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Everything posted by legion125

  1. I've been holding out for the GNex, but if some of the spec rumors about the GSlll are true and it gets announced in May & released before the Olympics I may need to reevaluate.
  2. If the May 22 date is for real, that will change all the surmised release dates. We could get this beast by summer!
  3. Trench coat guy was the best. His ads made everyone aware of Sprint. Bring him back.
  4. It's on the SU site. (I put it there)
  5. Good to know, thanks for the clarification.
  6. LS2 is bleeding $ with only enough funding for a few more quarters. Clearwire is on life support from Sprint who is leveraged up the ying/yang in dept to fund NV and pay for the iPhone. I don't think a partnetship is going to happen. Unless LS2 can do a spectrum swap soon they can then rekindle their agreement with Sprint and may have a chance. if not, LS2 will soon become a footnote in a business textbook.
  7. At least their not going away quietly. http://www.theverge.com/2012/3/16/2879059/lightsquared-wont-say-die-on-lte-demands-reversal-or-spectrum-from
  8. Aren't some dual-cores using the new 28 pin and isn't the tegra 3 on the old standard? if so, I think the 28 pin would be more energy efficient at least from what I read. Have to be careful, don't want 4ringsnbr upset at my lack of knowledge again.
  9. Here's some info, the tablet may be debut at CTIA in May. That's just about 8 weeks from now. http://www.phonedog.com/2012/03/16/nexus-tablet-from-google-and-asus-reportedly-a-done-deal/
  10. Agreed, I'd buy a phone from her. I've had a few marketing classes in my day and I know enough about market segments and targeting as well as focus groups to see how the approaches work. And although I see how this new group is trying to draw the interest from the consumer and get the brand focus toward the end, its not working for me. Not enough to grab me and hold my attention so far. Maybe its just me, but I'll give them some more chances. Although the commercials from the old group were light on info and went for humor or being whimsical toward the end, you at least knew it was a Sprint commercial fairly early on.
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