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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. This is my dream too. I would love to see a phone in 3 years with s band, pcs (a-h), brs/ebs, and smr for LTE. Sprint still has a ton of wheelin and dealing Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2
  2. hopefully all 2013 lte phone models should support clearwire bands and 800 mhz lte. Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2
  3. I get what you are saying and I personally don't care if its 5 MHz channels or 10 MHz channels but what I do want for Sprint is flexibility. Sure right now Sprint can deploy several 5 MHz channels for LTE but as more and more spectrum gets refarmed or acquired for LTE, I would think Sprint would want to increase its channel sizes to 10 MHz so they don't have to add more RRUs and antennas on its towers since they only have a limited amount of carriers it can support per unit and that is where I feel flexibility is key. This is why their new Network Vision architecture is so crucial since it allows Sprint to adapt more easily to the ever going changes in the wireless industry. Clearwire boasts about being able to deploy fat pipes of 20 MHz carriers. Obviously the end users don't need to have the speeds of 20 MHz channels LTE speeds for the daily activities. If you base your logic for Sprint LTE deployment for its spectrum on Clearwire then Clearwire should just deploy multiple 10 MHz TDD LTE channels instead of fat 20 MHz TDD LTE channels since they don't need that speed. I would be interested to see what Sprint would do to Clearwire in terms on how big the fat pipes Sprint would be with Clear's 2.5 GHz spectrum if it bought them out right now.
  4. If Sprint didn't get the H block spectrum...of course its not the end of the world and Sprint will not go bankrupt but I do think it will still put them at a disadvantage especially in markets that only have 20 MHz. Tmobile, Verizon and AT&T have been bolstering its spectrum assets so Sprint needs to do the same to stay in the game. I just don't think Sprint will get that much or if any at all from PCS divestitures from the Tmobile/MetroPCS deal to bolster those markets that they have spectrum. If Sprint plans to rely on that route instead of going with the mentality that the H block has to be a very high priority then they are screwed especially when the spectrum fits right next to your current LTE deployment spectrum. I don't care about 2.5 GHz spectrum as much because even if Sprint purchases Clearwire since the idea will still be that spectrum will be deployed in hotspots vs. full deployment. Sprint needs more full market deployment spectrum in all markets. Even with the benefits of spectrum saved from deploying 1x Advanced is not enough.
  5. Still no signs of LTE in the eastern part of LA Metro (san gabriel, arcadia, rowland heights, west covina, etc). I honestly have no idea wat the strategy is since a huge part of LA has shown no signs of any work started. Sprint had better cover this area somewhat befor officially launching this market. Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2
  6. Sprint should add the 2.5 Ghz LTE band in the 2013 LTE phones. There are no excuses especially since Clearwire plans to launch its TD-LTE service in mid 2013.
  7. Exactly what I have been saying. Until the Sprint/Softbank and the US Cellular transactions are finalized next year, Sprint needs to not focus on Clearwire. Sprint needs to stay under the spectrum screen so that they can bid on the PCS H block and possibly work out a deal with Dish Network for the 40 MHz of 2 GHz spectrum. Sprint desperately needs the H block spectrum to expand their 5x5 G block carrier to a 10x10 G+H block carrier. Clearwire should be the very last deal that Sprint makes (hopefully in 2014) since they already have a controlling interest in the company. Sprint will no doubt have Softbank's blessing since by then the Sprint/Softbank transaction will be finalized. No other company at the moment is interested in Clearwire other than Sprint so the bargaining chip is already in Sprint's favor. Clearwire investors are just playing hardball because they want more and I hope it stays that way. Hopefully this is enough to delay any purchase of Clearwire for the time being. Obtaining more PCS spectrum should be Sprint's number 1 priority especially in many areas of the US where they only have 20 MHz of PCS spectrum in that market. The US Cellular deal is a first step to address Chicago and some other cities but getting PCS divestitures from the MetroPCS/Tmobile deal would be another step.
  8. Yes Sprint should wait as long as it can to buy out Clearwire. There is no need at all to rush a buyout of Clearwire since there are higher priority deals that Sprint needs to make such as bidding on the PCS H block, a spectrum sharing deal with Dish, asking for Tmobile/MetroPCS PCS divestitures, etc. Clearwire shouldn't think about picking up Clearwire until 2014 when Network Vision is complete.
  9. I am not so sure if Sprint can bid on the H block if they buy Clearwire. Sprint would have a ton of spectrum even though its 2.5 GHz and maybe put them over the top. I don't really like the timing of Clearwire deal.
  10. I don't know how I feel about this deal if it goes through. On one hand I am happy that Sprint and Clearwire will end this love/hate relationship and will help Sprint bolster their spectrum holdings. However I am not happy that they are deciding right now to do it. I am really afraid the FCC will not allow Sprint to bid on the H block in 2013 and prohibit any potential spectrum sharing deal with Dish to use their 2 GHz freqs just due to being above the spectrum screen. I guess the only thing going for Sprint concerning the H block is that they did pay a pretty good chunk of money to move the BAS to 2025 MHz. I would assume if any other carrier were to obtain the H block that they would have to pay Sprint a lump sum of money to use it. Also with this Clearwire deal Sprint is shooting themselves in the foot for any potential MetroPCS/Tmobile PCS divestitures since that would mean obtaining more spectrum which with the Clearwire deal would put them over the top. I just do not like the timing of this deal. I don't want Sprint to draw attention from the FCC from trying to become big too fast. Maybe Sprint is not happy with Clearwire trying to deploy only 2000 sites by June 2013?
