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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. It gets tricky with custom ROMs; it's up to those developers to include whatever might be necessary for the RIL to report valid data to the OS. I am not certain that it requires TouchWiz to do so, but obviously the Samsung enginerrs would have more access to those features than ROM developers. I believe the CM crew has been able to get Samsung devices to report some information in the past, so perhaps they can get it working eventually. I saw your diagnostic report; it was reporting null values for GCI, PCI, and TAC. Go update your version of SignalCheck, you're a couple versions behind.. then send me another report. I've improved the diagnostics significantly in the last couple of versions.



    This is strange, I'm on the latest from the Google Play Store and I'm part of the beta group, I've always installed the latest and greatest immediately on release. What would cause my version to show as old?


  2. I but CM12 on my S4T last week and it's been pretty good.  Battery life is lacking, but over all performance is good.  Bluetooth is flakey sometimes.  Also, on reboots, the data connection doesn't always register and I have to reboot a second time.


    The pros of lollipop far outweigh the few issues i've been having!!!


    I was do for a device reset anyways as my Moto360 was freaking out with Google Play services and the only confirmed fix i've found has been a hard reset on both devices.

  3. Mike,


    I'm not sure if you want to put any effort into this, but I thought I'd let you know.  Galaxy S4T and I installed CM12 (based on LP 5.0.2).  SCP Pro reports signal strength and carrier, but it is not reading any GCI/PCI/TAC data from the OS.  Not sure if SCP is not reading it or CM12 is not presenting it.


    Reset Mobile works fine with the built in root (much faster than TW/SuperSu on KK 4.4.2).


    One note, on CM10, SCP read GCI/PCI/TAC from that version of the OS, but the data was all incorrect.


    I submitted a diagnostics report.

  4. Does anyone know the status of when the back haul will be complete for the GR area? Many areas I still notice less than 1mbps up/down on the LTE 800.

    Backhaul isn't needed, more sites are needed. iPCS build the west Michigan network and it is spaced at the max limits for PCS spectrum. ESMR I'd just filling in the gaps and being over burdened. Band 41 will help with the heavy lifting, but the real fix is adding more towers.
    • Like 1
  5. B41 is active on the LugNut downtown lansing


    Edit in: They must be testing it, currently back on B25 LTE


    Edit in2: Wow, just realized, less than two full weeks from B41 antenna installation and wiring to live service


    Edit in 3:Back on B41 and its still great, phone is actually usable. Co-worker on B25 device asked me if something changed because his performance was better. Explained offloading to him.

    • Like 5
  6. Mike is there anyway SCP can track neighboring cells using the GCI instead of the PCI? The neighboring cells feature does not seem to work on Samsung devices.


    Also SCP seems to be draining my battery, on my other devices SCP does not use this much battery consumption usually less than 2%.


    attachicon.gif Screenshot_2015-02-17-10-25-35.png

    Once a Samsung device is upgraded to 4.4.4 and above, the modem/OS reports PCI properly.
    • Like 1
  7. Galaxy s4/s5 that have an accessible sim slot use the same GSM bands that are standard globally. Edge/HSPA 14 are supported on Sprint devices. I've got my rooted LG G2 running on T-Mobile using their GSM technologies (no LTE). Yes, they do support it but Sprint needs to unlock the device or you can via rooting (which voids warranty).

    That's my point, why isn't this being unlocked for domestic use?
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