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Posts posted by ericdabbs

  1. The execution seems pretty well off from where I'm sitting.  It was never going to be an instant fix. They have done a lot in a pretty short amount of time.


    Where you are at yes...but there are still many places that have yet to have a lick of NV.  I mean sure there are a ton of sites that are NV equipment ready but without proper backhaul they are just as bad since you can't see the 3G or 4G improvements.  Its hard to gauge if NV has helped in those places data wise if the backhaul is still lacking in all those red dots on the map.

    • Like 1
  2. Still waiting to get the update.. When I get it I'll let you know...

    Wipe ur google services framework app cache and the search time should be much faster for the update
  3. I apologize for all the scribbles but here's what it looks like. It's very unobtrusive. In your call log there is also a small green icon that shows it was an hd call.


    Hmm...I was expecting the icon to be a little bit more obvious than just on the dialer screen.

  4. Anyone have a screenshot or have decomposed the SystemUI.apk to find out what the HD Voice icon looks like?  I am curious if it looks as lame as the Spark LTE icon.

    LG G3

    This is the users thread.


    Sent from my LG G3


    EHHHH...in the past we used to create an entire new thread called "<phone name> Users Thread!"  I guess this works as well.  I mean its just that first 20 something pages are just speculation discussion about the G3 vs. talking about the user experience with the G3 phone in hand.  

    LG G3

    How is the RF performance for CDMA/3G/LTE between the G2 and G3?  The G2 RF performance wasn't as great as I thought it would be compared to the N5.  Was hoping LG would design the G3 to be more on par with the N5.  Anyone have any experience doing a side by side comparison?

  5. Well here it is 10 months later and I have some good news to report. It appears that the NID consolidation here in Orange County has finally eliminated the failed incoming call problem. When they first consolidated the NID's late last year the incoming call problem seemed to have actually gotten worse right on the border where the old NID's were set up even though all of the cell sites in this area were now showing on the same NID. I kept calling in and filing tickets on it but it never seemed to do any good. The issue remained horrible up until early last month. But it appears that the problem has finally been solved now. But I'm going to keep testing it out for another couple of weeks to make sure and report back again.

    Now if only the 800 mhz rebanding can hurry up in Orange County so that CDMA and LTE 800 can be a reality.
    • Like 2
  6. UGH...every time someone reminds me of the Sprint coverage maps it just gets me mad.  The Sprint coverage maps are soooo horrible and very small.  I love how you have to wait for a buffer in order to just view the next county.  I hope if Sprint and Tmobile merge that they bring over the Tmobile coverage maps guy and revamp the Sprint coverage maps because it seriously needs help.

    • Like 3
  7. Yes, but T-Mobile is upgrading those sites to LTE quickly, which would make it so sprint customers could access it with a compatible phone. Now it would take more work to make it voice compatible.


    No they can't.  Sprint LTE phones don't have B4 (AWS) LTE support which is needed to connect to the Tmobile LTE network.  Sprint LTE phones only have B25 (1900), B26 (800) and B41 (2.5 GHz) LTE support.  Your so called compatible phones are the Verizon, Tmobile and AT&T variants of that phone that can connect to Tmobile LTE.  Therefore the expansion of Tmobile LTE will not benefit Sprint customers at all at the very moment.

  8. Sprint and T-Mobile are also considering forming a joint venture to bid together in upcoming auctions of wireless airwaves, the people familiar with the matter said.




    Instead of merging?


    I doubt Son wants to form a joint venture with Tmobile just to bid on upcoming spectrum auctions.  Son is very intrigued with Tmobile and how it is transformed itself and the industry in just a short time and thinks a combination with Sprint will help form a solid #3 carrier.  I think deep down Son feels that Tmobile's turnaround resembles his own journey when he had to revamp the Softbank brand with Vodafone Japan back in 2006 and wants to help Sprint turnaround itself to be a carrier that is not associated with constant negativity.

