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Everything posted by legion125

  1. By the looks of this, you may be able to use Sprint Direct Connect on any Android phone and get PTT features. Quote: "Sprint is finally about to release a software-only push-to-talk solution for its Android customers. This year Sprint plans to launch Direct Connect Now as a downloadable Android app, giving users access to Sprint's CDMA-based Direct Connect network while offering interoperability with the aging iDEN-based push-to-talk network..." http://www.theverge.com/2012/3/20/2886788/sprint-android-direct-connect-now-push-to-talk
  2. The geeks at MS and Purdue found that advertisments pushed to your phone can cause up to 70% of you battery usage. I wonder since this is Googles claim to profits, will they dump a bag of money in long lasting battery research? If you root, make sure you use ad-blocker. Quote: "A team of researchers from Purdue University and Microsoft has discovered that up to 75 percent of app-related battery drain in Android can be caused by ad-serving processes." "In testing Angry Birds, Pathak recorded energy usage for one level of gameplay, and found that less than 30 percent of the app's battery drain was caused by the game itself. The other 70 percent was consumed by the uploading of user information metrics, location, and downloading and displaying of adverts." http://www.theverge.com/2012/3/19/2884902/android-apps-battery-efficiency-study
  3. Along with Unl. Data, this could be an additional differentiator to keep Sprint apart from the pack if every phone or a select class had this capability. Unfourtunately, I think Sprint will let this wither and die. I don't see them doing anything in this segment to make it flourish.
  4. Also on: Android Atlas CNET Engadget & Phone Arena The Engadget article was weak, but oh well, the site is on the map now.
  5. For me it would depend how intrusive this new version of Sense is. HTC admitted that the UI was getting to be overwhelming and decided to scale it back close to the version that was on the Hero. If so, that would be acceptable to me since with the new specs on the "Jet", there would be little if any performance issues.
  6. A Samsung exec said that The Quad-core will be in the GSlll and it's LTE ready. Quote: "An unnamed Samsung exec hinted to the Korea Times that its upcoming flagship, the Galaxy S III, will include a next-gen quad-core Exynos chip that will incorporate LTE and WCDMA radios." " The executive said the development of the all-in-one chip is complete and its simply a matter of sticking them inside smartphones." http://www.engadget.com/2012/03/19/unnamed-samsung-exec-says-quad-core-exynos-inside-galaxy-s-iii/#comments
  7. Just to keep fanning the rumors & conversation, here's a new leak. This photo looks like it could be the real deal also may be an option for the phone to boot up with Touchwiz or vanilla android. http://www.androidcentral.com/?utm_source=topbar&utm_medium=topbar&utm_term=sitename
  8. Since Sprint tiered the plans to allow the uprated devices, I think they will be around for a while. If your in the right circumstance there's no reason to get rid of it. I'm like you, if I could I would get one and happily pay $50/month.
  9. It may very well be announced in May, but if not I think Samsung may wait until the June/July timeframe. Just trying to connect the dots. I checked and the Olympics don't even start until the end of July and with Samsung promising a big promotion during the games, that may lead it into a fall debut.
  10. Agreed. For the GSll to get the ICS update before the Nexus line is a colossal screw-up in my book.
  11. This editorial discusses the hiccups or screwups (depending on your viewpoint) on how Google is handling updates for the Nexus line. Although Google has already announced the update for the NS4G, will this type of delay continue once the GNex is introduced and the next version of Android is announced? Tells us what you think? http://www.phonedog.com/2012/03/16/why-should-anyone-buy-a-nexus-again/
  12. It's on Phonearena now. Big time! http://www.phonearena.com/news/Sprint-to-launch-Samsung-GALAXY-Nexus-on-April-15th_id28178
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