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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. Grumpy cat videos take it out of you. Give him a few recovery days. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  2. Not really but its a big market and it could be they haven't got here yet but my guess is permits are a real pain. People threw a fit about that 450' tower for the county recently. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  3. I got the Note 2 the first day I could put hands on one here in St Louis so I will likely have to skip the 3 even it is triband. Then again the Note 4 likely won't be out by June 2014 so maybe I will get one. I may go back to a screen 1/2 inch smaller to make hitting that upper left corner easier.
  4. First) wow... just wow.... Grumpy cat videos, there is nothing Robert won't endure for Sprint info. Second) 20 +20 with carrier aggregation maycome later with LTE advanced. "quasi asymmetric carrier may be the way to go" - AJ (actually he was talking about PCS H at the time I just love the phrase, fun at parties) Third) Just an opinion but I don't see them letting EBS go without getting some spectrum for it and I don't think anyone would offer spectrum for it right now.
  5. I am not so sure it will be Tri-Band. I am hopeful but it still could be one of that last not to have it. Has anyone seen any FCC info yet to prove it one way or the other?
  6. Were you looking at exactly? That blip at the airport?
  7. Nice. AT&T &Verizon top out at what? about 35-40? My home cable to the PC is only 40 mbps right now. Will Sprint be able to claim the fastest speed when the network is rolled out? I would like to wipe the smirk off AT&T's face.
  8. I guess the bed doesn't have red silk sheets and rotates either then.
  9. What I meant to say is something along the lines I bet work started on Bucheit before 94/Motherhead because it fired up first. I noticed 94/Motherhead slightly before you got the Bucheit pictures I think. I started calling 94/Motherhead Cottleville 2 because it wasn't the first on the air with LTE. Hell I might end up calling it Cottleville 3 if they don't get the damn thing on the air before they build a new one. I know I know its not really taking forever but it feels like forever.
  10. Maybe it was just "honey wanna sneak off to a hotel away from the kids for a day?'
  11. Look at this post, it may help:http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4083-sprint-td-lte-25002600mhz-discussion/?p=180533
  12. Its the 2nd one we noticed. I bet it had equipment first and no one noticed. I started calling one off 94 as Cottleville 2 because it wasn't the first live one.
  13. I have not seen any 800 show up in the Missouri market yet. I don't know if the tower could have the transmitter on and just not accepting 800 connects or not.
  14. Is there a good way to see what band your connected to on the MiFi 500? Someone in the Missouri thread was asking how to check.
  15. Well it was off 20 minutes ago (8:45). Looking forward to the screenshot. You get a engineering screenshot ? Where where you exactly? Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  16. There were some pictures posted of some Samsung panels here in Missouri. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/975-network-visionlte-missouri-market-includes-st-louis/page-177&do=findComment&comment=178419 We are Ericson for NV1.0 stuff. I don't think you can really say someplace is Ericson for 2500 deployment its not under the original game plan. Edit: Better pictures of 2500 LTE depolyment here: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4344-how-to-spot-sprint-td-lte-antennas-rrus-samsung/&do=findComment&comment=178436 All of the pictures were from a Missouri site that the nv1.0 deployment would have been Ericson and he did talk to the installer and the 2500 is for Clearwire LTE.
  17. Son of a .... It wasnt at 3:30 and no one was there. Thanks for the news.
  18. Robert had a netgear one. It was in settings on it I think. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  19. There is s menu I think you can browse to I think. Check out how Robert did it on the td-lte 2500 thread. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  20. Was told 2nd time for the 1st National Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  21. What the fedex guy said. Have not heard it on news yet. Helicopter over that way. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  22. No the 1st National off 94 between mid rivers and 64 Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  23. or could be the guy who robbed the bank just up the road a bit ago. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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