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Posts posted by ericdabbs

  1. I was on totally stock ZVA, sideloaded and ended up in boot loop. Had to use flashtool to flash back to zv7, did all the updates, then did the google framework trick and got zvc.

    What is the google framework trick?


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



  2. I tried to side load the update and it boot looped after flashing and was able to .tot flash back to zv7. I was definitely on the ZVC bootloader and recovery so I can confirm you can flash back from ZVC.


    When you tried to sideload the update, did you have custom recovery and any other tweaks?  That will screw it up.  The OTA does a system integrity check of your files and if you it doesn't match it will bootloop.

  3. Someone mentioned something about the "OK Google" feature..I'm confused because I'm able to do that just like in my nexus 7..


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk


    With KK you can now say "Ok Google" and google now pops up.  Of course you can do that with your Nexus 7 since it has been on KK for awhile now.  You just got used to it on your Nexus 7 but didn't realize that it was a KK feature.  It doesn't work on JB for the "Ok google" phrase.

  4. I've noticed my speeds are more consistent. When doing a home WiFi speed test, it starts at nearly my maximum connection speed like my iPhone does. Before updating, it would start slow, then ramp up, and go all over the place.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk


    But what about LTE coverage?  Like are you able to get LTE coverage in more places that you could before or worse than before?  Only reason why I am asking this is because some folks have claimed that from ZV8 to ZVA, the LTE coverage went down.  Was curious if ZVA to ZVC update improved on this aspect.

  5. Mine was just waiting for me when I checked the update center. Not sure what is different but it seems faster. 5amyna6u.jpg


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk


    Interesting that the ZVC baseband is 20046 which is different than the ZVA baseband which is 20018.  Don't think there are huge changes but would be nice if there were any.

  6. I think its being held back because Spark and Band 41 have only been deployed in some markets. They probably didn't see the need to enable both bands if only a small number could access those bands.


    It could be but I don't really buy that theory.  If that was the reasoning, then there will still not be any Spark devices released yet.  Sprint back in Nov 2013 thought that it was good enough to start releasing Spark devices with all 3 bands enabled.  Actually since Nov 2013, Sprint has made some nice progress on B41 LTE deployment so it should be in decent shape now.  Obviously Sprint has a long long way to go in terms of its vision of deploying B41 LTE nationwide but in large markets it should be alright.

  7. Since a few of us have already gotten our m8's I figure it is time to open up a user thread for the m8.


    Its very busy day for me so I haven't had much time to play with it but so far its pretty awesome.  As far as rf performance, well of course nothing is as good as the nexus 5 but for me the m8 has been holding its own fairly well.  In my office my One(m7) would never connect to lte from my desk but my nexus would 100% of the time.  With the m8 I've been able to connect to lte from my desk but the n5 has a stronger signal by about 5db or so.  Anyway, I will add what I can later on.


    How is the build quality of the M8 compared to the HTC One?

  8. Just curious, do you guys think that the G2 will get Wifi Calling with this update? What I am really curious about is what makes a device wifi calling compatible? It seems like it is just a question of software, so I am curious why there are specific devices they focus on




    Hope so!!!

  9. Any idea on the time frames from posting to the LG site to OTA Deployment? (Past experiences?) 


    I am going to guess that Sprint is going to wait until this Friday to release the OTA.  Get the servers ready for widespread deployment.

    • Like 1
  10. Hopefully, they switch up the rollout order. I waited 6 days for the spark update. Anyone that got it in less than a few days gets bumped to day 10 :)



    Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk


    Good luck with that.  They ain't switching up nuttin.

    LG G3

    I don't know but 32 GB RAM is really pushing it, no? :P


    Never can have enough RAM!!!!!! HAHA.  This will blow the competition out of the water!!!

    • Like 1

    LG G3

    I'm over expandable memory (would think most people are), 32 internal has done me well starting with the HTC One but hey, we'll all be watching.  :D


    I haven't really loaded anything on my LG G2 but remember its all about choice.  You and I may be "over" expandable  memory but folks still want that ability to pop in a microSD card in case they need more memory.  The tech geeks when it comes down to it will still buy the G3 especially if it has the snapdragon 805 chip, at least 32 GB RAM and beefy enough battery but with expandable memory you will get even more folks to hop on the bandwagon.  That is the only reason why you would want to add that in there.

  11. Ah good to hear - did you get that same error online?


    I am going to guess that you have to go to a store or call to get this upgrade done since I think online is now coded to just accept Framily plans or My Way plans.

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    LG G3

    Now that the HTC One M8 phone has been announced with expandable microSD card storage of up to 128 GB, I think the LG G3 needs to have that functionality included to be competitive and along with a Snapdragon 805 chip and this will make it a beast of a phone.

    • Like 1
  12. It's likely optimized quite a bit for battery performance because so far reviews have said it drains at about the same rate as the G2.  Hopefully that's the case because the G2 has a good reputation for battery life.


    Yeah I hope so too.  Would be nice to see more phones that have better battery life like the G2.

  13. What I am happy about for HTC is that this time they got it right.  They finally hit the 5 inch mark with their smartphone and the specs look impressive.  Looks like Sprint is only selling the 32 GB model for $249 on upgrade.  However I am still not happy about the size of the battery being only 2600 maH (same as GS4) but it is an improvement over last years HTC One at 2300 maH.  Would have liked to have seen at least 2800 maH just like the GS5 but the reviews will speak for themselves.  Still not a huge deal breaker for those looking to upgrade.  


    It might be one of the last few phones that will allow folks to upgrade on 2 year contract.  Those with the Evo 4G LTE, GS3, etc might want to look between the M8 and the GS5 to upgrade their phones if they want to get under the 2 year contract.

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