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Posts posted by ericdabbs

  1. I still don't want to see a Sprint/Tmobile merger because I think that the US does need 4 national carriers not only for choice but for competition.  Tmobile has been a game changer agent for the industry and they need to continue to force change so that Big Red, Death Star and even Sprint can stop being stuck on old ways and be more customer oriented.  Sprint, Big Red and Death Star have felt some pressure from Tmobile hence why all of the other 3 carriers were forced to create a "Jump-like" program, monthly phone payment plans and heck even "simple choice-like" plans like Sprint Framily.


    In terms of 600 MHz, I really hope Sprint is working with Tmobile and the other regional carriers to fight for limits on 600 MHz spectrum as well as breaking up the 600 MHz spectrum into only 5x5 MHz blocks.

    • Like 2

    LG G3

    Lg is going to crush the s5 they will use the Odin soc because it's 64 bit and has the power vr 6 gpu to push the qhd screen ... It needs that chip for the screen snapdragon 805 won't be out until Oct probably in the mi phone then ...



    Sent from my SM-N900P using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2


    The Snapdragon 805 is going to be released in 1H 2014.  Where the heck did you read that the Snapdragon 805 chip will be available in October?  If Qualcomm is going to release their premier chip in October, then they are in huge trouble.  Even Qualcomm released their Snapdragon 800 chip by May/June so that the 2H 2014 smartphones can use them.  


    See the Qualcomm press release about the Snapdragon 805



    “Using a smartphone or tablet powered by Snapdragon 805 processor is like having an UltraHD home theater in your pocket, with 4K video, imaging and graphics, all built for mobile,” said Murthy Renduchintala, executive vice president, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., and co-president, QCT. “We’re delivering the mobile industry’s first truly end-to-end Ultra HD solution, and coupled with our industry leading Gobi LTE modems and RF transceivers, streaming and watching content at 4K resolution will finally be possible.”

    The Snapdragon 805 processor is sampling now and expected to be available in commercial devices by the first half of 2014.

    • Like 2

    LG G3

    All the rumors always imply the international version. The US galaxy note 3 didnt get the exynos processor while the international version did. Just watch the US G3 wont get odin processor and will be snapdragon.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



    • Like 3

    LG G3

    It won't have a snapdragon 805 ..... It's going to be a LG Odin Octacore soc ....805 won't be out until probably Sept


    Sent from my SM-N900P using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

    I dont believe for a second that the US version will have the Odin chip. Maybe the international version but with the US I dont see it given that sprint needs the 1x advanced built in which Qualcomm is an expert in. Not sure if odin chip provides that.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



  2. ioroot on xda works very well for root. It doesn't list sprint support but it works fine. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk


    Who said its not listed with Sprint support????  Well documented if you ask me.


    Root Thread



    Root Download link referenced




    v24: added support for G2 D800 10q, G Flex D956 and G Pro 2 F350K/L/S(thanks to @hkfriends for confirming ioroot method still works)

    v23: added support for AT&T G Flex D950 10c.

    v22: added support for TMO D959 G Flex. Tweaked scripts EFS backup... hopefully no more errors.

    v21: added support for Sprint LS980ZVA update. Added EFS backup support. 

    v20: added support for all D802/D805/D806. Updated all scripts. Added LG Optimus G and LG G Flex support. SuperSu now installed in /system. 

    v19: added support for MORE F320 4.4 firmware. Added Singtel D802 support. Linux/Mac script fixes.

    v18: added support for MORE F320 4.4 firmware. Added Vodafone(VDF) carrier(should work with at least Shipping ROM). Tweaked scripts.

    v17: added F320* 4.4 KitKat root. Added SuperSu.4.4 users must reboot after running root script(mac/linux)

    v16: added TMO 10g root and "SCA" root(D802/D805)

    v15: added ATT 10o root. 

    v12: added Verizon 12B root.

    v11: added linux support and Sprint LS980 root(both thanks to @Shelnutt2)

    LG G3

    It's that time again for the phones to come out during the summer to start leaking!


    The G2 is a great phone so we all have high expectations for LG to deliver a better phone in the G3!


    Some rumors so far:

    2K display

    16 MP camera with OIS

    Octa-Core/Snapdragon 805

    5.5 inch display




    I really do not want to see screen increase.  Id rather they just do a 5.3 inch display and keep the same dimensions of the phones.  I don't want to be holding a Note like size device anytime soon.  Would love to see the Snapdragon 805 SOC chip.  I would be curious if LG would implement some heart rate monitor sensor and a fingerprint sensor.

    • Like 1
  3. I agree with Tmo. Having the 10x10 in such gigantic regions just pretty much means that the duopoly will end up with them. They should all be licensed by BEA and in 5x5 chunks.


