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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. Nope, they're collectively like the Teflon Man. While still deriding Sprint's 600 kbps gaffe and almost immediate retraction, the Magentans conveniently forget this little fiasco: http://consumerist.com/2014/04/04/t-mobile-takes-employee-discounts-away-gives-them-back-after-outcry/ It was quite amusing seeing Legere tap dancing on Twitter trying to convince people that an increase in their monthly bill was somehow in their best interest. Of course, after only a few days the Cult of Legere was back in full worship mode.
  2. This is just so disingenuous. If Joan does read this forum perhaps she can remind us all as to exactly how AT&T and Verizon came to own the majority of 850 MHz spectrum in this country. At least, though, she has the stones to attach her name unlike whatever corporate bot penned the Verion piece.
  3. Typical Legere childishness. How he kicked Marcelo's ass on Twitter, that Marcelo flew to Japan to get yelled at, nobody cares about David Beckham, Marcelo had such a bad week that he must have gotten drunk when he decided to tweet, if Marcelo speaks out against the uncarrier again that he'll smack him down, John is launching something super duper awesome next week, yadda yadda yadda. Usual grade school level crap that the lemmings tend to eat up. As I've said before, if nothing else he's definitely adept at cultivating sycophants. Btw is "You mad bro?" still considered clever? Maybe two years ago I'd tend to think...
  4. The Sprint iPhone 6 and 6 Plus do. http://www.apple.com/iphone/LTE/
  5. I believe that the Puerto Rico & US Virgin Island market is handled by Samsung. As such this thread should show you what to look for: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/5745-how-to-spot-sprint-8t8r-tdd-lte-rrhs-samsung/
  6. Good points, Joshua and I'd tend to agree. I've long thought that Sprint should nix that activation fee. Well before the flamingo took over at TMUS and well before S4GRU came online. I don't recall ever paying it because I'd raise a stink about it and for the past few years I haven't bothered to get my phones from Sprint. To this day I have no idea what the point of the activation fee is or what it goes toward. If video speed has to be throttled on the new plans, then it indeed should be higher perhaps 2 Mbps. The 12 month lease should definitely come back, the 30 month lease should stay gone as it never should have been invented. The 12 month lease allows somebody to get the newest iPhone, Galaxy S, Note or whatever their preference every year. That seems like a no-brainer. And yes, toss in some tethering to keep the masses happy and take away one of the flamingo's talking points. At least 1 GB as mentioned and maybe more.
  7. Seems like they should have vetted this with a focus group of millenials before releasing it out into the wild.
  8. Very complementary. Both existed here in Las Vegas, but that was definitely the exception, not the rule. Ideally they would've merged back somewhere between 2008-2010. Then Sprint could've moved to acquire the combined company a bit later. Alas, tis water under the bridge at this point.
  9. Yeah, they did and that's why BGR sucks. One thing that PC Mag wrote that I take issue with and your quote reminded me was this: Unless I'm mistaken, they (PC Mag) didn't test overall quality, they only tested speed. Or at least that's the impression that I got from their title, Fastest Mobile Networks 2015. Speed is obviously very important in this day and age, however it is not the only measure in determining overall network quality. That's an error on Mr. Segan's part imo.
  10. Of course, the second sentence of the 'article' reads: So which is it? The difference nationwide between first place Verizon and Sprint is 6.4 Mbps. Definitely not insignificant, but as mentioned 12.7 Mbps is adequate for just about any mobile task. The difference between Sprint and AT&T and T-Mobile is 2.3 Mbps and 2.6 Mbps respectively. Is that really such a big deal? Typical BGR click-bait. Still, last place isn't the place to be, but the game plan is easy enough; continue Band 25 and Band 26 rollouts and get Band 41 deployed as much and as quickly as possible and get 2x and 3x CA enabled.
  11. Re-banding issues with San Bernardino County. Hopefully that'll be wrapped up in August and Band 26 deployment will commence quickly after that.
  12. For those with a need to make calls to Cuba: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/sprint-first-national-carrier-offer-140000228.html
  13. How odd that you didn't have at least voice and text service roaming on ACS in Alaska.
  14. True, though their median download speed of 10.79 Mbps isn't far off #1 AT&T's 12.28 Mbps median download speed.
  15. Tim Farrar's take: http://tmfassociates.com/blog/2015/06/03/can-you-hear-me-now/
  16. Nice speeds for EVDo though the ping could be be better.
  17. I'm sorry to hear that. I was unaware. As far as the 800 SMR spectrum, Sprint has deployed so much infrastructure on it already that it would be hard just to give or trade it away. Plus, there is 1x 800 to contend with. Sprint isn't close to pulling the plug on CDMA voice, while the 600 MHz spectrum which probably won't be available until 2019 if ever will exclusively be LTE/VoLTE. Sprint can't rid itself of the 800 MHz spectrum without losing a lot of in-building voice coverage in the process. There are also still re-banding efforts going on which Sprint is on the hook for. For better or worse, the SMR spectrum is really too intertwined with Sprint to be separated anytime in the near future.
  18. Yep, I'm pretty sure that it's just an issue with the Aquos as I've mentioned before.
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