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Everything posted by utiz4321

  1. I have not mentioned nor do i care about the other carriers lte roll out. All I said is that I don't think sprint will be complete by mid 2014 (ie June 2014) and gave my reason for think so.
  2. No I am using as a guide markets sprint has started over a year ago and are still not complete to markets sprint has just started. All on my information comes from s4gru, including that current run rates have many markets being complete long after mid year of 2014.
  3. I would only add on more thing to your math. You are not going to sell you s4 and not have a phone, at least the vast majority of people will not. So if you sold it on eBay for 400 then you would pocket 200 minus a new phone. With the fact that you need more than likely need a new phone when you trade in the device you still owe 12*27=324 this gets wiped out so you "sell" the phone back for this price. The best way to look at this plan I think is that you pay 88 dollars more if you decide not to upgrade or spend 144 a year for a new phone.
  4. But I think sprint's competitive research is pretty bad though. The say that AT&T next includes an activation fee and it does not.
  5. It is better than vzw and AT&T, which is the same minus the 15 discount. Tmobile is 10 a month but it includes insurance, however on iPhones you have to put a down payment 150 for the 5s I think.
  6. I would do this in a heartbeat except I am not moving to the new plans so hopefully upgrade now doesn't go away.
  7. Well you have a bit more information than me to be sure. But based on how long markets that are near complete have taken to get there and where some markets that have just started are I would be willing to place a bet that the dead line gets pushed back at least another quarter, especially if 800 is part of nv 1.0. Maybe things will speed up but AL has a habit of leaving 3G upgraded towers with out lte for a rather long time. And winter is coming, in certain areas of the country that will slow things down a bit.
  8. Maybe, but the pace would have to pick up quite a bit. Honestly, I don't know that the backhual problems are the main driver of the slow roll out. there should be enough competition to make the backhaul providers not want to do a poor job for there customers. In any case I talked with a cox employee that ran the planning on the cox side and he left me with the impression that sprint and AL have made a mess of the planning and execution of NV in Phoenix, but I am sure he didn't want to make it seem as if cox is the problem.
  9. Depressing but true. Sprint's entire roll out probably won't hit the first quarter target and I would be surprised if they are finished with nv 1.0 by the end of the year. Samsung might be but the other two, I doubt it.
  10. Nv sites completed in the interactive maps forum
  11. I am not to concern about the lack of 2.6 and well probably upgrade my 5 to a 5s. With the speed sprint is rolling out nv 1.0 I wouldn't be surprised is they are still working on it until the end of 2014, so I can imagine a nation wide roll out being complete until the end of 2014 at the earliest. So I'll either sell the 5s and buy the 6 or take advantage of sprint's not well publicized early upgrade program. I am a little miffed that I will have to get a new phone in a year but if I am being honest with myself I was going to do that anyway. But apple has a long term problem in their phones lagging the competition, the superior design will only get them so far. And if sells ever slip they'll lose out on carriers being willing to subsidizes the iPhone more than other smart phones.
  12. Napa is not complete. If you donate to the site you can gain access to maps that show the completed sites near you. I think it is well worth it.
  13. Both contribute. If att or vzw needed a special band LG would make it happen to have access to their customer base.
  14. It is not likely sprint's choice. Sprint would be happy releasing a full set of triband phones tomorrow, but the manufactures have there own time tables and sprint isn't there largest customer. Added to this is the fact that sprint 800 built into the phone which no one esle is using and yeah they are going to get phones later than other carriers. Hopefully when SoftBank and sprint start doing joint orders this will end.
  15. They don't guarantee indoor voice coverage either. Yet the consumer expects it now a days. That was my point (I was also needling a bit true enough). So saying to someone that expects to use lte in their home and can't they should be using wifi is the same as telling a customer who expects to use voice (most customers ) and can't you should use a home phone. Customer are going to use their products the way it makes since for them and companies have to adjusts. If customer want to not use the wifi and use their lte and sprint can delivery they will some one else who can. That is the market, the consumer is king.
  16. Cell phones are for inside your house. Home phones are for your inside your house. usages patterns change, go with the flow.
  17. So I am pretty excite to be making this post on something I had begun to believe might not happen. Lte some ware close to me! Ray and Dobson lte is still up and running
  18. In business hard feelings take second place to good profit maximizing decisions for the firm. It is illegal for it not to.
  19. I haven't paid much attention to this program and how it works. So lets say I have had my phone for 12 months and want to get a new one. I pay 200 plus the price of the phone minus the trade in value of my current phone? Is that how it works?
  20. It is an interpretation not a fact. The fact would be what sprint call the fee, saying it was a mistake is an interpretation. It was called a 4g fee initially because it only applied to WiMAX devices. It was later (fairly soon) rebranded a premium data fee because the extended it to all new smart phones. Except for a couple people on this forum I don't know anyone who cares. In fact in my life out side the Internet I don't know anyone who noticed! So as far as it being a mistake, well that is your interpretation and one I don't share.
  21. It was at first instituted as a 4g fee and only applied to WiMAX devices for about a month, but sprint quickly rebranded it as a premium data fee and extended it to all smartphones. It is a price hike nothing more. It is the new price sprint wanted to charge for smart phone data. If you disagree with it or think sprint was no longer a value because of it you have choices (the great thing about capitalism). If you are still with sprint you must see value in them so I don't get complaining about it. If you are not with them then you found value in someone else and I don't see how complaining about the 10 data fee is constructive. Let it go and enjoy your wireless life.
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