    If the duopoly wants a nationwide 10x10 chunk, then they should buy two adjacent 5x5 in all the BEA's. This would give local and smaller providers who have use of the spectrum a shot at it where they can use it. And it will also result in higher income from the bidding for taxpayers.


    Having really large geographic licenses in 10x10 really only benefits Verizon and AT&T. And using smaller licensing regions and smaller spectrum chunks still gives them an equal shot. They just don't get their more than equal shot that they're looking for.


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro


    I agree as well.  I think there should not be any 10x10 spectrum blocks allowed but rather sold in 5x5 blocks.  Also I agree with not selling them by EAs but rather BEAs.  Long up hill battle for Tmobile since it doesn't have Sprint to help backup them up in advocating for smaller spectrum blocks for the AWS-3 auction unlike the 600 MHz auction which has Sprint and Tmobile on the same side in terms of its vision for the auction. 

  4. The only thing why a spectrum swap may not happen, is AT&T uses band 2 LTE Here, and so I am not sure if they could rely on just their 700mhz LTE. I've tested both at high capacity areas, and both tested 10-30mbps. If they could get equivalent PCs spectrum, it would be nice, but maybe get cash, and use that cash for the 600mhz spectrum.


    You don't have to swap WCS for PCS in the same area.  There are plenty of 20 MHz markets out there that Sprint can use use some additional PCS spectrum.  I don't recall any spectrum swap deals that have to mandate for example swapping east Texas WCS spectrum for east Texas PCS spectrum.  NO..it doesn't have to be in the same market.  There must be some markets that AT&T has that have excess PCS spectrum that they can spare to obtain the full WCS spectrum portfolio.  At the end of the day as long as it benefits both sides they should be happy.  Getting spectrum licenses are hard to get by since once they are issue, they are gone.  which is why I don't think Sprint needs the cash.  Son has the cash to compete in the 600 MHz and doesn't need to resort to selling WCS licenses to get more.  Sprint does have near the top of all the 4 carriers in terms of ARPU so its not like they aren't getting a decent amount of funds rolling in from its subscribers.


    That is how Tmobile and Verizon got the 700 MHz deal done.  Tmobile identified multiple markets where it had an excess (~40 to 60 MHz) AWS spectrum that it can hand off 10 MHz of that to Verizon in exchange for Verizon's 700 MHz A block spectrum.

  5. Ive had this happen as well, although not very often at all. (Had to set email to sync manually)


    Glad I am not the only one.  I wonder if LG/Sprint is aware of it.

    • Like 1
  6. Just wanted to throw this out there in case others have experienced this weird bug. On my G2 it sometimes would turn on Wifi automatically even though it is not intended.  I don't have the Sprint Connections Optimizer feature enabled.  I find the bug very annoying because I have to manually disable it.  Also sometimes even when I have my data connection set to disabled when I go to sleep at night, I would sometimes get notification emails coming in on my phone.  Now I don't know if this has some relation with my G2 at night randomly turning on Wifi and connecting to my home wifi that in those 10-15 seconds of connection was enough to receive email notifications.  Its really weird but I wanted to find out if others have experienced this as well.

  7. Also my understanding is the update will be ZVC, plus the almost non existent description I call BS as well. Rumor has it the delay is because they are adding wifi calling.


    Hopefully ZVC is the last one because this KK update is long overdue.

  8. When I was laid-off the first time from Sprint Retail as a ASM after the Nextel merger for the first store reduction, it was a shocker to me, but I decided to take the severance package. Received some excellent training from their outplacement program. Relaxed for a few weeks and after collecting a few unemployment checks, I actually took another open position in Sprint Retail as a LRC. Actually got a raise from when I was an ASM and had the ability to make more money.


    I say that to say this. If you want to get back into Sprint somewhere, you can. Don't stress about it, take a short break and reboot and get back at it.


    NOW, with that said, once I was let go from Sprint after the second time, I realized a year later that it was the greatest thing that could happen to me as I was stuck with a closed mindset of only wanting to work for Sprint Retail. I now work in Mortgage Banking IT for an extremely large financial institution here in the U.S. and now I have every and I mean EVERY U.S. holiday off that I could only dream of having off in Retail. Not to mention the PTO and Vacation that come up to 6 weeks off a year and I've been here going on 5 years.


    Good luck. Pray up. It will all come together. :tu:


    Im so jelly of you getting EVERY US Holiday.  I wish my company did that.  Also getting 6 weeks of PTO is pretty nice..grrrrr

  9. I'm a victim of the layoffs as well from a retention call center. Can't say everyone was totally surprised, but there were lots of tears when we were told. Financial concerns aside, in a way it's kind of a relief, the job is quite stressful. But Sprint does demand a lot from it's reps, and I can say that making the customer happy was a top priority.


    Did you make that expression in your avatar when you heard the news?

