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Status Updates posted by thedoctor1971

  1. Now I have a headache AND the hiccups.

  2. Dewrinkle cycle to the rescue! Our dryer has a water line attached so it mists the clothes to help dewrinkle them.

  3. .@Kimindex I know, @audiogalaxy is my most used app. @Dropbox hasn't even acknowledged that they've bought it out yet as far as I know.

  4. *raises his glass to toast* up the universe!

  5. Very mystified cat stood on the edge of the tub for a while.

  6. "Have you ever been whore fishing?" #elementary

  7. Oh yeah, out of hard drive space. *ponders how to resolve*

  8. Singing "I'll make love to you" while cooking chicken. Hmm.

  9. I wish you could initiate a remote rescan in @audiogalaxy. Forgot to do it and now I can't play the Pitch Perfect soundtrack.

  10. My OS hard drive is full. Again. It fills up all on its own. Windows just keeps growing.

  11. Just got sucked into @wilw's blog for a bit. Articulate is he.

  12. My son wants to see @ddlovato but I don't think she'll be near Seattle anytime soon.

  13. Crap, have to leave in 9 minutes for work. Still in PJs. Yes, I'm a procrastinator.

  14. Just turned on my air conditioning. Too hot to sleep. It's January.. the hell?

  15. I find @EllenPage completely adorable. I wish I were a director so I could cast her in something.

  16. I should find pictures of myself from 1990.

  17. Weird coming home to a quiet house. No dinner in the fridge.

  18. If you have a problem with alcohol use, get help before its too late. There's programs in every city if you need them.

  19. My mental soundtrack keeps bouncing between It Feels Like the First Time and I'll Make Love to You.

  20. Are you supposed to have parts left over?

  21. I had to use this as a breaker bar. Bout deafened me with the cracks as the lugs came unstuck. http://t.co/9X7jsT1L

  22. Mother nature is not cooperating in my plans for world domination. Er..plans to fix my truck anyway.

  23. I want to know when the sweet White Trash Zombie poster I ordered is going to arrive.

  24. Speaking of rain, it looks like I'll have to pull my truck into the garage to work on it.

  25. I'm pretty much the only coffee drinker in the house and I have a Tassimo coffee machine.

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