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Posts posted by newboyx

  1. right now i dont like the s3 myself, i dont know why the samsung keyboard does not auto correct arrrggg.

    One of my favorite things about Android. Go in the Play Store and get another keyboard. Freedom is a wonderful thing.


    Sent via 7 inches of Galaxy Tab goodness.

    • Like 1
  2. Anyone in the Indy market have a Nexus 5? If so, LTE issues?


    Yep, picked one up Friday afternoon at the corporate store on the south side. I'm not experiencing any of the CSFB/eCSFB problems described in the article on the wall. The LTE radio is a beast that averages 10-15 db better than my EVO LTE.

    According to the article most of Indianapolis should be fine.


    Sent via 7 inches of Galaxy Tab goodness.

  3. can someone confirm if the visual voicemail app that is found stock, or was found stock on so many past sprint devices, is on the N5? Way back, before i had VVM, I claimed i would never want it and then i got a Samsung Epic and then a Moto Photon Q and now I dont think i could accept a phone without it. Having all messages laid out is great. i dont really want to use GV or some other third party app as VVM always seemed very well integrated. Maybe being a multi carrier device it didnt make it on?

    The "stock" Sprint VVM app is NOT included on the Nexus.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  4. my gnes now has 4.3. I am disappointed in google though. They announce that 4.4 can run on devices with 512 megs of ram..yet they hang onto their 18 month window so the gnex isn't going to get it(along with a ton of other phones that could uget it).

    The GNex not getting 4.4 has nothing to do work the RAM. It has more to do with the fact that TI dropped out of the mobile chip business. I don't think Google wants to get in the business of driver support for an end of the line chipset. Wasting resources on a train wreck of a phone is probably not top of their priority list.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  5. Just tried my local Best Buy and they refused to price match Google Play for the Nexus 5. What a silly company decision. I guess I'll have to buy mine thru the Play Store after all.

    I would have bought it online right in front of the associate.

    It is commonly assumed (with some evidence) that Google is selling these at break even or a little loss. Why would Best Buy, or any other retailer, sell you a phone and lose money on the transaction. Best Buy makes their money by getting contracts signed for the carrier. They have zero reason to lose money just to make you happy.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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  6. At this point it doesn't matter as much to me anymore, it's about software optimizations. The gs4 and the one has the same processor with the gs4 clocked at a higher speed and the one kills it when it comes to responsiveness. I definitely won't complain if the next version of the One has an s800.

    The Moto X is a great example of this.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  7. How much are the maps worth to you? This site is all volunteer. Donate whatever you think it is worth. You can get access to the basic maps for any donation, but the real fun begins at the Premier level. $100 is a small price to pay for an insane amount of information.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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  8. I looked through the thread and I don't think anyone has asked this but I have been using Google Play gift cards to pay for apps and such. Can you also use the gift cards on hardware such as the Nexus 5? I have almost $50 in my play store account and want to make sure I can use that if I decide to purchase the phone.



    Gift cards can not be used on hardware.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  9. I want to caution people against bugging customer care too much or going apeshit over the SIM concern. Let it all play out. The Nexus 5 may be shipped with a SIM that you can use. Regardless, you will be able to activate the handset on Sprint, but you may need to exercise some patience.


    This is the first cash and carry, unlocked Sprint handset in many years. Do not raise a ruckus and make Sprint question the decision to run with Google on this one. Like VZW, Sprint can just as easily decide to sit this one out next time. Then, we are back to the safe, easy to manage "walled garden" of devices.



    This should be reposted every 20 or 30 posts.

    Sprint is doing something new and outside their comfort zone. We should be patient and understand that there may be some hiccups in the process.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



    • Like 4
  10. Just very curious, with no micro SD card option, why is everyone buying up the 16gb version (not just this website, the playstore sold out of the 16gb version while the 32gb version was still available) and not the 32gb version? If you are paying $350 for the 16gb version, what is an extra $49 for the extra memory and the 32gb version? Just curious.

    All of my music is in the cloud, and I don't need to keep the same pictures on my phone for 2 years. I perform regular backups of old data and only keep necessary important things on my phone. I don't even keep an

    sd card in my GS3.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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  11. By the way when anyone upgrades their phone from now on you have to switch to the new plans. That started recently for any phones.

    Maybe that's why the people have had more than 5 lines? We have 4 on my account and it says I have to go with the $50 plan. Not to mention that's too expensive for the 16gb version in my book. I work at Best Buy and it has made some people change plans, not sure why.

    Has Beast updated to version 1.24 yet? Over the last 2 days I have been able to process upgrades and keep the old plans. Also if you are forced to switch you can call NSS and have it switched back to the old plan.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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  12. On another note. Has anyone else noticed the grid layout of pressure points on the screen? Can't recall seeing this on any of the Sammy phones


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    It's a LG thing. The Optimus G from last year had them also.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  13. Can someone play some music or other media on their g2. I noticed only the right side speaker is working. I've tried this playing gta3, play music, ringtones.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    Because there is only one speaker. The other is the mic disguised as a speaker.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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