  11. Good. Now Sprint go make a deal with Dish network for the 2 GHz spectrum.
  12. This is not good news. Sprint needs to acquire the PCS H block spectrum and maybe hammer out a Dish network deal first before even thinking about buying Clearwire. Sprint has too many deals on the table right now (US Cellular Chicago area, Sprint/Softbank, potential Sprint/Dish spectrum deal in talks) and doesn't need to add another potential deal with this right now. Let the Sprint/Softbank deal close first before trying to buy out Clearwire because if you are Sprint you DON"T want to complicate the deal any further than you need to. This is just absolutely ridiculous what I am hearing. Sprint has an invisible hand over Clearwire anyways with the 51% ownership stake. Let Clearwire continue to hammer out all the details for TDD-LTE with the TD-LTE alliance.
  13. You're right. Wow..I didn't expect Sprint to offer LTE service on its prepaid brands so soon. I was hoping/expecting that prepaid brands Virgin and Boost Mobile would start getting LTE phones in 2014. This way it gives more preference and encouraging those that are prepaid to switch to postpaid to get LTE. Also if Sprint were to keep prepaid on 4G Wimax until 2014, it gives Clearwire a source of revenue throughout 2013 which they desperately need. It looks like Boost will offer the ZTE Aurora and the HTC Kingdom and Virgin will offer the Samsung Galaxy Victory. All the LTE phones are meh....and Sprint seems to be keeping all the high end smartphones on the Sprint brand so I am ok with that, http://www.gottabemobile.com/2012/12/07/prepaid-4g-lte-smartphones-for-sprint-brands-coming-in-q1-2013/
  14. Any update on Completed sites this week? It has been two weeks already and is not looking good for any December 2012 LTE market launches.
  15. LTE extended to prepaid subs?? Like Virgin and Boost Mobile?? I don't think so. Virgin and Boost Mobile now have 4G phones for purchase but they are 4G WiMax phones NOT 4G LTE phones. Sprint may have some wholesale agreements for LTE but I don't know the details of any such agreements.
  16. I highly doubt that will happen since Wimax is not planning to be shut down until 2015. Sprint plans to stop selling Wimax phones beginning Jan 2013. Dec 2012 is the last time you can sign up for a Wimax phone on Sprint with a 2 year contract and that customer is eligible for an upgrade in Oct 2014. The Wimax phones will then be only be sold on Virgin and Boost Mobile. Honestly I think deep down Sprint is hoping no one buys anymore Wimax phones and instead opt for LTE phones so it can try to stop paying Clearwire for its service just like how Sprint is trying to discourage Nextel customers for staying on iDEN by adding a $10 charge starting Jan 2013.
  17. Lets hope the LTE phones in 2013 support the 800 MHz band. There is no excuse now that the 800 MHz band has been approved by the FCC. Im looking to upgrade to a LTE phone in 2013.
  18. If Dish moves its uplink spectrum assets from 2000-2020 MHz to 2005-2025 MHz, wouldn't Dish have to worry about interfering in the BAS band (2025 MHz to 2110 MHz)?
  19. AJ, what do you think is the most appropriate way to settle this debacle to avoid 'H' block interference? Is it best for Dish to adhere to the FCC's limits or is AWS 4 rebanding the way to go (reverse the uplink and downlink freqs just like the 700 MHz C block)?
  20. What sucks is that Android 4.2.1 is out now. Do you guys think Samsung will release another update for Android 4.2.1?
  21. The last of the big 4 has finally jumped into bed with Apple to begin offering the iPhone in 2013. Now each of the big 4 carriers carry the iPhone and I would be interested to see how Tmobile's postpaid numbers improve with the addition of the iPhone as well as how AT&T's postpaid numbers gets affected by this. I am sure there a group of folks out there that loved Tmobile but switched to AT&T because of the iPhone and may consider switching back to Tmobile. Do you guys think this will have any impact on Sprint? http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/t-mobile-usa-carry-apple-products-2013/2012-12-06
  22. Looks like SouthernLinc isn't giving up so easily on iDEN despite Sprint's announcement impending iDEN shutdown in mid 2013. In fact they even plan to invest and expand the iDEN network for possible nationwide coverage. I was really hoping SouthernLinc and Sprint could make a deal where Sprint can reclaim some of the 800 MHz spectrum lost in the southeast region of the US so that they can deploy a 5x5 LTE carrier there instead of a 3x3 LTE carrier there. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/southernlinc-continue-iden-business-plans-solution-nationwide-coverage/2012-12-04
  23. Probably not but I hate when spectrum bands are not divided up into nice 5 or 10 MHz blocks. Who cares if Sprint doesn't need the whole 5 MHz of the guard band. I would much rather have Dish have 20 MHz down and 15 MHz up than 20 MHz and 18 MHz up. Doesn't make any sense since the 3 extra MHz would be wasted anyways.
  24. At this point, since most of the LTE devices only support 5x5 LTE configuration, I would expect that Sprint would just use the H block (assuming they win most of it) to add a 2nd 5x5 LTE carrier. Since LTE-A is not out yet, Sprint couldn't do carrier aggregation yet anyways to make it a 10x10. The only way Sprint can do a 10x10 with the G+H block is through LTE-A.
  25. I wonder if Dish will get an additional 5 Mhz of uplink spectrum since its giving up the 2000-2005 MHz spectrum to be used as a guard band. Would be nice if Dish's uplink spectrum was reallocated to 2005-2025 MHz so that they don't lose the total of 40 MHz of S-band spectrum. Sprint has hinted many times that it can host another network's spectrum but I wonder how strong is Sprint trying to pursue a Lightsquared like deal with Dish.
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