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Everything posted by legion125

  1. That and the GSll plus. Hope fully he's going to talk about the $2Billion he's going back to the well for.
  2. Great, I get the slowest vendor who picked two of the most difficult cities to convert. I'm moving.
  3. Sorry, didn't see your post till after I did mine.
  4. Discussions are ongoing with LG and Google to contract for device in the future. The article states it takes a year of planning to get the device into production, so I don't think it will be doing it this year. What do you people think? Although I thought LG phones had potential, they always seem to be lacking something. Do you think a Nexus phone will be LG's breaking out party? http://www.phonearena.com/news/LG-heavily-in-discussions-with-Google-over-next-Nexus-flagship_id27343 LG "heavily in discussions" with Google over next Nexus flagship Google’s Nexus lineup stands out in the Android world - it’s the first to get Google’s new versions of Android, the first to get updated and often the last to go out of support. So far, Google has picked HTC for its first Nexus One, and later it worked with Samsung on the Nexus S and the Galaxy Nexus. Now, LG wants to have the privilege to make Google’s 2012 Nexus. Ramchan Woo, head of LG’s smartphone division told CNET: "We're heavily in discussions." Now, Woo does clarify that there are no firm commitments just yet. The actual process of making a Nexus device is a long one, and that’s why we’re hearing about this now, despite expectations for the next Nexus to get released in late 2012. The company Google picks is said to work jointly with the search giant. Engineers travel to be in the same place physically and then work for up to a year on the new device. Now, this would be a clear statement by Google that it doesn’t favor Motorola, which it’s about to acquire. But how would you like the thought of the next Nexus being made by LG?
  5. Looks like a good start. Huawei wants to get a bigger presence especially in the U.S. Putting out a solid phone will put them on the right path. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-02-26/huawei-s-yu-pedicts-to-ship-60-million-smartphones-worldwide-this-year.html
  6. A sign he might be hanging around a little longer. After this past Friday, I was beggining to wonder if the S.S. Hesse was about to sail to far off lands after the board pulled the rug out from under him.
  7. Agree, I liked the reception a lot better on my EVO than on my NS4G. It always seems like its looking for a signal in weak area which kills my battery. The curse of CDMA.
  8. You'll probably see a band type like on the iPhone, or something really flush. I like that mock up. If you have happy fingers, you'll have to learn a whole new way to hold a phone w/o a bezel to protect you.
  9. Here's some more news. Board said "it just didn't feel right". I don't know, some analyst are saying that Leap my be a target for Sprint and Metro PCS may end up being a T-Mobile acquisition. Either way, Hesse is going to be feeling the pressure if not already. http://www.phonearena.com/news/Sprints-Board-said-MetroPCS-merger-didnt-feel-right_id27298
  10. pyroscott and I have already started to discuss this. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/266-non-removable-batteries-and-bootloops/page__p__2875&do=findComment&comment=2875
  11. Remember this is a rumor: 4.8" screen, ceramic backside and simultaneous release to 50 markets world wide. Does anyone think phones are getting too big? The big release tells me that the U.S. carriers won't see individual versions any longer. This coincides with Samsung saying it will limit the number of different devices in the future. What do you all think? http://www.phonedog....ramic-backside/
  12. Years from now, the Hero will be looked upon fondly as a classic. For the first Android phone with Sprint, it was better than a lot of the WM6 and BB devices floating around. Yes it wore out its welcome fairly quickly, but as pyroscott mentioned, it ran fairly well with CM7 although I never had the memory issues he had. Years from now when your great grand kids visit you at the nursing home and their showing you their latest communication device running Android 75, you can say with pride that you witnessed the dawn of Android history when you had the Hero running Android 1.5.
  13. Since MWC starts tomorrow (tonight for the rest of us) and it will be a GSM fest, we should get some info from the OEM's about which phones are coming out and where there going.
  14. That's one or the issues that hasn't been addressed well with these now phones with integrated batteries. The OEMs can do a lot with the design and redesigning components for a slick design, but they haven't thought out issues for the end user. I see a lot of hard resets with these phones when a simple battery pull would have done the trick.
  15. I've tried it and it works as advertised. Make sure you get it done by 3/1 or your history will be spread all over the Google empire.
  16. Agree. This article speculates that the timing was wrong and the Board and Hesse are still on the same page. Hesse's position seems to be safe for now. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/report-sprint-board-nixes-metropcs-acquisition-last-minute/2012-02-24
  17. I use Lookout on my phone and it supposedly scans for this stuff. Been lucky so far.
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