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Everything posted by legion125

  1. If it's an April Fools joke, it's a day late. This is just one guy's opinion and trying to stir up debate. Although I do agree that Google needs to take tighter control of Android, but that's my opinion as well, and I'm sure Google isn't listening to either of us.
  2. Besides the radio and WiMax there shouldn't be too much to test. Google has already signed off on the CDMA stuff. What adds is the installed bloatware, so without that, it should shave some time off.
  3. I agree, Good indicator that it's at least ready to debut and Sam's Club will get it later in the week.
  4. I'm going to give it a couple a days to see if any bugs pop up. If Sprint begins the OTA then I'll just hop on board with that.
  5. Although the OEM's have all said they will be reducing model lines, we have yet to see it come to fruition and HTC has always done things differently. The changes to the EVO One especially the kickstand may be just changing the battery case which would be a negligible difference in manufacturing and it may be just for this particular phone. I don't know if adding a SD card slot would be a bid factor, HTC has to make a space for a SIM card for the GSM carriers, that space could by use for the memory card. HTC has always had the rep of making a phone to the carriers needs, while Moto and Samsung will probably hold the line. We'll have to see how much their promise to limit their model lines will reign them in.
  6. If they do upgrade the specs, it will just make my decision harder. I'm on the fence to getting the GNex or waiting a while longer for the GSlll, although the EVO One is making me curious as well.
  7. Good points, Granted there are still some technological hurdles to be addressed, one thing that I caught was that the FCC is finally looking at making rules so the carries will need to put LTE roaming agreements in place for the future. Of course. AT&T and Verizon are against this. The framework at least is being put in place.
  8. I don't disagree about Sprints financial situation, My concern is how it applies it's limited resources to attract and/or maintain customers. I'll use some lose figures as an example. It may take Sprint $500 to attract a new customer via promo's, advertising, education, time spent w/reps, etc while to keep a current customer it may only need to spend $25-100 by throwing a renewal incentive such as eliminating or reducing activation fee's or as I mentioned before and cheap GC or something else. Sprint doesn't have to give the farm away as in the past, but a little something goes a long way with most consumers. Some have even commented on this site about how cheap Sprint could keep them. Most of us on this site don't cost Sprint money to renew, we do our research and usually find the best deals without using Sprint resources as a new customer would. This is what concerns me about Sprint's "take it of leave it" attitude.
  9. Good idea. Even a $5 GC would be a bone. Keeping customers is so much easier & cheaper than trying to get new ones. I marvel at how Sprint is wiling to let long and good standing customers walk away. I wonder if Sprint is drawing so many people and raking in the cash with the iPhone that it feels these are acceptable losses.
  10. I'm sure there is now peace in the Pyro houshold!
  11. A bit off topic, but an article was out this week that a quad core (Exynos ?) was ready for LTE. Now they need to find a phone to put it in. So a fall release isn't to far fetched.
  12. Anywhere b/twn this summer to fall. Most likely fall.
  13. Sprint doesn't seem to concerned about PTT of moving them to SDC. I've been snooping trying to find any significant marketing for transition but Sprint must be handling it on an account by account basis. There news releases seem to indicate that's the path their taken.
  14. The drought is finally coming to an end. it was pretty bleak since the last decent 4G phone debuted in November.
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