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Posts posted by ericdabbs

  1. The profile update also seems to change the band priority back to default.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk


    No no...I was talking basically after you do the ZVA firmware update, check to see if B26 and B41 were automatically enabled.  If not do a Profile and PRL update and then check to see if B26 and B41 are now enabled.  If they now enabled, then do the band priority changes that I outlined.   Any time you do a profile update and PRL update after you change the Band Priorities it will want to default back to B25 first.

    • Like 1
  2. I went to check out this phone yesterday at a Sprint store and man is this phone huge.  I noticed some of the icons in the app drawer look a bit different but not a big deal.  I couldn't really test the flexibility of the phone on pressing on the back of the phone due to the security tags that are attached which prevented me.  Looks to be a solid device.  I do think it needs a 1080p+ screen resolution for such a large screen.  Didn't spend too much time trying to review the screen quality between the G Flex and G2.

  3. Also if you messed with the band priority prior to the spark update it will not manually enable the bands and you will have to do it yourself. Thr sprint store bands on spark are the usual 25,26,41 set up on both the g flex and the g2


    Good point.  It sounds like a great reason why some people didnt have their LTE bands auto enabled after taking the OTA.  They must have manually enabled B26 or B41 in addition.  Would be nice if someone could confirm if this is true.

  4. got myself a G Flex!!!!! :D so far i'm really liking it! haven't found anything to dislike yet but i've only had it about an hour :) i was between this and the G2 and decided to go with this since i wanted a bigger screen. When i was in the store i could just barely see a difference between the screen on the flex and the G2 when holding them side by side. now that i'm back at work and playing on it the screen looks gorgeous!


    i made sure to verify that i was able to get the band prirority screen so i could change band priorities, the only screen that didn't work was the one the G2 uses to change to LTE only mode. i was able to use the dialer code, by changing the last 3 to 995 (for this model number) and it did load a hidden menu, but i couldn't find anywhere on it to set LTE only mode. i asked the sales guy if he could get me my MSL while i was there and he did :)


    Here are some signalcheck and engineering screens from it.


    set to CDMA mode to see voice and 3G connection



    shortcuts to all these screens don't work in signalcheck :( not sure if they do in the G2 or not? will have to message mike so he can look at it.


    will be working on moving all my stuff from my old phone over now :D if anyone wants to know anything else feel free to ask!


    I think its time to create a LG G Flex Users Thread! and close this thread.  Do you want to do the honors since you are one of the first folks here to get the G Flex?

    • Like 1
  5. When I connected to band 41 today, my speed was only 19 mbps but when I changed it over to band 25, I hit 29 mbps. I guess maybe backhaul issues are afoot here in St Augustine.



    Yes but you know in theory that the 20 MHz TD-LTE carrier from B41 will surpass a 5x5 MHz FDD-LTE carrier from B25 any day if both sides have sufficient backhaul and of course in a good signal area.

  6. Wow, followed the steps shown above and all the bands are there & enabled plus set to 1 all across. So I left it that way unless it makes a major difference in performance I'm happy thus far. 


    Thanks very much, this is crucial info. 


    If you leave the default settings of 1 all across it won't hurt your phone and the default settings the phone will search for is 25>26>41.  This means that if you have B25 and B41 LTE in your area, the phone will choose to connect to B25 first over B41 LTE which is a slower LTE carrier since B25 is only a 5x5 currently.  By doing the steps outlined in my post of setting it to 41>25>26, you force the phone to scan for B41 LTE first so that whereever available it connects to very fast "Spark" LTE since B41 uses 20 MHz TD-LTE carriers that can reach 50-60 Mbps.


    The thing is though, if you live in a market that is not yet Spark ready or doesn't have any B41 LTE around you, this doesn't really matter.  For me since I live in a Spark market, I want to be using B41 LTE whenever possible since I want fast LTE speeds.

    • Like 3
  7. I just did the above instructions and I do not see Band 25.....


    I see LTE Enable/Disable (Enable), Band26 Enable/Disable (Enable), and Band41 Enable/Disable (Enable)


    Does "LTE Enable/Disable" mean Band25? As I do not see anything actually say Band25.


    Yes "LTE Enable/Disable" means B25.  Not sure why Sprint didn't just spell it out especially if they spelled out Band 26 and Band 41 already.  But since Sprint only uses B25, B26 and B41 for LTE it is B25.

  8. Yes the spark animation does show up as well


    Interesting. I guess it worked for some people to not have to manually enable the bands and some do.  Either way you have the steps to do what I stated.

  9. I got the update this morning and had to go in and enable the other 2 bands... I restarted several times and no go.  I also fixed the priority so its 41-25-26  Just waiting to be able to go out and see what I pickup around here...


    And you are sure you got the ZVA firmware update?  That is weird.  You shouldn't have to manually enable B26 and B41.  Does your bootup animation show up as Sprint Spark?

  10. Thanks!!!!!!!!!


    Just one more thing for my fellow idiots, you also have to Enable bands 41 and 26. It took me two times to realize they were disabled.  :blush:


    If you took the Spark update you don't have to manually enable Bands 41 and 26.  what you need to do is reboot the phone again first.  If you do not have the Spark update this will not work.