  10. New FCC document posted regarding 800 and rebanding. 




    Here's the companies/governments dragging their feet on their 800 rebanding efforts out west:


    Region 3 (Arizona)

    Arizona Public Service Company (Mar. 21, 2014)

    City of Tucson (Apr. 21, 2014)

    City of Mesa (Mar. 21, 2014)

    City of Phoenix (Mar. 21, 2014)

    City of Yuma (Apr. 11, 2014)

    Gila River Indian Community (May 5, 2014)

    Henry Zappia (May 30, 2014)


    Region 5 (Southern California)

    City of Los Angeles (Apr. 7, 2014)

    Coachella Valley Water District (Mar. 31, 2014)

    Eastern Riverside County Interoperable Communications Authority (ERICA) (May 16, 2014)

    San Diego Gas and Electric Company (May 9, 2014)

    San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (March 14, 2014)


    Region 50 (Texas - El Paso Area)

    City of El Paso (Mar. 31, 2014)

    Region 53 (Southern Texas - San Antonio Area)

    American Electric Power Service Company (Mar. 29, 2014)

    City of Brownsville (May 11, 2014)

    City of Harlingen (May 2, 2014)

    City of Laredo (Apr. 21, 2014)

    City of McAllen (May 26, 2104)

    City of Rio Grande City (Mar. 14, 2014)

    County of Cameron (May. 31, 2014)

    County of Hidalgo (May 19, 2014)

    Lower Rio Grande Valley Development Council (Apr. 7, 2014)


    Wow I feel bad for the City of McAllen.  Will have to wait another century to finally get 800 MHz  :P .  So are these dates negotiated dates of when they will submit their 800 rebanding bids?  OMG this means that the US/Mexico IBEZ markets won't be getting 800 MHz for at least another 2-3 years.

    • Like 2
  11. I have been advocating that Sprint sell those WCS licenses to AT&T through cash or spectrum swap.  It is of no use to Sprint and I would hate to see spectrum wasted even if it means giving AT&T more access to spectrum.  When you have AT&T going all in on WCS LTE and have pretty much nationwide WCS licenses (minus Sprint's) it just makes sense to sell it to them.  


    I personally don't think Sprint should take cash on a transaction like this because I think a WCS-PCS spectrum swap would be much more valuable.  Sprint could really use more PCS spectrum to bolster some of those 20 MHz markets so that they can deploy another 5x5 LTE block.


    On another note along these lines, AT&T should in turn sell that 700 MHz A-block spectrum block in Chicago to Tmobile that it acquired from Leap so that Tmobile can have 700 MHz LTE in the top 3 markets.  AT&T does not have plans to make full utilization of that 700 MHz A block spectrum in Chicago so why not sell it to Tmobile.

    • Like 3
  12. So sorry to hear that man.  Hope you and your family will be all right financially.  I know you provided some very valuable and insightful information to S4GRU and answering some technical questions about Sprint's operations.  Hate to lose a Sprint source from the inside but "it is what it is".

    • Like 3
  13. I know that i think i just didnt explain myself right, thats my fault. I was just thinking if we had 1x800 acceptances what would be the reason why its not useable and or i never seen them testing it or anything but could be that at the time of testing i didnt have a bad enough signal to get it. Plus most people have a sponsors prl that prioritizes 800 over 1900 cdma. Would you think that in places inside of ibez that has 1x800 acceptances that the rebanding is complete and b26 lte is deployable at that time?


    Those markets in the IBEZ aren't going to be getting 1x800 or LTE 800 for another 2 years minimum.  I am sure internally Sprint must be behind in LTE 800 deployment since we haven't seen much progress on that front.  Like anything I am sure part of the reason is supply issues for carrier cards/manpower.  Like most things I am sure there is some internal issues that prevents a mass launch of LTE 800 thus far.  Hopefully by end of Q2 that Sprint should really start ramping up LTE 800.  The longer Sprint procrastinates in deploying its LTE 800 network, the worse off it will be when Tmobile finally gets approved of the 700 MHz deal and can start to deploy its LTE 700 network in the major markets.  Hopefully with the firings of Elfman and Azzi that Saw and the other senior technical management can bring this ship back on course and help speed up the progress.  

    • Like 2
  14. No i wasnt assuming b26 is live here i know there has been 1x800 acceptances and that is what i was saying about not being able to connect.And also thinking that i need to be a premier sponsor to know if b26 has been deployed or usable is not the case I can read between the lines and have seen screenshots of b26 in markets. I was just asking if profile updates had anything to do with the phone scanning different bands is all. And yes I think I do know if my phone is picking up better rf or not since spark update or not there is nothing wrong with the phone and is not what i was implicating. I was just wondering if sprint was on schedule with deployment of b26 I dont live in a huge city so dont really see the need for b41 schedule and yea b26 would be nice but with sprint saying they would cover 150 mil pops by end of 2014 pretty much is everywhere besides ibez.


