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Posts posted by ericdabbs

  1. I wish they would focus also on rural coverage expansion outside Sprint's native footprint.


    Or even just expanding to suburbs that have popped up around existing covered cities.


    Ehh IMO Sprint urban city coverage needs a lot of help too.  I think in a lot of areas, the coverage is not dense enough.   I think for now, Sprint should just rely on 800 MHz CDMA/LTE deployment and CCA/RRPP partners to help with rural coverage.  


    Sprint is losing its customers in the urban cities of major markets because the voice/data coverage has been piss poor so I think the strategy on focusing on urban cities to improve both of these things is what is needed to stop the bleeding.

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  2. 1) Yes I too agree with VoLTE + CDMA devices, I'm hoping my current iPhone 6 will be one of the first!

    2) The thing is if you compare Sprint's PCS based CDMA network to band 26, in theory everything should be covered so density wouldn't be needed except for department stores, malls, and Walmart due to poor penetration still. If you also consider 1x800 however, we do need much more density and coverage, but that's where 600MHz comes in, small cells for this year, and hopefully new macro sites.


    Unfortunately, only new macro sites we'll see this year will be in Montana and rural states.


    I definitely agree that Sprint needs to do a better job at making its network more dense.  I just wish Sprint took all the Nextel sites that were not co-located and did full NV builds on them.  I can identify a few Nextel sites which would have made perfect NV sites to provide coverage and capacity located in shopping malls which badly need the coverage and capacity.

  3. Good question. And, if its too old to be a wifi calling candidate, will it even get Lollipop?


    Don't be silly...the G2 is not "too old" to support lollipop update.  The specs can easily support the next 2 android versions if it wanted to.  Not getting wifi calling has nothing to do with whether the phone will get the lollipop update.  The G2 should get the lollipop update but it won't be until later on this year.

  4. They have no plans to add wifi calling to the LG G2.


    I wonder why.  Is it something technical about the LG G2 that prevents wifi calling to be added or does Sprint think the device is "too old" to even care about wifi calling?

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  5. I really wish Sprint would add wifi calling capability to the LG G2.  I don't know why its taking them soo long to get this done.  Maybe the Android 5.0 Lollipop update will finally bring this much needed capability.  With Sprint needing to conserve spectrum resources to take loading off of its cell towers you would think that providing wifi calling capabilities to any available capable handset would be a high priority just to give customers more choice.

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  6. I know Sprint has a couple of towers around the area and LTE has been present. I am actually surprised that Clearwire has not been able to convert all of their WiMax towers to B41 yet because that would solve the problem as I am able to get good WiMax service in Tustin.


    At this point I want Sprint to just deploy 8T8R RRUs and antennas for the remaining Clearwire sites and Sprint NV sites.  Sprint is not deploying anymore dual Wimax/LTE B41 RRUs since Wimax is shutting down in Nov 2015.  Hopefully by end of 2015 a decent amount of B41 LTE coverage is present in LA/OC.

  7. I am liking what Tmobile is doing in snatching up more 700 MHz A-block markets.  They still need to snatch up the Chicago license from Leap and buy out all the 700 MHz licenses from AB License Co LLC, Cavalier License Group LLC, and Continuum 700. 


    How is the wideband LTE coverage in NYC?

  8. I've read that softcard can be loaded with a credit card, which makes it a good option for racking up reward points.  Shame it's not available on Sprint, and it doesn't work on T-mobile pre-paid or iPhones either. 


    That is a good motivation.  I use the normal Serve account now and its great but would love to sign up for the SoftServe option but sadly its not available to Sprint customers.

  9. Man I was expecting a better quarter by Sprint but then again for Claure to unravel all the holes that Hesse dug was tough.  Typically 4th quarter should be good for all carriers because during Christmas consumers tend to splurge on gadgets and I am hoping Sprint puts out some nice Black Friday deals this year.

  10. Unfortunately this is delayed too.  :dep:


    Agreed.  Way too many places that still can't deploy B26 LTE at this point.  At least Sprint is trying to squash the squatters but unfortunately the FCC is still too lenient on these public service groups and grant extensions who have did not abide by their initial deadlines.  Hopefully Sprint can also work to kick those squatters so that they can end up deploying a 5x5 LTE carrier at 800 MHz nationwide instead of just a 3x3 LTE carrier which frankly isn't going to do much. 

    • Like 1
  11. EDIT 4/19/2017:

    RabbitEars link for the 600 MHz Phase transitions by market.  Select each phase number to turn determine which phase number is your market which can be in multiple phases.  


    For example:  Los Angeles market area is broken up into Phase 2 and Phase 3.  San Francisco market area is broken up into Phase 8 and Phase 9.


    Ensure the pulldown selection is set to Map for Phase on Channel 38-51 for Phase X (where X is which phase you are currently looking at)



    FCC link to the FCC 600 MHz transition schedule timelines by Phase




    EDIT 4/13/2017:

    Spectrum Gateway summarized the Tmobile 600 MHz holdings with this map



    FCC website if you want to look up which specific blocks your market received.  Turn on Search and search by Market Name.




    EDIT 3/6/2017:

    Looks like Tmobile is not wasting any time trying to get the 3GPP to approve a LTE band class for the 600 MHz spectrum.  The proposed B71 is in the works with the following Sponsoring members: T-Mobile USA, Ericsson, Intel, Nokia, Qualcomm, Samsung, US Cellular, Skyworks Solutions, Deutsche Telekom, C-Spire, LG with the plan to support 5, 10, 15 and 20 MHz bandwidths.


    Surprise surprise that AT&T and Verizon are not present.  Lets hope the spec can be finalized by September 2017 and OEM equipment to be out by early 2018. 





    600 MHz Work Item Description (See Section 4 Objective)


    600 MHz Band Plan.jpg

  12. I wish the FCC would clamp down on licensees who miss their build out dates or have no intention of ever building out infrastructure to use that spectrum should not only have their spectrum licenses revoked immediately, pay a tremendous fine that is at least 3x what they paid for the spectrum and be barred from participating in future spectrum auctions.  Yes I know this sounds a bit extreme but I am tired of seeing spectrum hoarders.  Yes I am looking at you Dish Network!!!! 

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