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Everything posted by RAvirani

  1. I have not seen anything yet, but I’m in a Samsung market. Maybe users on other Nokia/Ericsson markets can chime in?
  2. I’ll take a look when I head over to my local Walgreens today! If only they could ink a deal with Target...
  3. The network needs a few weeks to optimize the macro-to-small-cell handoff. When small cells first come up, they are usually quite difficult to connect to, but the problem shouldn’t persist for very long.
  4. 15x15 contiguous is not th same as 10x10+5x5. There is apparently a holdup with the Samsung equipment as well. They are running into errors in testing which they still have not resolved.
  5. That’s because equipment isn’t yet certified for 15x15 operations. As soon a second it is, I’m sure Sprint will switch over to 15x15. I agree that what you’re saying would make sense in cases where Sprint has greater than 20 MHz FDD of contiguous spectrum. But I think those will be few and far between.
  6. Sprint should not and will not split contiguous spectrum into multiple carriers. Performance is much worse—dozens of studies have been done regarding this.
  7. You were roaming on AT&T LTE—no other provider really uses B30. The bars all being empty means that you weren’t connected to a network for voice (CDMA). For some reason it looks like you weren’t able to pick up either USCC or a regional carrier...
  8. I think they might try to get 20x20 of contiguous PCS (possibly at the cost of some AWS spectrum) everywhere because that can be immediately deployed on all modern (600/700/1900/2100) and legacy (1900 only) T-Mobile sites as well as all Sprint sites.
  9. I began to notice this yesterday. Hopefully they’ll finish whatever they’re doing quickly—this lack or reliability is a bit disappointing.
  10. The new Sprint site on Microsoft building 43 is finally live with L1900. I have not been able to connect to L800 or L2500 yet, though, and CDMA does not appear to be live either…
  11. Oh sorry—I was looking at the rack above the Sprint rack. That appears to be a standard Sprint Ericsson setup.
  12. Yeah—that’s pretty exciting! No movement yet in Samsung and Alcatel Lucent markets yet, though, right?
  13. Do you have 256QAM live for downlink? If you have a phone with NSG, you can check MIMO information there... Is it live in the city as well?
  14. Nice find! What market is this in? On a related note, does anyone know if the iPhone 8/8+/X support UL CA?
  15. Do you know who the manufacturer(s) is or how well they perform?
  16. Yes, their PCS spectrum is leased to GCI. Are we seeing any movement in the SMR band in Alaska?
  17. Are they adding PCS-capable equipment to these sites for CDMA? If so, why not fire up L1900 as well?
  18. Hopefully that will be soon. I am very unimpressed by the 16-port antennas’ range and propagation.
  19. Why do they not run 3x3 L800 throughout border region 2? It seems bizzare to me that they change from 3x3 L800 to 1x800 at Rochester...
  20. That’s a bummer. Qualcomm chips are of noticeably higher quality than Intel chips. Apple just keeps falling farther and farther behind in the RF department...
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