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Everything posted by utiz4321

  1. When you do the math, throwing in unlimited data on ten lines and the cost of phones this way ends up being more costly. Same argument used against tmobile and their plan prices. Most people well still end up needing a phone but the plan is great for people who bring there own device.
  2. Well they are looking at bring it back for the business space. Nextel must still have some cache with When Cingular bought ATT wireless since the landline ATT was still around they could use the name and sent hundreds of millions in branding for Cingular just to spent about a billion rebranding a few years later when sbc bought the rest of ATT. They did it because the ATT brand was worth more, it's the same here. The nextel brand has more value with business customers than te sprint brand or at least sprint thinks so. If it does it will only help them to bring it back so good for them.
  3. Sorry to bring this back up but I support your decision. I have self identified as working for a competer and have at times been critical of sprint. I have never felt unfairly treat in any thread or by any member of the staff even when they have disagreed with me.
  4. Yes, yes. This is rather old news. I think you need to listen to Hesse a little bit more. Sprint is in a kind of holding pattern when it comes to adding subs. They want to make sure new customers have a first class network experiance which they can't get right now. It wouldn't profit sprint to ramp up the marketing machine just to get customers on a network that is in the middle of being totally replaced. Tmobile on the other hand in angling to get bought out. They are in a full court press to acquire customers and get purchased before their balance sheet starts to go negative. This explains these most of these numbers.
  5. If you don't think uncarrier doesn't go away or become nothing more than a marking tool your going to be quite surprised. Reduced competition is never good for the consumer and tmobile's move are unsestainable in the long run even if they merge with sprint. If this merge goes through you will start to see sprint act more like the big two.
  6. Found it. Personally I hope they don't. 100 minutes in total a month is extremely inadequate for most consumers. This is a niche offering and the proof is in the fact that no other carrier is moving to match it. But this still distracts from my main point. In order for the carriers to have the incentive to invest in the networks, innovate and deploy new technology they need to be able to earn a return on their investments. Which means more services is going to cost more (why spend billions on deploying 4g if you can't recover the cost of this deployment). It is pretty clear that tmobile is angling to get bought out. the game they are playing is add as many subs as quick as possibly and get bought before our balance sheet goes to hell.
  7. according to tmobile's website the lowest plan they have is 50 a month which only has 500 mb of high speed data and you have to pay for a phone. My comment was more general and has do with people complaining about paying more for cell service while at the same time using more services. More services cost well more.
  8. Look, you are not going to get lower minutes and lower bills. You are not going to to get lower bills. You are getting more out of a cell phone and straining the network even more than ever with out using voice. Data consumption is the great cost of a user not voice so why would a carrier give you a break for using less of something that it dosnt cost them anything for you to use while at the same time you are using more of what does cost them money? We use cell phones a lot more than we did 5 years ago prices are going to go up.
  9. Slowly is a relative term. What they are doing is incredible and there are proceeding quickly. However, the original timeline had them being complete with only a negligible amount of towers needing work. So compared to this timeline they are in fact moving slow.
  10. Correct me if I am wrong but another problem VoLte is that a call requires more spectrum resources to place than 1x and a great deal more 1xadvanced.
  11. So I have a 3G accepted site near my work and every third phone call I either get static so bad te other person can't understand a word I am saying or I get connected to myself.....I have full signal. Anyone have any ideas as to what is going on?
  12. In broad strokes and especially the stuff about competitiveness I think this article is spot on.
  13. In the uk you have limited lte options. In part that is the result of regulation but part is the low revenue generated by having 4 carrier compete over 60 million or so users (which is the result of regulation). But the pricing is good.
  14. None of these companies are trying to screw customers, this is hyperbolely and it takes things way to far. These companies are profit maximizing organization and if the cost of allowing unlimited smart phone data plans no longer offers the same payoffs that it once did because the structer of the market place and sprint did not change they would be doing a disservice to their shareholders. Many, many customers in the US DONT HAVE unlimited data and are fine. The two largest carriers do not offer unlimited data and they continue to grow (ie customer seem to like what they are getting for giving up unlimited data). If the market place doesn't reward unlimited data and it cost companies more why should they continue to offer it?
  15. Size wise you may have a point and I think I mention in my original post that the physical size differences between the US and European nations make the return to scale a totally different animal, but this is some what off set by the larger US market. As far as comparing Europe as a whole to the US as a whole this is no where near comparing apples to apples. There are not barriers to trade or language barriers or vast differences in law codes with in the US and there is in Europe. While the union and common currency do a great deal to make Europe more integrated it is in no way comparable to the integration of the US. My main point is you are taking an industry that until metro and leap where gobbled up, there where 5-6 firms serving most markets and nearly all major markets down to 2-3 after a tmobile sprint merge ( some rural markets are serviced by one Regional and one national carrier). 5-6 where probably to many three will be to few. Tmobile is the disrupters in the industry right now, they are the ones making the moves that are changing the industry and all the other carriers, including sprint are following their lead. Take them out and I think we will see the industry petrify (pr at lest slow) which would be sad I such a dynamic industry.
  16. Well my statement was that industrialize nations tend to have four major carriers. France: orange sfr Bouygues and free mobile, uk: EE voda o2 3 Spain: movestar voda orange yoig Italy TIM voda wind 3 and it keeps going, almost all western European countries have 4 major carriers. Luxembourg has two. If your going to through in regional carriers in to them mix to argue that the US will still be competitive after a sprint tmobile merger, the thing you have to remember is regional carriers generally serve areas that don't have all of the national carriers competing in them. Japan has 4 also.
  17. I agree with most of everything you say except the part about site redundancy. 4 carriers seems to be the norm in most industrial nations around the world, Canada has 3 to serve 20 million. We would have the same to serve a market of over 300 million. In my mind this means oligopoly rents being extracted at consumer expense.
  18. I hope this doesn't go through. The US wireless market would be very uncompetitive I think at three major carriers. Most European countries have four and much smaller populations (although much smaller geographic areas so returns to scale aren't as high).
  19. Downtown SF is no where near complete. In a dense city like SF Samsung and sprint really should have kept lte off limits to the consumers until all the towers (at least in the financial district) where live with lte. For a lot a of people who don't know what is going on this is going to leave them with a bad impression of sprint's lte network.
  20. I wouldn't have thought it was that much. But that seems to be what is happening.
  21. So just started getting lte in my house. One of the three towers that I am about equal distant from has been upgraded (two are closer and one of those is the one upgraded). I normally get about -107 to -114 dBm, sometimes lte drops off but rarely. The weird thing is that every time I put my phone in my pocket for longer than 30 sec lte drops and when I pull my phone back out 3G again. Left out hardly every drops out of lte. Any ideas?
  22. The tower on Broadway and Dobson is broadcasting lte. Before you ask I have an iPhone so can't map it. But happy thanksgiving to me I get lte in my home
  23. I think it is hard for people in the s4gru community to realize that the vast majority of consumers don't care about what Sprint is doing with their network, they only care about their service working and right now in a lot of places it doesn't. Consumer reports is made up of people who are not looking at what sprint is doing with there network but people who only care about their service working. I work in and love the wireless industry and sprint is making some of the most exciting moves in it, that keeps me glued to them. No body that reads (and takes seriously) consumer reports cares to much about the wireless industry.
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