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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. Right, you're paying Sprint every month for cellular service. It's great that VZW goes above and beyond in the device replacement aspect. For their rates, they probably should...
  2. Interesting that as I was bored watching the Bears currently shutting out the hapless lions, I just so happened to be skimming this: http://www.800ta.org...PR_06.30.12.pdf If I'm reading page 30 of this document correctly (always a big "if"), are not the licensees of SMR spectrum being relocated in Puerto Rico to clear contiguous spectrum ~817-824MHz for Sprint just as they are in the mainland?
  3. I don't recall seeing the acronym in this thread, but PAM usually refers to Phone As Modem.
  4. I can see where you're coming from. I wouldn't mind seeing them add cell sites along the I-80 in northern Nevada to connect Reno and Salt Lake city. Well this should always be improving, but they are at or near the top in most surveys these days. The cell phone industry as a whole just doesn't fare well in customer service metrics. Agreed and agreed. Mmkay.... Doubt that there will be any (successful) lawsuits. The phone has a warranty from the manufacturer. If there is an issue with it you should be able to send it back to them for free service, though that can obviously be inconvenient. If one wants the convenience of on the spot repairs, it doesn't seem unreasonable to have them pay for the equipment service and repair program included in TEP or pay $35 for a repair. At the end of the day Sprint is running a business and trying to turn a profit; the repair techs salaries has to come from somewhere.
  5. Some strong words from t-mo USA's CEO John Legere... Talking about MetroPCS merger: Talking about overtaking Sprint for third place in the U.S by subscribers: http://www.telekom.com/media/157402 Just a thought, but maybe they should stop losing postpaid customers before their CEO starts talking about passing up a carrier that they're currently trailing by over 20 million subscribers... Edit: It's interesting that t-mobile USA really seems to have a hard-on for Sprint (and it seems to pervade down to their customers) whereas Sprint always seems to view t-mobile as a possible merger partner down the road and doesn't exude all of that hostility towards them (at least publicly). it's also telling that Son comes onto the scene and he doesn't really even bother to mention t-mo His focus is on at&t and VZW.
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