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Everything posted by Vince

  1. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    I just can't figure out what is wrong with the GPS on this phone. I just got a replacement from Sprint, and I still can never get a lock. I'm in Chicago, and my weatherbug thought I was in Kansas. That's messed up. Sent from my LG-LS980
  2. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    I actually don't mind the stock rom on this phone, it's just very bloated. I'm thinking of just rooting and running greenify to try and make a great battery even better. Have any other tips or good guides for removing the bloat? Sent from my LG-LS980
  3. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    Thanks for your input. I think I'll heed your warning, and not flash a stock rom. I'll just use my n5 if I'm in a mood for stock. I basically wanted my g2 to be a n5 on steroids; better battery and camera. Sent from my LG-LS980
  4. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    Anyone have a suggestion for a rom? I'm feeling adventurous. Do any roms offer spark compatibility? I'd like a stock kitkat rom if possible, and have been looking at "Mahdi." Thanks. Sent from my LG-LS980
  5. That really sucks. Didn't they test it?
  6. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    I'm seeing these issues on my g2, also. Lots of data drops, and a dead 3g connection occasionally. I even roamed on Verizon evdo for a minute earlier today which I've never seen before. Currently, Chicago is slowly rolling out b26, so the stories line up. I refuse to disable b26, though.
  7. I think the first sighting may have been in the loop somewhere originally. I have found it in 2 or 3 suburbs, plus around 47th and central, which seems to be a hotbed of activity. I check every night and haven't seen it anywhere else, especially near Comiskey Park (where it would be very valuable). It's coming, though.
  8. NV 1.0 complete means every single tower in the market has had it's physical builds completed, i.e. Chicago. Then there is NV 2.0 which is the addition of band 26 LTE, and adding band 41 td-LTE antennae to the same rack. There is also another band 41 project underway--a side project, if you will--where band 41 equipment is being installed on former clearwire WiMax sites. I believe that those are dual-mode WiMax/td-LTE antennae.
  9. Seems better now. That one only took a minute.
  10. Right. And I think they all throttle, which is what Sprint should do, too. I think only GoPhone is wide open.
  11. AT&T mvno's use LTE. I know of AIO, and GoPhone (not really an mvno). And doesn't h2o use LTE?
  12. Chicago is an NV complete market with only a smattering of non-LTE sites here and there. PCS can't always reach everywhere, even in a densely packed city. You'll greatly benefit from band 26 and our second pcs (B block) carrier to ease congestion. You probably just live in a bad spot, or the PCS signal can't penetrate your building. Edit: what kind of phone do you have? Sprint has had Chicago officially spark launched for some time now, and spark is in many places in the loop. That won't help with in-building performance (unless you're really close to a tower), but it will certainly give you much better speeds.
  13. Where do you live? Do you get no LTE or just slow speeds?
  14. There's way too many variables in place to give a definitive yes or no. How far is the nearest tower?
  15. Maybe front-facing Beats speakers with software on a future iPhone, or some really nice included headphones. That would be nice.
  16. But he also said the speeds were "extremely fast." I don't think anyone has ever referred to 1x as "fast."
  17. I won't know about my usual spots until Monday: / Hopefully there's more coming online.
  18. I'll be spending my night in Rosemont drinking with friends. Surely, there will be band 26 or a second carrier present directly across the highway from O'Hare, right? A guy can hope.
  19. Excellent. In the same spots? Any new spots?
  20. Same here. It's gone. And I also am dropping to 3G/1x in places I never have before. They're testing, or doing something. You can be sure of that. 26 I understand, because that's a separate antenna and needs to be adjusted, but the second carrier should just come online and stay online. What is there to test? It broadcasts over the already tuned pcs antenna.
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