  9. So I'm curious if this would be possible, but if sprint bought T-Mobile, and was forces to sell spectrum, couldn't they just sell to the regional carriers, in turn for them to apart of the CCA/Net america alliance, basically being able to use the spectrum still but not in control. So they wouldn't actually have an even larger portfolio of spectrum, but keep access to use it in certain locations. Plus it would help out regional carriers grow and possible merge into another 4th carrier ? Any thoughts or did that make no sense lol?


    Yes if I were Sprint and needed to divest some spectrum, I would sell the EBS spectrum to Dish and some PCS/AWS spectrum to the regional carriers.  Verizon and AT&T don't need any spectrum since Verizon has the lions share of AWS spectrum with the SpectrumCo deal and AT&T has both WCS and Leap spectrum.

    • Like 1
  10. Exactly. Both companies successfully petitioned the FCC to set some friendly rules with regards to the 600MHz auction. Instead of flushing that down the toilet, why not get that out of the way and then see about making a move.


    I will be so mad if this merger goes through given that that the 600 MHz spectrum auction rules were set for Sprint AND Tmobile to benefit by allowing them to obtain some 600 MHz spectrum


    I mean Sprint and Tmobile merging doesn't change the fact that they don't have that much sub <1 GHz spectrum but the FCC will have to revisit their stance on these rules given that Sprint/Tmobile will have a ton of mid band spectrum even after the divestitures.  I was really hoping the 600 MHz auction would occur first and both Sprint and Tmobile as separate companies would gobble up a decent amount of 600 MHz spectrum before merging.  Now this idea goes down the toilet.  Seems like one of those moves that I must critique Son about especially on the timing of this proposal which is not a good move on his part.  Son seems too impatient to try to merge the 2 companies.

    • Like 2

    LG G3

    I don't think this was mentioned in the presentation but is the G3 IP67 waterproof and dustproof resistant?  That would be nice if it did but since I don't think it was mentioned I am going to assume that is not.  Such a shame though to a pretty solid phone.  I guess LG doesn't copy everything Samsung does.  No fingerprint sensor and no IP67 waterproof rating.

    LG G3

    I guess I should say I'm waiting for a device that will connect to the "two-carrier configuration" mentioned in this Fierce Wireless article. 





    That article says that Sprint will deploy this beginning at the end of this year. I don't expect that they would deploy that without some planned devices. Sorry, derailing this thread. Back to the topic....


    If anything the GS6, HTC One M9 and the LG G4 can possibly get the 8T8R capability but certainly not any of the remaining 2014 flagships like the iPhone 6 or Note 4.  Who knows what the dates are going to be because of all the recent top level management turnover we don't know how the ship is being sailed right now.  The claim is that NV 1.0 is suppose to be completed by 1H 2014 but I don't see that happening anytime soon given that some markets have barely started.  There are still a ton of NV sites that have NV 3G upgraded but don't have B25 LTE yet.

    LG G3

     I would not be so certain about that.  We are seeing then in small cities, college towns, and at Clear sites and Sprint sites in a metropolitan area.  Premier members should read from this point down: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4825-columbus-market-mapspreadsheet-premier-edition/page-19&do=findComment&comment=321397


    My interest in the G3 lies in the extra storage (down to less than 2GB again for the third time) and the extra RAM over my current G2.  I had 48GB of storage in my Photon 4g.


    Let me rephrase this to be clear.  I don't see Sprint deploying B41 LTE that takes full advantage of 8T8R until a few more years.  Sprint certainly can put up the 8T8R RRUs up going forward in markets that haven't been started yet.  However Sprint doesn't have the backhaul (which I assume would have to be 1 Gbps just by itself) at any of their NV or Clearwire sites at the moment to support the true 8T8R LTE speeds nor are the majority of the major markets like NYC, Chicago, LA, etc that have a ton of B41 LTE up and running already have B41 LTE 8T8R RRU equipment capable of supporting those speeds unless Sprint goes back and reinstalls those towers with the new 8T8R RRUs.


     Its great that they start with some smaller markets and wish them all success with the 8T8R RRUs but the true voice that would be heard from most Sprint customers will come from major markets.  It certainly doesn't hurt to have the 8T8R LTE support capability in the phone but I just don't see it being necessary at this time.

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