    1x800 acceptances are not the same as B26 LTE acceptances  There is not a correlation that 1x800 and B26 LTE have to be accepted at the same time.  Its evident even with regular NV where you have 3G only accepted but not LTE.  Just because 1x800 acceptances may be in your area doesn't mean B26 LTE is live.  There is plenty of 1x800 CDMA sites accepted in Los Angeles but I have yet to see any B26 LTE.

  15. I know b41 has alot more speed thats not what i was saying, i was saying that for my area we prolly wont get b41 till who knows when if ever until they start doing regular nv sites which will be awhile after the big cities get it. I was saying that the b26 would help here quicker for extra capacity and take some load off b25.


    Sorry about choice of words in thinking that there wasnt much difference in speed between them. And i didnt mean that the prl i meant profile predictive text must of inserted since its in dic. Like a profile update if dprint could keep a perticular area from scanning for that band or anything cause obviously you are not going to be able to just park on 800lte or cdma unless you do need it. Ive drove away from sites so that i didnt have a signal but i either roamed or no signnal at all.


    So im not just sitting next to the tower thinking im gonna pick it up with that good of a signal.


    The fact is that B26 LTE is in active deployment and those that live in a market where B26 LTE is deployed so far have been able to pick it up.  Since you are NOT a Premier Sponsor you have no idea which markets have some B26 LTE so you are assuming that you need some sort of PRL or profile update in order to use it which is not true.  I can see which markets have B26 LTE so it totally makes sense why some folks were able to post screenshots proving it to be true.  I suggest that if you are curious about which markets have B26 LTE that you donate to become a Premier Sponsor.  Otherwise you are just spinning wheels and assuming things are wrong with your triband phone when in reality there is nothing wrong with it.

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  16. I think you and I are the only ones who think it is possible. What a lot of people don't get is that most "rural" and "suburban" areas typically have a lot of dark or underutilized fiber that is ready to be used, usually along highways, state roads, public buildings, and schools.


    And if the fiber isn't readily available, alternatives in the form of bonding multiple T3 lines, using coax backhaul, or microwave to a fiber node are all options available for T-Mobile to utilize while it waits for the fiber to reach the cell site.


    I agree as well.  I think its totally doable for Tmobile.  The old Tmobile pre-Legere is entirely different than new Tmobile with Legere.  Its like comparing any issues with Sprint assuming management from the old Sprint pre-Hesse and how new Sprint is with Hesse. Entirely different with Hesse.  I don't see Tmobile keeping their old 2G network especially with their game changer attitude.  If they do pull this off, it might force AT&T to shut down its 2G network quicker too.  2G is a complete waste of spectrum and 2G is on the way of the dodo.  I see Tmobile being aggressive with their campaign to refarm PCS spectrum to LTE (most likely a 5x5 block since the majority of PCS still needs to be for HSPA+).


    So far Tmobile has been doing well in their execution of their Uncarrier campaign as well as capturing new customers.   They certainly are making the right moves including picking up 700 MHz in Jan to add some low band spectrum into their portfolio.  Right now though Sprint does need to pick up the pace because it has fallen behind on NV.  Hopefully by mid 2014 there will be a decent B41 LTE network and B26 LTE has really picked up (too slow of a rollout IMO especially when it was touted heavily for saving on costs and enhancing customer experience and really using that old Nextel spectrum for LTE).

  17. You would think that they would be adding wifi calling considering im sure the phone can support it. Has anyone had any b26 connections on their lg g2? Does the prl have anything to do with not being able to pick up a perticular band as say b25 b26 b41? I just wonder why there has been nobody getting to use b26 so far and why they have had so many problems with the deployment of the 800mhz on lte and cdma?


    For the bajillionth time, the PRL has NOTHING to do with LTE.  PRL is only used for CDMA.  There are still very little amount of sites that have B26 LTE.  It could be that Sprint is not allowing access to B26 until they feel is ready.  B26 LTE will come when its ready.

  18. There should be no correlation between when the LG G2 device was initially released between the 4 national carriers and when the KK update is available.  The Sprint LG G2 device was already complete back in Aug/Sept but it was Sprint's stupid marketing plan that they wanted to time it on Nov 8th to announce the Spark program.  That is the only reason why it was delayed by 2 months.  It wasn't because of Spark incompatibility, supply issues, etc.  Sprint could have easily sold the LG G2 back in Sept if they wanted to and announce Spark back then.


    When LG or any other OEM makes an Android update, they are making the update for all 4 national carriers with slight tweaks to add each carrier's bloatware. To prove this point, AT&T and Verizon released the LG G2 about 1 day apart and Tmobile about 2 weeks later after AT&T and Verizon but yet with the KK update status so far, AT&T and Tmobile have received it thus far.  It all comes down to what the carriers want to add on their twist for the KK update and has nothing to do with when the device was released.

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