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Posts posted by TheForce627

  1. Over the years I've heard that CDMA phones use more battery than its gsm counterparts. (Someone correct me if this is false) since the n5 is only using LTE when available-except for voice of course-shouldn't we see better battery life? Anybody with a n5 have any comments on the battery life?

  2. Mostly though there are some Fiber / AAV sites here and there.


    Their microwave chains are extremely long (6+ hops average) and there's no way in hell they can get the max speeds for multiple 20mhz carriers from one fiber air link after 2-3 hops so they'd need to actually order physical backhaul.

    this is why I'm glad my closest site is a colocated site so it'll be easy for clear to hook to sprints scalable backhaul
  3. Oh for sure! I would have to. Sprint should use the similar review method like amazon's.



    I did not know that. I thought texts were along the same lines and Volte.

    i posted in here about a test i performed. ran a speedtest and sent a text to the n5 running the test and it came in and no drop in data and the lte symbol stayed. AJ chimed in and said his in his knowledge eCSFB texts could be sent though LTE.

    • Like 1
  4. We understand the sms part. Since the Nexus 5 has a single antenna, it is connected to LTE by default and when you get call/sms the device drops its data connection and goes to 1x. One the call/sms is complete it goes back to data. I believe either Robert or AJ mentioned earlier in this thread, all this happens nearly instantly. I would assume when going back to data it has to search and connect all over again.


    I know it is along these lives, if anyone knows otherwise please fill in the gaps I left out.

    texts actually go through lte now

  5. Correct.  That was my understanding, too.  The only ambiguity was whether the SMS notification or the actual SMS itself is tunneled through LTE.  But I think we have plenty of solid evidence for the latter.



    question....so if a phone is connected to LTE it isn't polling the tower like it would on 1x right?
  6. Posted this in the nexus 5 section but though it would be useful here



    Went to visit a sprint store again today. I was very curious about how texting would work with the eCSFB during a data session.  i ran a speedtest on the nexus 5 while i texted it from another phone and i was very impressed. the speedtest kept going like nothing happened and the text came IMMEDIATELY. The LTE symbol stayed the whole time. I'm hopeful this will fix sprints texting issue since many times texts come in late on devices i have used but come in immediately on the nexus 5

  7. Went to visit a sprint store again today. I was very curious about how texting would work with the eCSFB during a data session.  i ran a speedtest on the nexus 5 while i texted it from another phone and i was very impressed. the speedtest kept going like nothing happened and the text came IMMEDIATELY. The LTE symbol stayed the whole time. I'm hopeful this will fix sprints texting issue since many times texts come in late on devices i have used but come in immediately on the nexus 5

    • Like 2
  8. Confirmed it keeps dropping

    wow was it really giving those speeds at such a low signal!? and I see why it dropped, u were at -140dbm


    Edit: nvm I see the signal on the first pic

  9. So, one thing I would REALLY like to see is some TD-LTE speed tests. With the new Tri-band devices being launched, I want to see how amazing they will be on TD-LTE. :) If any of you guys know where you could get a TD-LTE connection, try and test it out! :D

    check the last few pages of the lg g2 user thread.
  10. I posted this on the wall comments but thought I'd ask here too. With this whole CSFB thing will this allow more reliability with calls and texts? What I mean is often I get texts late or calls won't even chine through although I'm next to a NV site. I'm wondering if this would help any.


    Also I know texts have to go through 1x so how long does your data session pause when receiving a text?

  11. Did you change the back ground colors at all. I have the bubbles home screen and a black back ground and I can see my apps from all angles. This was achieved only after lowering my screen brightness settings. The phone is not as saturated color wise like my SG3, black is not as rich, but over all I am pleased. When the brightness was higher I was not as pleased as I am now. Don't get me wrong it still is a little washed out but barely from side views with black. If anyone has this just lower the brightness settings, and use a black back grounf and try using the bluish black buubles screen and the phone looks extremely sweet from all veiwing angles.

    it looked nice with the purple mountain background but things like the play store just looked washed out compered to the g2 and of course my s4
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