  11. Thanks, thanks very much...


    And I remember someone posting on here on how to get the MSL, sorta the same steps shown here so I'll just fumble through that.


    Again thank you.  :tu:


    I just edited the post so you missed it.  You can get your MSL number by typing the following dialer code  ##443336772#



    No, that's not possible. You were just being impatient. The update has been rolling steady since 1/27 but the past 5 days it was just going to people who never use the internet. Only last night did it cycle back to people who post on online forums. ;)



    I presume one needs the MSL code to edit band priorities?


    Yes sir!! You can get your MSL by typing the following dialer code  ##443336772#

  13. But how is that done, what are the step by step........ :blink: 


    Before you try this you need to get your MSL number.  You can get your MSL number by typing the following dialer code  ##443336772#. Now that you have your MSL number do the following:


    1.  On the phone dialer, type ##DATA# (##3282#)

    2. Select "LTE" and press "Edit"

    3.  Enter your 6 digit MSL number.

    4.  Change the following Band Priorities to the following

    Band 25 = 0

    Band 26 = 0

    Band 41 = 1

    5. Once you back out of the menu, the phone will automatically reboot.

    6. On the phone dialer, type ##DATA# (##3282#)

    7. Select "LTE" and press "View"

    8. Select "Band Priority" and verify the band priorities are set to 41>25>26.

    • Like 3
  14. After installing the update, the other two bands were initially disabled on my phone.  I did a PRL followed by profile update, checked again, and all 3 bands were enabled.  No reboot required.


    Priorities are:

    Band 25: 1

    Band 26: 2

    Band 41: 3


    ok...digging ive found some of these screens...Band 26 Enabled and Band 41 Enabled, BSR timer = 3.  Priority - Band 25 = 1 Band 26 = 2 and Band 41 = 3


    Me too.  I am just restarting again and still 

    Band 25: 1

    Band: 26: 2

    Band: 41: 3


    In order to get 41>25>26, you have to edit the Band priorities to be 

    Band 25 = 0

    Band 26 = 0

    Band 41 = 1


    After you make those changes and do a restart, your Band priority is 41>25>26

    • Like 1
  15. Okay. So instead of having just lte we now have the spark icon as well. I thought it would be smaller or the lte writing would be smaller.

    Good thing I don't use my g2 for much anymore. Lol.


    Well if this is the main reason you don't use the G2 then I don't know what to say..LOL.  I guess the Nexus 5 is better suited for you.

  16. Signal bars, spark icon and signal type. 3 icons. I prefer minimalistic if at all possible.


    HA...but signal bars always existed though.  Ehh...i guess to each their own.  You mind as well not even have the clock on there and keep nothing at the top. Not really sure what the difference is between the Spark icon, LTE and signal bars vs. 4G icon, data arrows and signal bars.  The data arrows were its own icon in the ZV7 and ZV8 firmware if you didn't know that.

  17. It's 3 icons for one data connection. It would just be nice to cut it down and eliminate one of them.


    Not sure where 3 icons comes from but I can see 2 icons for LTE.

  18. Wow. Signal bars, the spinning icon and lte all in one status bar. No thanks. Anyone know if there's a way to cut that down?


    Not sure why the spinning icon is such a big deal.  You can always try to edit the LGSystemUI.apk file and replace the spinning icon with something else.  I think its just silly to worry about that.  But have it if it bothers you that much.

  19. Also to anyone interested this was the Deerbrook Mall store in Humble, Tx. Which is basically Houston it is on the North side of Houston. They also said they have started pushing out updates to activate Spark on all capable phones now. I know that the G2 was one of the first ones and She told me they were doing it in waves. She also said something about the HTC One Max and was making of all of the Spark capable phones that would be getting it. I just told her She did not have to tell me what all of the phones are because I already new which ones they were. This could be an area thing I suppose since Houston just got Spark turned on recently.


    Now I am starting to have less credibility in this rep.  Just FYI, the LG G2 is not the first phone to get Spark enabled.  The G2 just started rolling out the Spark update last week on 1/27.  The GS4 mini, Galaxy mega 6.3 and HTC One Max (on day 1) all got the Spark update on the same day last year since 11/15.  


    I have my doubts about a triband Note 3 but if it comes all the power to them.  I just think efforts are better spent to ensuring the triband GS5 comes out on time and working on a triband Note 4.

  20. Must the G2 be activated in order to receive the ZVA update?  Since I am currently using my GN3, the G2 is not activated.  I expected that I would receive it anyway - just over WiFi, then I would activate when 800 LTE lights up here in HBG. 


    I don't know if it needs to be activated but then I have to wonder if you are using it just as a wifi device without activating the device then how does it know it to push it to you? You might want to ask a Sprint rep here on S4GRU or at a Sprint store to confirm this.  

  21. I think the iPhone 5S uses CSIM for Sprint.




    I understand that but I guess my question was geared towards at which point will all Android, iPhone, Windows phones will use ONLY CSIM cards. We have yet to see an Android phone run CSIM.

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