wife's Photon Q picked up LTE before mine Note 2, however, I'm thinking that my Note 2 has a larger antenna and was holding on the the previous tower just a bit longer.


    Can't wait for LTE to saturate over the next 6 months.

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  2. Sprint LTE is very important to me as I'm moving to a "rural" area in the summer and the two LTE phones in the house will be our only internet connection. No cable lines are run, only old at&t phone lines. No DSL or anything.


    I'm going from paying $80/month for Comcast (i think 15meg) internet to nothing. What Sprint is doing with NV is amazing. Unfortunately, the towers are not close to my building location, so I'm not benefiting the way the OP did.


    As for the current replies in this thread, a nationwide fiber network is the same to me as power lines, road ways, and phone lines. Any time a road is built or rebuilt, fiber needs to be run in association with it so that connectivity is available to everyone.

  3. I feel I owe the Lansing/West Michigan peeps an apology, there are no in progress towers in Lansing that I can find. The tower identified lay week is not sprint nv upgrades, but at&t lte upgrades.


    I got some good panel pictures and had digiblur take a look at them. I'm not sure why the tech I spoke with told me they were doing sprint work...


    Sorry, I've asked Robert to remove the marker.


    Sent from my Galaxy Note 2 using Forum Runner

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  4. Keep in mind 160 MHz of this spectrum is Clearwire 2.5 GHz.



    This spectrum has very poor building penetration and is largely undesirable, for anything other than adding dense short-range high-bandwidth backup.


    Don't get me wrong, it's a huge advantage to Sprint, for now. But if the carriers REALLY need spectrum, the FCC will find some. There's already talk of combing the Military-held spectrum.


    I great deal of that 160Mhz is leased from education institutions, not owned and it is not 160Mhz nationwide.

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